Chapter 404: She has more boyfriends and only money

On the way back from the bank, Ye Yiyi saw a familiar person.

Yin Yibai is shopping with a boy.

Ye Yiyi hated that if it weren't for Yin Yibai to be too much, she would not break with Xia Yishan, to the point where she is now.

This is Yin Yibai's fault! It's all Xia Yishan's fault!

She Ye Yiyi, relying on herself to climb up step by step, is hindering their way!

Why Xia Yishan can win both fame and fortune, Yin Yibai can be accompanied by someone, she will be threatened by President Zhu to lead a life that is worse than death!

Ye Yiyi dialed the previous phone again and said coldly,

"I don't care about Mr. Zhu's affairs with you. In return, I ask you to help me with one more thing. After it's done, the reward will be paid!"

"Of course what I said is true"

"Relax, the other party is not a background figure!"

"It's done, I will definitely hit your card with the money."



The crew of "The Return of the Youth" rearranged the roles and filming schedules, and there was no filming for the time being. Xia Yishan was idle for several days.

"Harem" is also a high box office, Xia Yishan is also a small hit, of course Ye Yiyi is also very popular.

Su Jingting was on a business trip again. Since Xia Yishan knew his true identity, she was also very considerate of his busy schedule, and helped him pack up and send it to the airport.


Xia Yishan is not happy inside!

Obviously there are countless assistants, and Su Jingting, who can take the VIP channel, has to be escorted by her.

She tried to tell herself that it was enough to treat him as the actor in the entertainment industry and forget his background!

Seeing that Su Jingting was so busy, Xia Yishan reflected that she didn't care too much about the situation of SE, so she randomly picked one day and prepared to go to the SE Beijing company.

In order to prevent the fierce eyes from recognizing her, she specially changed into a capable ponytail, and brought her glasses and masks.

She also changed into a grand-looking lady's suit and stepped on small black high heels.


She can't drive her own small BMW, it's Huanya's car, isn't she going to wear it?

It's okay to commit sins, she is really poor!

How about using Su Jingting's card to swipe one back? Open when you go to SE?

Anyway, if she has more boyfriends, only money is left!

But Xia Yishan thought that she wouldn't go often, buying one is really too luxurious!

Xia Yishan made an overseas phone call to Su Jingting.

Su Jingting answered in seconds, and his nice voice came through the phone, "What's wrong?"

"Dear~" Xia Yishan said, "I want to go out, do you have any... more convenient car?"

Convenient car?

As a public figure, Su Jingting knew what she meant.

He originally wanted to tell her the code of Hongye Villa and let her choose at will, but he told himself that now he is just an actor, if Xia Yishan knew that he had so many top luxury cars, he would scare her!

Su Jingting squeezed his eyebrows, "Go to the basement of Yujingyuan and open it as you like. The key is in the second drawer on the right hand side of the study desk. You haven't seen me open it, it's safe."

"Okay, thanks!"

Su Jingting seems to be still in a meeting, and Xia Yishan can understand a few foreign languages.

"Well, you like it."

"Dear, are you in a meeting, am I disturbing you, I'm extremely sorry."

"It's okay."

"That's it, wait for you to come back, goodbye!"


After Su Jingting hung up the phone, he showed a long-lost smile.

The people at the meeting were shocked. They hadn't seen Su Jingting laugh, and they all teased him.

Su Jingting only replied, "My girlfriend is calling!"

"Manager Su, you already have a girlfriend!"

"Well, it's been half a year."

"Wow, Mr. Su's girlfriend must be extremely beautiful. The old saying in State Z is "Qing Guo Qing Cheng..."

"Yes, she is the existence of the country and the city in my heart!"

Everyone is boiling!

Even if they are abroad, they also know that Su Jingting's representative behind is extremely high and can subdue his girl...

That must be...

fairy! !



Xia Yishan went to the study first and found the drawer Su Jingting mentioned.

Special, every drawer is a key!

Maserati, Maybach, Land Rover, Tesla, Porsche...

Xia Yishan caught a lot and caught the Porsche key, that's it!

Xia Yishan went to the underground garage again and went around a few times before he found this Porsche, which is already inconspicuous among luxury cars!

She can be regarded as a president, but compared to a president like Su Jingting, it's really **** far behind.

Xia Yishan got into the car in tears, she had to borrow the car to install B, so handsome!

Xia Yishan drove the Porsche to the SE downstairs, and was stopped as soon as she entered the lobby.

"Hello, lady, do you have an appointment?" The lady at the front desk said politely.

Xia Yishan was speechless for a while. If she said that I was the boss of SE and came to inspect the branches below, would she be kicked out?

No one really believes the truth these days.


She thought for a while and said, "I'm looking for President Sha."

The lady at the front desk kept smiling, "Sorry, it is not convenient to disclose President Sha's itinerary without an appointment."

"I'm looking for Fu Yiming."

"Sorry, Director Fu is the same."

"Then I will find Ren Qi."

The lady at the front desk finally couldn't keep smiling anymore, "This lady, are you here to look for something? We have a security department in SE."

Xia Yishan, "............No."

The lady at the front desk saw that Xia Yishan couldn't see the brand's clothes. She guessed that it must not be high-end goods, and she became proud, "Sorry, please leave."

In fact, Xia Yishan's clothes are tailor-made by Su Jingting's designer, whose value cannot be measured by money.

Xia Yishan couldn't help but she dialed Sharon's phone but did not answer.

She called Fu Yiming again, but still did not answer.

When she was about to dial Ren Qi's phone, she was interrupted by the front desk lady...

The lady at the front desk greeted the security directly, and wanted to blast Xia Yishan out, still saying, "These days, there are all kinds of people. It is not a good person to be so tightly covered. Look at her and don't let her step into the company. step!"

Although she was only a front desk lady, it was said that she had a nepotism with a leader of the company. The security guard did not dare to offend her, so she had to follow suit.

Xia Yishan is so angry!

She rarely came to the company once,

Do not,

She came to the company as the president for the first time, but she was turned away just because she was wearing sunglasses and mask?

Too much!

Sharon, this idiot, who are they recruiting!

Xia Yishan really wanted to punch her on the front desk to let them know what it means to solve by force!

She warned herself,

Don't be angry, don't be angry,

She is the big boss behind the scenes!

Every tile in SE China is hers,

Every table is also hers,

Don't get angry with your assets, it's not worth it, not worth it!