Chapter 640: Xia Yishan's counterattack


Liang Qiaoen walked back and forth in the office, she was about to explode!

"Yi Hanxuan was too much, he pushed Hu Jie out directly, and he became the most innocent person. Everything we did before was overwhelmed. After a long time, only Hu Jie was destroyed. Han Xuan does not move?"

"No, I feel like I'm going to breathe fire!"

"Too much, Hu Jie never expected in her life that she would be killed by the artist she brought out so hard!"

"Cunning! Damn! Treacherous!"



Xia Yishan made a cup of Qinghuo chrysanthemum tea, knocked on the table, "Lao Liang, sit down and drink tea!"

Liang Qiaoen sat down without drinking, "I said why are you so leisurely."

Xia Yishan smiled and pointed to Liang Qiaoen, "The new Hang Baiju, taste it?"

Liang Qiaoen took a sip.

Xia Yishan continued, "Don't be so impatient, Yi Hanxuan has not been in the entertainment industry for a day or two. Naturally, it is not one thing that can pull her down. You can't be so anxious."

"I know!" Although Liang Qiaoen was impatient, she knew in her heart, "but I'm not convinced. We defended it day and night, and finally fought back. I didn't expect it to be empty."

"No, we didn't take the air. I ask you, what does Hu Jie mean to Yi Hanxuan?"


"Do you think who made the idea to harm me this time?"

"It should be Hu Jie. When Yi Hanxuan was free, he was not thinking of your Su actor! If she had this kind of brain, she would have been an entertainment actress!" The mixed entertainment industry does not only rely on acting, but also Rely on a flexible mind.

"That's right!" Xia Yishan also made a cup of tea for herself, "To Yi Hanxuan, Hu Jie is like her military adviser. If the evidence were not conclusive this time, she wouldn't have made the move to push Hu Jie away. Going out, on the surface, she had escaped a catastrophe, but in fact she was only speeding up her death. Without Hu Jie's Yi Hanxuan, it won't be long."

Liang Qiaoen looked at Xia Yishan’s gaze, and he could almost describe it with the word worship, "Okay Xia Yishan, when have you been so smart?"

Xia Yishan has a look in "I have always been so smart" and "just discovered by you"!

"How long do you think Yi Hanxuan can jump?"

"After "Legend" is released."

"Ah, it will take a long time!"

Xia Yishan showed a mysterious smile, "No."

Liang Qiaoen looked at Xia Yishan's gaze, still with ardent admiration and appreciation, "Yishan, would you consider playing a role similar to the famous detective Conan?"

Xia Yishan, "..."

The female version of Sherlock Holmes? ? ?

Thanks to what you thought of it┓(′?`)┏


Within two days, the "Legend" crew assembled and filmed the last few scenes.

After the shooting, the investor increased the investment in post-production, but within two months, the post-production of the entire film was completed.

"Legend" became the fastest film in the history of the country Z.

Xia Yishan has been busy for a full month to promote the film everywhere.

Because of Xia Yishan's disharmony with Yi Hanxuan, this movie has attracted the attention of the audience, which is a disguised publicity.

After another two months, the capital entered the winter, and the weather was getting colder day by day.

In the Yujingyuan Villa, with the heating on, Xia Yishan wore a fluffy nightdress and played with Maodou. She also had a book "How an Actor Improve Acting Skills" on her knees.

Su Jingting took the laptop while working, and looked at Xia Yishan from time to time.

Both of them are very busy, but they always make time to meet each other and are busy with each other in the same place.

Su Jingting is working seriously, but Xia Yishan, after reading two pages of books, went looking for food, drinking, and playing with edamame...

According to Su Jingting, she doesn't need to watch "How an Actor Improves Acting Skills", but should watch "How an Actor Can Concentrate"!

Just like now, Xia Yishan is already boring to comb the edamame!

Su Jingting put down the computer, walked over and took away Xia Yishan's book, touched her head, "Go play."

Xia Yishan, "???"

"Take edamame to the garden for a party?"

Xia Yishan sighed, thinking where to go, it turned out to be just to the garden!

Seeing the little loss on Xia Yishan's face, Su Jingting said, "Wait for a while, take you to travel?"



"My dear, you are so kind!" Xia Yishan hugged Su Jingting in excitement.

Su Jingting kissed her on the forehead, "Follow me, I am wronged you, I don't have much free time..."

"Don't feel wronged, don't feel wronged, you have to kiss!"


The two are in full swing.

At this moment, Yi Hanxuan made headlines again. After a few months of silence, she attended a royal banquet in a certain country as the ambassador of country Z. Her elegant conversation was well received, and many fans praised her. she was.

Anyone who knows well knows that the royal family of a small country is not as useful as the helm of a big city. The good ones are only reputation. Besides, it is possible to spend some money at such a gathering.

Overseas Chinese Entertainment, this is giving Yi Hanxuan resources and holding her to an unprecedented height!

Xia Yishan lay in Su Jingting's arms and swiped Weibo, "It seems that Yi Hanxuan is going to please Cai Mingliang recently!"

"If you don't receive the internet, I will take action!" Su Jingting said.

I don’t know how many times this conversation has been repeated in the past few months!

Only this time Xia Yishan compromised, "I will accept it, I will accept it immediately!"

"Good girl, obedient girl!"

Originally, Xia Yishan was going to close the net immediately, but the next day Su Jingting had to go on a business trip for half a month, so she didn't let Xia Yishan go. She squeezed out her time and made her dazed to forget this important event.

When she woke up, the seat beside her was cold, and she also changed into her pajamas.

This man Su Jingting is really attentive, and will help her change clothes every time, so that she can sleep comfortably until she wakes up naturally.

Xia Yishan stretched, picked up the phone and dialed out...

On the same day, a video was exposed anonymously on Weibo. Yi Hanxuan did not hang a trace. The man did not photograph his face and could not tell who it was.

Soon, the number of the video was blocked, but the video was reposted crazy, and there were also high-definition versions, remakes, mosaics, and dynamic images.

Netizens all appeared.

"I thought she was an innocent lady, she turned out to be a prodigal! Look at the show!"

"The figure is okay. According to my judgment, her experience should be very rich!"

"Yi Hanxuan, do you want to pick up the three pieces? I promise to make you money!"

"It's disgusting, I even fanned her at a loss!"

"Yi Hanxuan get out of the entertainment circle!"