Chapter 179: Only one trick (for subscription)

Inside the formation, the wicked cut old man Qian Yongnian brandished huge scissors, looked at Yang Fan with a smile, and said.

"Boy, tell your last words, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

Yang Fan was unmoved, his scarlet eyes glanced indifferently.

With just one glance, Qian Yongnian met Yang Fan's eyes.

"Monthly reading!!!"


Qian Yongnian's pupils shrank, his eyes lost anxiety, and he stood there stupidly.


Qian Yongnian only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and the surrounding environment had not changed.


Qian Yongnian snorted coldly, his feet slammed on the ground, and instantly came to Yang Fan, not giving Yang Fan the slightest chance to use his magic.

call! call! call!

Qian Yongnian kept using big scissors to cut Yang Fan's neck.

Every time he attacked, Yang Fan escaped Qian Yongnian's attack by accident, just a little bit.

"Damn it! Can you only hide? Show your strength."

Qian Yongnian was annoyed and said angrily.

why? Obviously, he was only close to cutting off Yang Fan's head, but why did Yang Fan avoid it every time?

Qian Yongnian's thoughts became more and more angry, and the speed in his hands accelerated a little.

Just when Yang Fan escaped Qian Yongnian's attack once again, Yang Fan's feet suddenly couldn't move. When he looked down, a cane that grew from the ground firmly tied Yang Fan's feet.

"Haha, you are dying."

Qian Yongnian laughed and flew, cutting with the big scissors in his hand, getting closer and closer to Yang Fan's neck.

Yang Fan's face was calm, without the slightest panic.

"Really? You take a good look."

Yang Fan reached out and pointed.

Qian Yongnian frowned, feeling a little weird.

But at this moment, Qian Yongnian found that his feet couldn't move so suddenly, he looked down and his eyes were frightened.

"how is this possible?!!"

It turned out that Yang Fan and Qian Yongnian had not moved since the beginning.

The series of fights just now were just his own illusions.

"Is it an illusion just now? Why didn't I feel that I was in the environment?"

"Just the moment you met me."

At this moment, Qian Yongnian suddenly remembered. He glanced at Yang Fan's weird scarlet eyes. There seemed to be a pattern in his pupils, and he didn't pay attention to the specific shape.

"It's over."

Yang Fan showed a wicked smile, took out his weapon, and walked slowly.

"You... don't come over, otherwise, you will regret it."

Qian Yongnian looked scared, desperately trying to move, but couldn't move the least.

"Don't be a man in your next life. The human world is too complicated. You can't do it."

Yang Fan stopped less than one meter away from Qian Yongnian, raised his weapon, intending to solve Qian Yongnian.

"Hahaha, yes, it's time to end. However, the one who died is you!!!"

At this moment, another Qian Yongnian suddenly appeared behind Yang Fan, with big scissors in his hand cutting towards Yang Fan's neck.


A line of blood burst out, the blood gushing like a fountain, a full one meter high.


Yang Fan's head fell to the ground, his eyes revealed disbelief.


The cane that grew out of the ground has disappeared, Qian Yongnian regained his freedom and laughed.

But his smile came to an abrupt end, and the surrounding pictures quickly disappeared, but soon a familiar picture appeared again. The picture was very shaky, and he wanted to circle around. In the shaky picture he saw a familiar figure now opposite him.

Very familiar figure.

Qian Yongnian thought in his heart.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, Qian Yongnian remembered, wasn't this guy the kid he killed just now? Why is he still standing there.

Qian Yongnian was confused.

The picture in front of me was still shaking. I don't know how long it took until the picture finally stopped shaking, and an unbearable pain came from my neck.

Moreover, Qian Yongnian found that his position was so low, and when he looked at Yang Fan, he found that it was huge.

He wanted to scream, but opened his mouth, but there was no sound.

At this time, Qian Yongnian suddenly discovered that he hadn't gotten shorter, but had been beheaded.

But why is this? Just now, he had obviously cut off the head of the guy opposite, but his head was cut off instead.

Seems to have thought of something.

Qian Yongnian glanced at the second prince Dai Yangrong, but what caught his eye was Dai Yangrong's surprise.

Still a little puzzled, Qian Yongnian's eyes swept to his body again.

But at this glance, Qian Yongnian's eyes widened, and his pupils were as small as needles.

I saw Qian Yongnian's headless body holding the big scissors in both hands, but the cutting edge of the big scissors was aimed at his own neck.

Seeing his own blood still on the blade, Qian Yongnian was still puzzled, wondering why he would cut off his head.

In this way, Qian Yongnian closed his eyes forever with such confusion and incomprehension, and completely lost his interest.


At this moment, Qian Yongnian's headless body fell to the ground and slammed heavily on the ground. His hands also loosened the scissors.

Quiet! Deathly quiet! The needle drop can be heard!

"what happened?"

Finally, the second prince Dai Yangrong spoke, his eyes swept towards Yang Fan.

As spectators, they had just clearly seen how Qian Yongnian cut off his head, but everyone didn't understand why Qian Yongnian did it.

As early as Qian Yongnian and Yang Fan's eyes met, Qian Yongnian fell into a momentary loss of consciousness for a second. The next second he directly picked up the scissors, his old face showed a hideous expression, and then he picked it up in the eyes of everyone who could not believe it. The scissors, aimed at his neck, cut it hard.

In fact, when Qian Yongnian snatched off Yang Fan’s head while he was still in the Moon Reading World, Yang Fan took the real Qian Yongnian and Moon Reading World him into a synchronized action, but he did not feel in reality. And the gaze is his own head.

Therefore, as long as Qian Yongnian in the monthly reading cuts off Yang Fan's head, it means that Qian Yongnian has cut his own head in reality.

This is the same situation as in Naruto, Uchiha Itachi invited Dedara to join Akatsuki.

Itachi made Dedala mistakenly think that he had trapped Itachi. In fact, in reality, the centipede made of explosive clay was trapped only by Dedara himself.

Dai Yangyu was lost in thought.

Dai Yueyi, Dai Xuantong, and Dai Yangxu looked at each other with a satisfied expression.

After a while, Dai Yangyu suddenly realized that there was a trace of solemnity and approval in his eyes looking at Yang Fan.

"Third brother, you see, people only used one trick and the old man died. Do you look at him with admiration?"

The tenth princess Dai Xuantong smiled with a look at the play.

The second prince Dai Yangrong's face was gloomy, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes revealed a very secret killing intent.

Because he didn't even see how Yang Fan sat down in the middle of the fit, Qian Yongnian committed suicide.