Chapter 449: The first lady in Beijing

Zuo Mishuang,

The first lady in Beijing,

26 years old,

She is Su Ruoyi's best friend and went abroad to study together two years ago.

The heirs from the only main room of the Zuo family's direct lineage have been raised as males since they were young, and there is a lot of etiquette between gestures.

If Su Jingting is the pride of the Su family, then Zuo Mishuang is the pride of the Zuo family.

Although she is abroad, she remotely controls the capital's industry!

In the past two years, the Zuo Group has had a great momentum, and it is inseparable from Zuo Mishuang's vigorous vigor!

Zuo Mishuang can almost be said to be a stronger woman than Sharon! Not lost to men at all!

Zuo Mishuang's appearance is also top-notch, and it is unceremonious to say that he can crush the actresses and first-line female stars of the entertainment circle.

She and Su Jingting stood together, and they were indeed evenly matched pairs.

Su Jingting did not expect that Zuo Mishuang was back!

She came back, which means that the person is coming back soon.

He didn't hear any wind.

Su Jingting frowned slightly, and quickly shook hands with Zuo Mishuang, completely in basic etiquette.

For various reasons, he has always kept the distance he deserves from Zuo Mishuang!



Su Yujie on one side looked at the two with sly eyebrows.

Why did he forget, the girl came back, and this woman also came back!

Su Yujie doesn't like Zuo Mishuang!

Extremely dislike it!

I didn't like it since I was young!

Zuo Mishuang relied on a few years older than himself, and always talked to him in the tone of "elder sister-in-law, like a mother", which created a response in his young mind!

Especially at that rebellious age, Su Yujie disliked Zuo Mishuang very much.

But it's useless if he doesn't like it!

Who made her and her sister get close!

After Zuo Mishuang and Su Jingting finished their greetings, they also saw Su Yujie, "Yujie, I haven't seen each other for two years, he's more handsome!"

"Fortunately, fortunately, you are more mature!" Su Yujie said that it is better to be mature, and to say that it is not good is to be old┓(′?`)┏

Zuo Mishuang was not annoyed, and smiled, "Yujie is still so funny!"



I allow you to call me that?

Funny you are!

A group of four people got in the car, Assistant Sun drove!

In order to avoid suspicion, Su Jingting did not hesitate to squeeze Su Yujie into the back seat, his position as the co-pilot!

Su Yujie had no choice but to sit between the two women, embarrassed to death.

The original plan, after receiving Su Ruoyi, the three brothers and sisters went directly to the old house to have a reunion dinner, but Zuo Mishuang was there!

This is...

Su Yujie is anxious for Su Jingting, so it's hard to get people out of the car!

When he was worried about what to say, Qin Yilan's phone number arrived!

It's a savior!

Su Yujie connected, "Hey! Mother Da Yin!"

"Did your sister receive it?"


"I heard your Uncle Zuo say that Mishuang is also here, remember to bring her too!"

Su Yujie, "..."

What did this mother say!

Su Yujie hung up the phone in a hurry.

He took Zuo Mishuang and offended his brother!

He offended his mother if he didn't take her!

Really -_-||

Should he get off the car and not go at all?

This will probably offend his parents, brothers and sisters!

Su Yujie was in a dilemma, so he took out his mobile phone and sent a distress message to his sister-in-law, [Xiao Shanshan, call Xiao Shanshan urgently, Xiao Shanshan, please answer! ! ! 】

[Little Shanshan, please accept the red envelope]

[Red envelopes call Xiao Shanshan! 】

[You are not rough! I sent it until the system crashed! 】



Su Yujie is still typing tirelessly, and sees WeChat that the other person is typing!

Dare to be good, and finally call out Xiao Shanshan.

Xia Yishan only sent a punctuation mark [? 】

Su Yujie typed quickly, [Zuo Mishuang, your rival is online! 】

Succinctly and concisely, I hope it can sound the alarm!

Xia Yishan looked at the name for a long time, and she was sure she had never touched it in her previous life!

After all, her relationship with Su Jingting was not so close in her previous life, and she didn't know that Su Jingting was the person in charge of Group F!

All in all, Su Jingting's identity is the most powerful existence, and it is also what she needs to understand.

Maybe she went the wrong way in her previous life and missed it, so she can do it again!

Xia Yishan returned to recover Yujie, [male and female? 】

When Su Yujie saw the news, he stood up excitedly, "Damn!"


His head hit the roof of the car, and he sat back in pain.

The people in the car were surprised by him!

Assistant Sun who drove was even more shocked, "Jie Shao, you are going to scare me to death like this, I really don't feel good enough!"

Su Yujie touched his head, a little painful, "It's okay, it's okay, you guys continue to talk!"

People in a cart, "..."

Master Jie, we haven't spoken!

Su Yujie was nothing but a response from a car, and then sent a message to Xia Yishan, [Of course it's a woman! 】

[Oh] Xia Yishan replied a word without even a punctuation mark!

Su Yujie didn't give up and reposted, "I don't care about me, Xiao Shanshan, you are the girlfriend of King Su, if you don't drive this annoying woman away, I will be angry! 】

Xia Yishan sends again [rolling eyes.jpg]

Su Yujie: [Play dead.jpg]

Xia Yishan: [How do you get angry? 】

After thinking about it, Su Yujie replied to her, [I'll go to your school and lie on the ground and hold up a banner! 】

Xia Yishan is ashamed, [Then go, if you have a thick skin! 】

Su Yujie succumbed, [grief.jpg] [Xiao Shanshan, do you really care about King Su! 】

Xia Yishan thought, how could it be possible! [Don’t worry, I don’t care about you or him! 】

Su Yujie is heartbroken!

It's dog food again!

The skill of spreading dog food between these two people was taught by a master!

It's exactly the same!

Just one person can abuse all dogs alive!

Single dog!

Su Yujie was not convinced and returned again, [Then when will you take out the main house and drive this woman away? 】

After a full three minutes, Xia Yishan returned to her, [This does not sound like my rival, it seems to be your rival, why don't you take action! 】

Su Yujie roared! ! ! !

"Brother, your little girlfriend is too naughty!" Su Yujie ignored the presence of Su Ruoyi and Zuo Mishuang and directly complained!

Su Jingting has no idea what happened, but he will definitely not delay him from spreading dog food, "Just get used to it!"

"Brother~ I'm still not you..."

"You don't have to be!" Su Jingting gave the answer directly, he knew that Su Yujie wanted to ask me whether it was your brother!


"My little cutie is so cute!"

Su Yujie hiccuped and was full of dog food.

Both Su Ruoyi and Zuo Mi who were in the same car were shocked. Is this the Su Jingting they know?

Never heard him say such a thing!

He has always been the kind who can never speak without speaking!

What happened during the two years when they were away?