Chapter 399: Even the punctuation marks are sincere

In just two days, the affairs of Hao Cai'er and Xu Xiangyang have been known to all and have been scolded.

Hao Cai'er's apartment was blocked by black fans. She raised a banner to ask her for an explanation. Hao Cai'er almost couldn't get out of the door, and even several family members were affected.

Things are getting harder to control.

Under the company's arrangement, Hao Caier held a press conference to apologize publicly in order to restore a peaceful life.

She appeared under the camera accompanied by her agent Hu Jie.

This is also the last work cooperation between her and her agent. After all, she and Huanya Entertainment have negotiated to terminate the contract.

Since the accident, Hu Jie had never given her a good face. At this time, she reluctantly sat with her, thinking of helping her last in the past.

The evidence was presented, and Hao Caier had to admit it.

She brought a pair of sunglasses, and the dark circles were obvious when she took them off. She was scolded by the entire network as a dog.

Hao Cai'er choked into the microphone and said, "Hello everyone, this is Hao Cai'er, this time...the whole people are scolding me, I can't even fall asleep. I know that all this is my fault, it's my fault... "

"Because of me, my family is living under the camera. I pray everyone, don't disturb my family. They are innocent. They are not obliged to bear my fault. It is me who should bear the fault."

As she said, she stood up and bowed towards the camera, "I was confused for a while. In order to win eyeballs in the entertainment industry, I joined Xu Xiangyang to frame Miss Xia Yishan."

"I didn't know Miss Xia Yishan before. I chose Xia Yishan because she accidentally got her picture. It happened that she worked with Xu Xiangyang again. Even if I lied, some people believed..."

"The matter is more serious than I thought. I am beginning to fear and regret..."

"I'm sorry everyone. The brokerage company terminated the contract with me. I am convinced that this is my fault."

"I once again apologize to Xia Yishan himself, to Xia Yishan's fans, to my agency and my fans, I hope you can forgive me."

"Mr. Xu Xiangyang and I will never have a relationship in the future."

"Also, I announced that I would quit the entertainment industry forever. I will leave the capital and start my life again in another place."

"In the future, there will be no more Hao Caier in the entertainment industry."

"Thank you, and sorry everyone!"

Hao Caier's words and sentences are very sincere, even the punctuation marks are sincere!

With a deep bow again, Hao Cai'er left the scene.


The media rushed up.

"Miss Hao Cai'er, what will you do in the face of huge compensation?"

"Ms. Hao Cai'er, as far as we know, Mr. Xu Xiangyang did not respond positively. Are you still in touch with him? Are you talking about unilaterally breaking up with Mr. Xu Xiangyang?"

"You almost killed Miss Xia Yishan. Have you ever felt guilty in your heart? Have you ever thought about Xia Yishan when you were hacked by the whole network?"

"Hao Cai'er accept the interview!"

"Say a few words!"


Hao Cai'er left under the protection of bodyguards, only she knew what she was frightened.

After the accident, she and Xu Xiangyang were arrested. Xu Xiangyang was beaten with a bruised nose and was directly hidden by the snow. Hao Caier was asked to publicly admit her mistakes and quit the entertainment circle forever.

Compared with Xu Xiangyang, she was so much better, she accepted it with pleasure, after all, life-saving matters!

She seems to offend a big man who can't offend.


The big people who can't offend are still sleeping, and they're not afraid of falling out of bed when they turn around in large fonts.

Xia Yishan turned over again, and ran into Su Jingting. She thought it was something, so she kicked it directly.

Successfully kicked Su Jingting out of bed in his sleep.

Su Jingting woke up with a sigh, already under the bed, this girl!

He climbed up to see that he was still asleep.

Su Jingting went directly to the bathroom and took a shower. Xia Yishan was still asleep when she returned.

He went to make breakfast again and found Xia Yishan was still asleep

Su Jingting realized that something was wrong, Xia Yishan's face was still very red, he reached out his hand and touched it, and his whole body was hot.

"Wake up..." Su Jingting called Xia Yishan, but couldn't get her response.

His thoughts flew into memory all at once,

That year, when he arrived, Xia Yishan was motionless and could not wake up again.

A powerful fear struck, and Su Jingting became afraid.

In his life, there were few times to be afraid.

Su Jingting took a coat of his own from the closet and wrapped it around Xia Yishan, picked her up and ran out, and even when he came down the stairs, he staggered and almost fell.

Put Xia Yishan in the sports car and fasten the seat belt.

Su Jingting went out as soon as he stepped on the gas pedal, and he dialed Su Yujie's number.


"Immediately arrange for the nearest hospital to Yujingyuan, with medical staff on standby, fast!"

Su Yujie, "..."

Oh my god!

This was something important. He didn't care about the situation. He directly found the hospital closest to Yujingyuan and called the president of the top leader. The whole hospital was a sensation.

Vice President Su of Group F called in person and asked to give up a green channel at the fastest speed!

In 30 minutes, Su Jingting arrived in 15 minutes. He picked up Xia Yishan and walked in. Su Yujie and the medical staff had been waiting at the green passage.

After Su Jingting gave Xia Yishan to the medical staff, he stood on the corridor of the hospital, frowning.

Su Yujie was also sad,

Although he didn't know what happened, this was the first time he saw his brother like this.

The clothes were disheveled, and he wore a thin house clothes in winter.

Although there is heating in the hospital, he felt cold when he looked at his brother. He took the initiative to put his suit on his brother. Fortunately, he was a bit stronger than his brother. "Brother, don't be too sad, Xiao Shanshan. she was…………"

Fuck, how can this be comforted!

Ten thousand thoughts emerged from Su Yujie's heart!

Seeing his elder brother's desperate appearance, it's not like a trivial matter!

Is it possible...

Su Yujie covered his mouth, maybe his brother used too much force and scared Xiao Shanshan! ! !

Oh my god, he forgot that his brother had lived for twenty-eight years and was still a place!

I have never eaten pork, and I have never seen a pig run!

He is wrong,

His brother has neglected his duty,

I knew I would make some small videos for his brother to popularize it...

Su Jingting looked at Su Yujie suspiciously, "What happened to her?"

Su Yujie, "???"

What's up with her?

Su Jingting asked Su Yujie again, "Is she really busy?"

Su Yujie looked puzzled, "Didn't you send the people? You don't know if there is anything or nothing?"

Su Jingting was silent for three seconds, "I think she might have a fever."

Su Yujie, "..."