Chapter 953: Awards ceremony

There are still many people who came to participate this time, including directors, screenwriters, producers, artists, business tycoons...

There are so many cameras in the whole scene, almost everyone will be photographed, and the huge screen behind the host is released.

In order to pay attention to appearance, Xia Yishan would not turn around to see, she just saw many acquaintances through the big screen.

There are many others she can't name!

After the opening dance, the two hosts opened and the awards ceremony kicked off.

"Thank you all for your busy schedule to participate in this International Film Festival. Every year, we will award a lot of awards through fair means. In the past year, awards related to artists who have contributed to the film industry. Okay, let's wait and see together, the first award for the best script, let's watch the big screen..."

There are only three shortlisted works, including Qiu Ling’s "Close the Door",

Don't be nervous, it's brave!

Unexpectedly, "Close the Door" was nominated for the first award, and Xia Yishan was still very nervous.

She is like a bet, and there is only one work "Close the Door".

"The winner of this International Film Festival's Best Screenplay Award is "Close the Door". Below is the representative of "Close the Door". Producer Yin Yibai will come on stage..." The award-presenting guest roared and successfully inspired the International Film Festival climax!

Xia Yishan didn't understand, and asked Su Jingting directly, "Who? Who is the representative."

Su Jingting motioned her to look, and she saw Yin Yibai as expected.

Xia Yishan, "..."

Don't say a word when you come!

How did she know that Qiu Ling had to change it to make Yin Yi white before she started, and Yin Yibai had to bite the bullet.

She took the heavy trophy a little nervously, first bowed deeply, very sincerely.

In the face of so many people, Yin Yibai's legs were a little weak, but Xia Yishan, who was sitting in the first row, was right in front of her. She saw Xia Yishan cheering at her.

Yin Yibai's heart warmed. She was a tyrannical little sister who was convinced by Xia Yishan.

Yin Yibai took a deep breath, "Thank you for your love of "Close the Door". This honor belongs to the crew! The script originally told the story of a depressed patient. Later, after our adaptation, the movie "Close the Door" appeared. Hope Everyone can care for depression while you like movies. Thank you..."

Yin Yibai's sincere words received warm applause.

Yin Yibai didn't even introduce herself, and the time for the acceptance speech was used to appeal to the society to care about patients with depression!

[Ahhhhh! Miss Sister Super A! 】

[My sister is a fan! 】

[Great, "Close the Door" won the first prize! 】


After that, many awards were awarded one after another.

After each award, there will always be live shows, which makes people relax.

"Dear friends, the best director award to be presented next."

The Best Director Award is also a relatively high honor in the director industry!

The major directors are looking forward to it like the lottery crowd waiting for the draw.

"This time, among the shortlisted directors, the one who is fortunate enough to win the Best Director Award is "Close the Door" Qiu Ling! Let us ask Qiu Ling!"

"Since "Close the Door" was broadcast, the name Qiu Ling has been widely followed. It is well known that Qiu Ling is still a student of Xiying and can achieve such good results. It is a miracle in the director world."

Qiu Ling calmly accepted the trophy and thanked everyone as usual.

A temporary task sounded in the host's headset, and even himself was surprised.

"Director Qiu is really the wave behind the Yangtze River and the wave ahead. I don't know why Director Qiu has the courage to go filming in person at such a young age. Is it related to your family?"

Qiu Ling knew that there would be such a problem.

"It's really related. My family has been directing for generations, so I have been fascinated by it since I was a child, and I like the industry of directing. Plus, I can encounter such a good script, and I have to try anything.

"Director Qiu is the youngest winner of the Best Director Award in the history of the International Film Festival. I wish Director Qiu can make better works in the future."

"Thank you."

Directors from generation to generation are also surnamed Qiu.

If you know, you will know. If you don’t know, you can’t help it.┓(′?`)┏


"Well, let's hand out the best female supporting role. Please watch the big screen."

"This year's International Film Festival, the shortlist for the best supporting actress is..."

——Jiang Chenchen, "Love in the Day and Evening"

——Zhou Yu, "All the way to escape"

-Bao Yuan "The Missed Life"

——Fu Sisi, "Forgetting Memory"

Xia Yishan remembered, Jiang Chenchen came, there is more than one work!

Speaking of it, it is not impossible to have the best female partner and the best female lead at the same time. She was the best newcomer and the best female partner.

"The best female matchmaker this time is Fu Sisi's "Forgetful Memories". Welcome Fu Sisi to the stage."


Unexpectedly, this would actually be taken by Fu Sisi, Jiang Chenchen was no use to be angry, he could only applaud generously, she was the best female partner, she was not rare, she was waiting for the best female lead!

If you can win two prizes, of course it is better.

If you choose one, you will definitely be the best actress.

Thinking of the award for best actress in the future, Jiang Chenchen still has hope.

She applauded like everyone present.

Make sure that your expression is not improper.

Fu Sisi took the stage and thanked everyone.


The next best supporting actor awarded, the winner is a small meat.

Xia Yishan tilted her head and looked at it for a long time, never remembering who this person was, as if she had just debuted.

But Su Jingting saw her reaction,

His eyes were reluctant to leave,

"You look so long, is it because he looks good?"

That overwhelming jealousy almost didn't kill Xia Yishan.

Xia Yishan's desire to survive is still okay, she whispered, "Look at the best supporting actor winner, is it left and right unbalanced and physically uncoordinated? It can be seen that the right side is obviously slightly higher, so he wore irregular left and right. His suit also conceals his shortcomings!"

Su Jingting, "..."

"Did you see it?"

Su Jingting shot with fiery eyes, "Yes!"

"Oh, the newcomers in the entertainment industry are worse than each year. People like you are truly unprecedented! No wonder even if you don't show up, fans still remember you, listen to this scream! "

Su Jingting smiled, and the corners of his mouth curled upward, "But I only want you to like it alone, forever."

Xia Yishan was moved, "Husband, restrain yourself, this is outside, there are so many cameras!"

Su Jingting, "..."

Good wife!