v4 Chapter 30: Old things, not me who killed you

Name:The Sword Dynasty Author:Wu Zui
Summer afternoon is the most sleepy time of the day.

A corner guard will walk down the turret and walk slowly along the wide lane.

There is nothing to follow alongside him. Some sergeants and lower-level officials around the turret are moving with his shadow, but no one thinks that peace is different.

This turret will be the same as the rest of the turrets. It is the highest official around this turret, but compared with the rest of the turrets who have outstanding achievements, his cultivation and past are extremely mediocre. Most sergeants don't even know why he can be the keeper here.

The life in Mufeng is also very monotonous. His residence is not far from the turret. During the rest of the day, he will form a regular law, return to the residence for half an hour, and then return to the turret.

Mu Fengfeng is also used to leaving in the eyes of these sergeants and lower-level officials. I think that these sergeants and lower-level officials are puzzled, and his mouth often has some self-deprecating meaning.

He certainly knows why he is the keeper of this turret.

In the dozens of turrets in Changling, the turret he guarded is located in the central part of Changling, which seems to be the center. However, it is one of the least important areas. When there is any wind and grass in this turret, I am afraid that the turrets elsewhere have already been discovered.

So this is the most ruthless thing.

The least thing means safety and no responsibility, it also means boredom.

So he even raised a dog like many of the ladies in Changling.

This dog is an ordinary black dog, but it is quite spiritual, very clever and lovable. An important reason for returning to the home at this time is to help the black dog prepare some food and water and tease. This black dog is a moment.

As usual, when he pushed the wall of the bamboo fence and walked into the courtyard, the grass dog, which seemed to be so oily black, greeted him cheerfully, spinning around him, jumping and following him into the backyard. .

However, just in the moment of entering the backyard, the head of the black dog fell.

No blood flies, the black dog even keeps standing, the neck's fracture seems to be sealed by a thin film of light, and you can even see countless blood vessels and white bones and flesh, which looks disgusting. .

Mu Mu's body instantly became cold and stiff, but his face became cold and indifferent. He didn't have any movements, just sneered and said: "I don't know who you are, but you should understand that as long as the world here. The vitality is fierce, and at least three turrets will be noticed."

No one responded to him.

Just the footsteps sounded softly.

When the white light was seen in the lingering light of the eyes, the face of the wind and rain was suddenly eclipsed, and the incredulous exclaimed: "Night Secretary?"

At night, the cold hand held a cup of cold tea, standing in the shadow of the armpit, watching him quietly, still no sound.

The body of Mu Mufeng was instantly soaked by sweat. He laughed hard and said: "What do you mean by the night secretary?"

"In the three years of Yuanwu, I found out about you. At that time, I always wanted to see you." Night policy no longer looked at him, but began to look down at the green tea soup in his hand, in the tea soup. I only had a piece of green tea, half-sinking and half-floating: "I didn't expect to wait until today."

Mu Xia was sweating more and more, and his throat was a little stiff. He said: "The lower official still doesn't understand the meaning of the night secretary."

The night was cold and plain. "If it wasn't for you to pass the news, you would change the military order. At least the long-term army would rush to him. Even if he died, he would not be so easy to die."

Who would have thought of a small commander who dared to open and falsify military orders, killing at least seven strong men above the seven realms? ”

The body of Mu Mufeng constantly trembled, and he finally realized that the things of the year did not actually pass everyone.

"The most important thing is that in your forged military order, I was leaked." There was a whimsy of coldness in the cold mouth of the night, and her eyelashes trembled constantly: "So when I knew, Everything is over, and almost everyone thinks that I should know that I only deliberately led the army, and even Zheng Shou and Yuan Wu may think that I finally stood by them."

The face is very pale and the wind and rain knows that any push-off is useless. He laughs with a hint of madness. He said: "In this case, you should thank me even if you are at night, since everything can't be changed, since Because one of my mistakes has caused you to survive and become the head of my great Qin, then you should be wrong. After all, no one wants to climb to your position and climb to your position!"

"Change and falsification of the military order, not at that time you can do it alone, there are more important people on it." Night policy did not look at his crazy smile, just quietly looking at the tea in his hand, said: "Tell me the name of that person."

"If you are determined to kill me, what do I tell and tell if there is any difference?" Mu Feng's eyes narrowed and said: "I just don't understand, since you have endured for so many years, why do you still have to endure now? live."

The night was cold and looked up and looked at the wind and rain.

She didn't talk, but the storm suddenly thought of something, and the voice became weird: "You... you determine the person's successor..."

The night policy did not answer his question, but said: "There is a lot of difference between being comfortable and uncomfortable."

"I know that you are one of the strongest practitioners of Changling at the moment, but you can't kill me silently and not let the three turrets notice." Mu Fengqiang calmly looked at the night, " And I am just a small person, I can't understand why you are taking such a risk to kill a small person like me."

"You don't have any talents in practice. Nowadays, you are just passing through five worlds, but you are a very intelligent person. If you are smart enough, you will want to understand." Night policy sneered, showing two shallow Dimples: "Because I know that you should have a yellow horn on your body."

The yellow rhinoceros horn is not the corner of a certain rhinoceros, but a yellow elixir in the deep sea of ​​the world that looks like a rhinoceros horn.

There is only one effect of this kind of elixir, which is to greatly improve the cultivation of the practitioners under the six borders.

The night policy has already passed through seven places, and this elixir is useless to her.

The breath of Mu Feng’s breath completely stopped, and he couldn’t believe that the person actually had a descendant.

"Since you are determined to let me die, then die together."

Mu Mufeng naturally couldn't sit still, he opened his mouth and wanted to say this, and the real element in his body flowed violently.

However, one of his words has not yet been exported, and the tea soup in the cold cup in the night is already dry.

The green tea soup in her hands disappeared without warning. Even the water in the tea leaves disappeared completely. It turned into a dry tea and fell to the bottom of the cup, leaving a dry tea that had never been soaked.

With the disappearance of the tea soup, Mu Feng only felt that his skin suddenly became heavy.

His body is extremely stiff, and there is only fear left in the eyes of madness.

The sweat that he had previously produced was pulled by a powerful force, forming a film of water outside his body, and adsorbing the water in the surrounding heaven and earth, gradually becoming a transparent water mass.

He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move, and even the real elements of the body and the strength of the heavens and the earth could not be seen.

The night cold was only a faint look at him.

He has been unable to move.

There is no violent fluctuation in the world.

This small courtyard is very calm and it seems that nothing has happened.

The water mass expanded a little, and there was a gap in some tiny water droplets. The tiny bubbles slowly intruded, and the tiny drops of water pressed into the wind and rain.

Like the drowning people, the lungs are filled with water, and they are hard to get the extreme. However, in the body, they get some oxygen to sustain their lives, and they can't die at the moment.

His face was violently twitched and twisted because of the unbearable pain.

"I said that there is a big difference between being uncomfortable and being comfortable."

"You have no children, no fear of revenge from some people. I don't understand what you are upholding."

"As long as you name the person, I will let you die very simply, like a dog in your family."

Night policy said these three sentences, then looked at him and waited.

Muqi's lips began to squirm, he couldn't make a sound, but the night cold could pass through his mouth and clearly see what he said: "Even if you kill me, someone will see that you killed. I."

The night was cold and laughed, and even the chest shook with a smile: "I am not killing you, it is killing you by Bai Shanshui. I am now at Zhoujia Moyuan."

Mu Feng is indeed the same as her evaluation. He is a smart enough person. He thinks of a possibility. The last hope in his eyes has completely disappeared, leaving only panic. R1058
