v6 Chapter 53: opportunity

Name:The Sword Dynasty Author:Wu Zui
Just then, the boat that had been down the river had stopped.

The bow of the boat ran across the grass in the shallow waters and stopped.

In the drizzle of the rain, Pan Ruoye, who had been quietly staying in the cabin of the boat, came out and went to the stern, waiting for the arrival of his ship.

The river with a faint mist of water has a fascinating and dreamy color, making Pan Ruo Ye wearing a pale yellow shirt like a fairy in the legendary water.

The yellow robes standing on the bow of the boat drifting up and down are tall and straight, and the two men and women on the two gradually approaching boats are immersed in the water mist at this time, and are painted by the painter - small - said ——, presumably it will make people feel like a couple who have not reunited for a long time.

However, the two people who were so calm on the bow knew that they met formally today, and only one person could leave here alive.

"In fact, I also don't like to kill people. I always feel that murder must bring some emotions. If it is not hatred, it is that the other party makes you unhappy, or it is awkward to the other side. People feel bored at first sight."

The yellow robes' boat was slowly set in the middle of the water. His slightly brows slowly loosened and looked at Pan Ruoye. It seemed like an acquaintance without any opening remarks. He slowly said, "When I first started practicing when I was young. Whether it is reading a storybook or some of the things recorded in the classics, I always find it difficult to understand that both sides who are born and died seem to like to talk nonsense, but when I am a little older, when I start to kill, I Start to understand... Because killing is not a good thing after all, the real meaning of dialogue is to alleviate this unpleasant emotion, especially in the face of an opponent that has never been encountered before, a complete stranger, and then kill it. Then, in the face of a cold body, it is the feeling of chewing wax. The inexplicable emptiness is lonely and cold, so, what to say?"

After saying this, the Huang Pao practitioners took a ceremony against Pan Ruoyi and added: "I am in Zhengxia."

"I know who you are."

Pan Ruoye looked at the Huang Pao practitioner, and he seemed to look at an acquaintance: "The best assassin in Jiaodong County, one of the four most diligent Jiaodong County practitioners in Zheng Zong, when the fleet of the Daqin Dynasty opened up the overseas channel. There are many powerful practitioners on the overseas islands who have died in your assassination. If you really talk about military merit, your military skills will at least not belong to Lianglian. You are the most cautious in doing things, and don't neglect the possibility of hindering the shot. You I’ve been following me until now, and I’m talking to you now because you don’t want any shadows to affect your shots.”

"You are very honest."

Zheng Jingcheng snorted and said: "It is because you know too much about the Queen and too much to know about our Jiaodong County. On the list that must die, you are ranked second. But I don't understand, you obviously Knowing my intentions, in the few days I followed you, why didn't you look for the opportunity to take the lead? With your cultivation, it is impossible to find a chance to dominate."

Pan Ruoye didn't answer for a long time. When she spoke again, she looked very cold. "Because I am thinking."

Zheng Jingcheng naturally asked: "What are you thinking about?"

"I am thinking, if it is the position exchange between me and Zheng Shou, I will encounter such a situation. If I am Zheng Shou, what will I do?" Pan Ruoye said coldly: "I want to understand, if I have no worries." Regardless of whether the other party does not believe it, I will try to explain it. However, I did not wait for the person she sent to explain, but I waited for the person who came to kill me."

"So I don't preemptively shoot, I can say that I am waiting, waiting to see if she will try to do something to stop you from killing me." Pan Ruoye sneered and looked at the place where Shen Xuan and Zheng Baiyu had been fighting. After the pause, I said, "The result is that the killing has already begun. However, I have not waited for any explanation from her. This only shows that some of my guesses are correct. She knows that the real facts cannot be concealed. Take your hand and get rid of me."

Zheng Jingcheng listened carefully to her words, and her face did not change, even with a trace of sympathy. "Your guess should be correct."

"You want to talk to me more, it is because your mood is a little fluctuating. Obviously your assassination of someone in Changling City has failed. It’s just that you have said so much to me now, I am sure that I have no way to go. But I am afraid that the conversation with me will not be good for your shot, but it will affect your emotions and confidence." Pan Ruoye looked at the most cautious Jiaodong County practitioner and sneered: "Because you are like you." The Jiaodong County practitioners are always missing something compared to us."

Zheng Jingcheng’s brow jumped and he sighed: “What?”

Pan Ruoye looked at him and said slowly: "Zheng Shou and I met for the first time. Before I took me to Changling, I was in a mountain town outside Bashan. At the same time, the army and the Bashan sword field were fighting. A horse thief escaped us. In the village where they lived, they again ransacked several mountain towns around us. Almost all the adults in the mountain town were killed. Only a few small children could hide in some hidden corners to survive. Among the children who survived, I was one of the most skinny. In order to compete for some of the only food, these children became warriors, but I was the one who finally survived."

"At this time, I want to come, it is too coincidental. When her palace lady appeared badly, why did it happen when we were killing each other until only me was alone." Pan Ruoyi laughed, "You Jiaodong Many practitioners in the county are also such a means of practice, but there is the most essential difference between you and us. It is that from the beginning of your practice, you know that you will encounter such a thing. You have a long time to fear and overcome Fear, get ready for it. But we are different... We suddenly encounter such a thing, we encounter such a desperate situation without any preparation. So you do not have the innate courage of us. The day after tomorrow, the dog group is raised. The wolf is not the same as the natural wolf king."

Zheng Jingcheng frowned.

But Pan Ruoye didn't give him time to talk. He said it directly. "So you want to choose the most suitable time to wipe out my momentum, but the more you encounter the desperate situation, but it will inspire my spirit. The most important thing is that These days I am still thinking about some swords on the sword."

Zheng Jingcheng’s face was stiff.

Pan Ruoye looked at him and said heavily: "I am obsessing some of the swords on the Chen Wangjian. Now I have thought about it."

"So I said that these conversations with me will not eliminate some of your bad emotions and will only make you more confident."

Pan Ruoye looked at Zheng Jingcheng, who was silent. The calm eyes suddenly turned into the ocean of the storm, killing them. "This is the timing of the waiting for me." Mobile users please visit http://m.piaotian.net