Chapter 1131: Kidnapping

Su Jingting and Su Ruoyi had both left, leaving only Su Yujie, so busy that there was almost no free time.

Not only busy with work, but also busy taking care of Su Xiaoli.

This is left to others without worry, Su Yujie personally took care of it.

I turned on the tiring mode of working during the day and bringing a baby at night, and almost died of exhaustion.

He has a good relationship with Rui Yu recently, and Rui Yu will come to him from time to time.

Seeing how busy he is, he will help him with things, such as picking up Su Xiaoli.

Today is no exception.

With what happened last time, the school Su Xiaoli is attending now is the best school arranged by the Su family.

Su Xiaoli ran towards her when she saw Rui Yu, "Little aunt!"

Rui Yu corrected it several times, but Su Xiaoli insisted on calling her little aunt, so she didn't care, and the child was happy.

After greeting the teacher, Rui Yu picked up Su Xiaoli and went into the car.

"Are you good at school? What did you learn today?"

"After learning to paint, the teacher praised me for painting well!"

"So good!"

The car drove out.

Kerui Yu looked out the window, this route is wrong!

"Lao Wang, have you diverted?" Lao Wang is her driver.

"Yes, the previous road has been repaired. Clean the road here."

Rui Yu's suspicion was dispelled.

But ten minutes later, Lao Wang completely drove the car into an empty place.

Rui Yu hugged Su Xiaoli tightly in her arms. She knew that something serious happened!

Someone rushed into the car, snatched her backpack and Su Xiaoli’s watch and schoolbag, and threw them away.

The positioning system is completely scrapped.

They were taken into another car.

"Xiao Li is not afraid, your mother said you are a brave child..."

"Little aunt, don't be afraid." Su Xiaoli plunged into Rui Yu's arms.

Rui Yu is not as capable as Xia Yishan. She is a weak girl, born in peaceful times, and has never experienced these chaos.

At this time, she was scared.

There was even a little trembling.

However, Xiaoli is a child, and if she shows a little panic at this time, she will be frightened.

"Little aunt is not afraid. No matter what happens to Xiaoli, little aunt will protect you. Uncle will come to save us later."


Along the way, Rui Yu tried to discuss with her kidnapper, she was willing to give money, but the other party ignored her at all.

The speed is getting faster and faster, Rui Yu feels that they have already left the capital.

We are in the dense forest area outside the city.

This generation is too far away from the capital and is almost uninhabited.

The bad premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

Rui Yu began to be afraid that these people did not come for money.

It's not for myself.

She is a female artist who has never offended anyone to kidnap her like this.

Could it be that……

Rui Yu glanced at Su Xiaoli, who was already asleep in fear.

This is troublesome.



Passing through the dense forest area is a barren mountain that has not been cultivated before, and there is no shelter around it.

Zuo Mishuang was waiting on the side.

She believed that they would come soon.

Xia Yishan and Su Yujie received a MMS at the same time on their cell phones, showing Rui Yu holding Su Xiaoli and being kidnapped.

Moreover, in terms of time, Su Jingting and Su Ruoyi were still on the plane and could not receive the news at all. It can be seen that Zuo Mishuang had arranged very detailed time.

After receiving the news, Xia Yishan contacted Yan Lang as quickly as possible, asking him to check the traces of Ruiyu and Su Xiaoli, but instead of going home, she diverted to see Su Yujie.

Su Yujie jumped into the car directly, "Sister-in-law, I have already left a message to my brother, and he will know when he gets off the plane."

Su Yujie changed his usual appearance and became very serious.

He took out two pistols with him and gave Xia Yishan one, "Sister-in-law, I know you will use this stuff, I only have two, not many bullets..."

Xia Yishan, "..."

Su Yujie actually has such a self-defense thing.

"My brother and I have never experienced kidnapping and assassination, we have to defend ourselves." Su Yujie explained.

There are other emotions on his seemingly relaxed face.

"Sister-in-law, why do you say Rui Yu is so stupid? I was the one who picked up Xiaoli today. It was me who was kidnapped. She was so stupid that she wouldn't have followed her..."

Su Yujie said, almost crying.

This stupid woman, in the photo passed over, still holds Xiao Li.

Su Yujie felt guilty and blamed himself for influencing Rui Yu.

"Yujie, there will be nothing wrong with me." Xia Yishan said something incomprehensible.

"Sister-in-law, do you know who kidnapped them?" Su Yujie wanted to kill that person.

"I have no evidence, but I have guessed it, it should be Zuo Mishuang."

They all sent messages so clearly, that is Zuo Mishuang.

She hasn't appeared for a long time since she disappeared, and it seems that she is preparing for this kidnapping.

Xia Yishan recounted what she knew about Zuo Mishuang's recent experience.

"Moreover, our people discovered that Zuo Zhenzhen had an accident abroad. It should have been Zuo Mi who bought the murder, but he has not found any evidence..." Xia Yishan said this, and couldn't help but blame herself.

In fact, Zuo Mishuang had all shot Zuo Zhenzhen, indicating that the fish had already reached the point where the fish died and the net broke. She should have been staring at Zuo Mishuang earlier!

"Zuo Mishuang! I shouldn't let him go!" Su Yujie hit the car with a punch.

Xia Yishan looked out the window, her power on the accelerator could not help speeding up.

The wind is blowing, and it seems that the sky is about to change.

Xia Yishan's heart seemed to be pressed by something, and she couldn't breathe.

"Yujie, no matter what happens, remember not to be impulsive."

Su Yujie is different from Su Jingting, Xia Yishan is afraid of his impulse.

"I know. Sister-in-law, you remember to protect yourself. It's not easy for my brother to be the Su family in this life. You can't do anything."

"You can't do anything!"

While talking, Xia Yishan's cell phone rang, it was Yan Lang.

I found the place where Rui Yu and Su Xiaoli last appeared, and according to the trajectory, I can already figure out the approximate location.

Yan Lang told Xia Yishan not to mess around, he would let people be precise, and rush to the place Yan Lang said as fast as possible.


The speed was getting faster and faster, but Su Yujie found this place a bit familiar.

His expression changed quickly.

"What's the matter?" Xia Yishan keenly felt his abnormality.

"This place, I remember I was there, but..."

"Have you been here?" Xia Yishan thought of a possibility in an instant. "The place where Zuo seeks the double choice must be related to Su Jingting. She has become abnormal to Su Jingting. Think about it, did you come with Su Jingting ?"

Su Yujie slapped his head fiercely, "I remember, this is the place where Xiaojing had an accident!"

"Xiao Jing?"

"My first love..."

It has been more than ten years, this place has changed a lot, if it is not impressive, he would not recognize it.