Chapter 1079: Can't eat dog food

It's no wonder that he has been reluctant to take off the mask, it turned out to be so!

If you take off your mask and walk outside, it will cause a commotion!

The doctor's eyes hovered between the two, then this slender girl was Xia Ying queen!

God, he actually saw a legendary character.

"Excuse me, doctor, my husband is a bit shy, please, doctor."

"It's all right, let's open your mouth!"

The doctor quickly recovered his calmness. Even if the king of heaven came, I could only exclaim, but what should I do? There are still many people waiting!

Fortunately, he always remembers his professionalism.

38.9 degrees, which is indeed a bit powerful.

The doctor asked about some symptoms.

"Let's hang the saline for three days." The doctor opened the medical records directly on the computer. He had already completed the medical records, and then looked at the two again. "Is it convenient to hang the saline?"

Both of them are public figures!

If they go to hang salt water, it may cause congestion in the hospital.

"Convenient." Su Jingting said to himself.

Xia Yishan, "!!!"

This will take three days! Where is it convenient?

"You drive salt water first."


The doctor also ordered a lot of precautions before calling the next number reluctantly.

As a doctor, there are only patients in the eyes, no idols o(╥﹏╥)o

Xia Yishan took the list and opened the door, "..."

Damn it!

The door is already leaking.

"It's really Su Jingting and Xia Yishan!"

"Wow! It's alive!"

"I didn't expect them to come to this hospital too!"

The two did not speak, nor dared to leave.

Probably going out of this clinic door, it may be difficult to move!

Su Jingting's cell phone rang, it was Sun Hong's.

Xia Yishan's eyes were full of tears, this universal assistant came too timely.

Sun Hong confirmed the location of the two and rushed to him with his bodyguards.

The two left surrounded by bodyguards.

To be on the safe side, Sun Hong took the order from Xia Yishan, "Mrs., you have to get an infusion as soon as possible in your case, and you can go directly to the VIP ward!"

"it is good."

Therefore, Sun Hong was admitted to the hospital for Su Jingting as quickly as possible.

Almost every hospital has such top wards, but there are not many and the cost is quite high.

But ten minutes later, Su Jingting successfully checked in, was stabbed and hanged on a bit.

Xia Yishan sat on the side of the bed and sighed, "Oh, Su Jingting, I think you really spoil me..."

Su Jingting, "???"

"When you look at the key, Sun Hong is more reliable than me. Would you like to spoil Sun Hong more? He is really amazing."

Sun Hong, who had just walked to the door, staggered, and his wife was too ridiculous.

He didn't want to be beaten to death by Su Jingting!

Sun Hong quickly walked out and closed the door.

Especially, this time the dog food, don't eat it, it will kill people!

Su Jingting smiled, "Nonsense, you take me to the hospital and take care of me when I'm sick..."

Xia Yishan shrugged, "But as a matter of fact, I won't bring you here. It will be faster to ask a family doctor directly."

"But, if you bring me here, I'll be better and faster," Su Jingting stretched out his right hand, which was not needled, "come here?"

"What are you doing?"

Xia Yishan handed it over, held by Su Jingting, and placed it on his heart, "As long as you stay with me, I would rather have a fever."

Xia Yishan pretended to beat him, "What nonsense, there is no one who is sick and dead, so lie down for me!"

"Yes, yes, my wife!"


Liang Qiaoen called Xia Yishan, and after knowing that Xia Yishan was the boss of Group F, Liang Qiaoen gave Xia Yishan the choice.

She went if she wanted to rush the announcement, but she didn't want to go!

She just thinks that after Xia Yishan marries, she should take a longer-term perspective, not just in the entertainment industry!

For example, to become a capable person in stocks, a domineering female president or something!

But at this time, she actually called.

"Old Liang?"

"Yishan, who is sick with you and King Su?"

"He has a fever, we are in the hospital!" Xia Yishan never concealed Liang Qiaoen, and specifically asked her not to have a boss, because the lady boss is unfamiliar.

"You went to the hospital to be photographed, and it was on hot search again. Fans are very worried. Why don't you send a Weibo report that you are safe?"

"it is good."

"Always pay attention to your body, and contact you whenever you have anything."


After Xia Yishan hung up the phone, she took a photo of Su Jingting's hanging hand.

"My dear, how about I post a Weibo?"

Su Jingting nodded.

Xia Yishan directly used this photo to post,

——During Susu's fever infusion, everything is fine, don't read it, I will take care of him.

[Ahhhhh, my male **** is actually sick! Oh, oh god, you must pay attention to your body! "】

[Susu? Are you so intimate in private? 】

[Imagine the fact that Xia Yishan yelled out the two words Susu, and I felt so happy! 】

[The male **** is worthy of being a male god, these hands are so beautiful. 】

[Sister Su, you must take good care of King Su! Is King Su too tired recently, make up for it...]


Su Jingting directly commented on Weibo.

——Thank you, my wife, I think I'm all right with my wife's company!

[Puff~ I think that King Su can still tease, it must be fine! 】

[Oh, we are worried about him, he is showing us dog food! 】

[Hehehe, you don’t have to worry about King Su’s goodness! As long as there is a wife, he is willing to lie on the bed every day! This man! Only the wife is missing. 】

[It is indeed a dog food maker couple, who can turn into dog food when sick, I am also convinced! 】


The two honoured the hot search for another day and put a lot of dog food out.

After Su Jingting was hospitalized, everyone from the Su family came to visit. Su Yujie took a look and hurried back to the company to work overtime.

Fortunately, Su Jingting is not serious, and there is still work to be done. Sun Hong is responsible for bringing important documents to Su Jingting.

The ward will take the temperature three times a day.

After hanging up the two bottles of salt water, Su Jingting's body temperature dropped a lot, and it seemed to be effective.

Xia Yishan looked at Su Jingting, who was serious about reviewing the documents, and was heartbroken, "If you feel unwell, don't deal with it."

"It's okay." Su Jingting had no effect at all.

"Su Jingting, didn't you ever get sick before, you were the kind of iron hit?"

Su Jingting stopped and looked at Xia Yishan, "Maybe!"

"What is possible? Is it possible that you have lost your memory and you don't know if you are sick or not?"

"No, I was too busy before, and I didn't pay much attention to it..."

Why does Xia Yishan sound sour! Why didn't you notice when you got sick?

what is the problem?