October 13, 2021

Chi Chenyan has been staring at his phone, and finally, a message came.

Seeing Lu Li’s reply, he reached out and touched the empty bed beside him.

His heart was also empty.

After Lu Li sent ‘good night’, she out her phone away and closed her eyes and got ready to go to bed. However, after turning over and over in her bed for a while, she didn’t feel sleepy at all.

Finally, she opened her eyes and discover that in fact, she seemed to be used to the feeling of sleeping with Chi Chenyan and clinging to him like an octopus.

Now with her empty hands and feet, she didn’t know where to put them.

It’s obviously also like this when she was in the Western Province.

Is it because he is now close to her? Therefore, this feeling was particularly strong?

It is just a kiss.

Lu Li seemed unwilling to believe this fact. She sat up straight from the bed and couldn’t fall asleep, so she started to find something to do.

Lu Li took out her phone, turned to Weibo, and logged into her ‘Pear-Flavored Little Fairy’ account.

This is her exclusive star-chasing account, but because of her chasing Chi Chenyan for the past months, apart from engaging in the CP of the Pear Couple, it has not been open for a long time.

Lu Li took a deep breath and told herself that it is okay to not hug and sleep with Chi Chenyan. Engaging with idols can make her happy.

As a result, the inactive ‘Pear-Flavored Little Fairy’ went online late at night and posted on Weibo.

One after the other…

“Ah, ah, ah, I’m back!”

“Chengcheng is great and has a new endorsement, I’ll buy it!”

“Happy birthday, Mrs. Li! Come and play!”

“Oh my god, these set of pictures are too amazing!”

“The stars in your eyes are shining and has captured this little Pear’s heart!”

“The corners of your lips are curved and I have fallen now. Your brows and eyes are gentle, I will cut through all the thorns for you in this life!”

“Brother’s legs are not legs, they are spring water by the Seine!”

One hour later…

Lu Li was lying on the bed, curled up, and there was a beautiful photo of an idol on her screen. While commenting ‘Ahhhhawsl’, her face was calm, and her fair face reflected the light on the phone screen without a trace of expression.

[Awsl is a Chinese slang that means ‘that’s so cute!’]

After Lu Li posted the last Weibo post, she buckled her phone upside down and kicked irritably.

The source of happiness that she usually had suddenly disappeared.

When she used to engage with idols, her happiness were soaring. Now, she doesn’t know why, but it suddenly disappeared.

She climbed so many walls, and there was no one who was able to make her smile when she looked at them.

She didn’t know what went wrong.

She was only chasing Chi Chenyan for a few months, and now she has recovered.

Lu Li was bored and rolled on the bed.

She can’t sleep.

She realized that when she closed her eyes, she remembered Chi Chenyan’s scent, his warm temperature when he hugged her in his arms, and the indescribable sense of peace that she felt when sleeping with him.

Lu Li turned over again and again, and finally had to admit that fact that she was reluctant to admit --  she wanted to sleep with Chi Chenyan.

Not s*x, just simple sleeping.

She became addicted to it for months.

But what reason can she have to sleep with him now?

Before, it was because she had her temporary cognitive impairment, so she harassed him in a fair manner, and he couldn’t drive her away. Now, if she slips inside his room in the middle of the night, she felt cold and thinks that she can’t lose her face like that.

Lu Li kept her eyes open and thought for a long time, and finally sat up again and got out of bed.

She squeezed her fist in the direction of Chi Chenyan’s room, and seemed to have made a decision.

The door between the two bedrooms was closed, but it was not locked.

Lu Li gently opened the door and closed her eyes.

She stood upright, then closed her eyes, step by step, walking in the direction of the bed based on her memory.

Chi Chenyan slept very lightly, and was awakened by the movements in the room.

He saw a thin figure in the dark, walking towards him step by step.

[T/N: Why do I find this creepy? Hahaha]

There is a sensor lamp at the foot of the bed which lights up when a person approaches.

It was really Lu Li.

Chi Chenyan saw her closed eyes.

“Lu Li?” He tried to call her.

Lu Li didn’t respond. She kept walking along the side of the bed, and finally walked to the other side of the bed and sat down.

Chi Chenyan slightly frowned.

In this situation, he had to associate it with the word sleepwalking.

But he never remembered that Lu Li had the habit of sleepwalking.

Lu Li sleepwalked on his bed, opened the quilt, and lay in.

The sensor lamp went out and the bedroom returned to darkness.

Lu Li was holding onto the quilt, breathing very cautiously.

She wanted Chi Chenyan to call her again so she can pretend to wake up and find that she had been sleepwalking. The she will say sorry and go back to her room to sleep.

But no onw called her.

In the darkness, Chi Chenyan looked at Lu Li’s profile.

The two of them were separated by a wide distance.

He sighed slightly, lay back again, stretched his arms, and fished the person into his arms.

Lu Li quietly opened her eyes in the man;s arms, her breathing a little chaotic.

Her original plan was to pretend to roll over to Chi Chenyan’s side when she fell asleep, but she didn’t expect him to directly get her over.

But this is also good.

Lu Li took advantage of this and buried her head in the man’s chest.

No matter what, she slept in the Western Province for a week. Today is the first night since she came back. She misses the feeling of being hugged to sleep.

In contrast to the period when she was confused wherein she can freely go to him, she now has to make an effort to pretend to sleepwalk.

Lu Li suddenly regretted that she had recovered.