Chapter 278: Tao Xin (for subscription)

"Dao Xin is the essence of the inner heart. Why do you cultivate?"

Yang Fan asked suddenly.

"Of course it's because of becoming stronger!"

Luo Mengxue blurted out, but it also caused other people to think deeply.

"Because of what makes it stronger?"

At this moment, Luo Mengxue was stunned. After practicing for so many years, she didn't notice this.

For a long time, her daily life was practice, practice and then practice. When she felt tired, she would take some pills and take a short rest before starting a new round of practice.

This gave her an illusion, what am I doing in this practice every day? It's like a machine.

For a while, Luo Mengxue fell into deep thought, and did not answer for a long time, or could not speak.

"what about you?"

Yang Fan threw another question to others.

Sure enough, everyone present, including Mu Zi, was lost in confusion, feeling that they were not as good as a bug.

"Do you know why?!"

Seeing that Yang Fan wanted to say the answer, everyone turned their attention to him.

"In fact, you are all in a stalemate, that is, you did not calm down and ask your heart, why do you become stronger?"

"Some people will say to live, the answer is good, but not specific enough."

"Think of this answer from the bottom of my heart."

"Let me give you an example."

"You are like the ants at the bottom of the biological chain. The queen gave birth to you and gave you the task of finding food for the group, revitalizing the group, and making the group stronger. But you do not have the consciousness of the worker ants. So you are lost."

"Dao Xin can be anything. It can be with the object of love, it can be toiled like a mortal, in order to have a better material life. It can also be the highest peak of cultivation and become the master of the mainland. ......"

"I understand!"

It was Mu Zi who spoke.

"My Dao Min is to do whatever I want to do, and everything is just for the pursuit of freedom."

A pleased smile appeared on Mu Zi's face.

While everyone was still digesting Yang Fan's great principles, they saw that Mu Zi's high-level cultivation base, which had been stuck in the late stage of Lianxu, suddenly rose, and came to the first stage of Lianxu Perfection.

"How is this going?"

Some students who knew about Mu Zi's situation were all taken aback.

Because they knew that Mu Zi had been trapped in the advanced stage of Lianxu for more than ten years, and now because of some of Yang Fan's words, her realm suddenly improved.


Yang Fan was also very surprised. He didn't expect that the flickering meal he had suffered would make Mu Zi suddenly realize.


Luo Mengxue returned to her senses, and couldn't help but worship Yang Fan in her heart.

"Ma Xudong, what is your Dao Heart?"

Ma Xiaoli said.

"My Dao Heart..."

Yang Fan looked out of the window and into the sky. His eyes seemed to be perspective eyes, able to see through the clouds and see the bright galaxy above the sky.

"I won't be able to cover my eyes this day, I won't be able to bury my heart in this place, I want all sentient beings to understand what I mean, and I want all the heavens and gods to disappear in smoke!"

Quiet, there was dead silence in the class, everyone was startled by Yang Fan's arrogant words.

"I want to set foot on the throne of all the world's highest cultivation level, seek the truth of the world, and go back to my hometown to resolve some personal grievances."

Boom boom boom!

The sky above the Sacred Heart Academy was full of thunder, but the strange thing was that there were no dark clouds and no signs of rain at all.

These words of Yang Fan seem to be rebellious to other people. This is going against the sky, otherwise the sky will not explode out of thin air. This is to warn Yang Fan to pay attention to his words.

Thinking of this, everyone showed horrified expressions.

However, there are also many people who have vague signs of breaking through because of Yang Fan's rebellious and unruly words, and some even directly break through the shackles and enter the high level of perfection, and they can enter the fit period with a single kick.


With a cold snort, Yang Fan went outside the classroom, looking towards the sky.

"If I become a Buddha, there is no demon in the world; if I become a demon, Buddha does nothing to me. If the sky crushes me and splits the sky; if the earth restrains me, it smashes this place!!!"

At this moment, Yang Fan could finally feel how domineering Monkey King said these words in the biography of Wukong.

Rumble! ! !

In an instant it got dark, and the students in the first class of the sixth grade felt the anger from the sky.


A purple lightning struck down instantly and exploded not far from Yang Fan. This was the warning from Fang Tiandao to Yang Fan.

"No one can threaten me, even if you are a god."

Yang Fan's eyes were deep, and as he gradually revealed his Dao Xin, the essence hidden in his heart gradually appeared. This is the real Yang Fan. Unfettered, absolute freedom, just like Monkey King.

In fact, what Yang Fan said in the class was true.

What Yang Fan said about finding the truth in the world meant that he wanted to know the origin and nature of the system.

People who can make systems are definitely far beyond the existence of gods.

For example, the Boundary-Break-Class Cultivation Technique "Breaking the Mortal Dust" can erase the past about oneself from the timeline. Yang Fan believes that even the gods can't do it without talking about saints.

At this moment, Yang Fan truly determined his goal, which was to become the most powerful man, and then search for the truth of the world.

Speaking of which, Yang Fan is very similar to a certain supporting character in a book. The wild demon in the best demon hunting system is powerful, not to mention, slaughtered more than a dozen times of civilization, just to find the truth.

The anomaly that occurred in the first class of the sixth grade shocked the three deputy deans. The three of them were close to their senses, and they all understood everything in an instant, and they admired Yang Fan even more.

At the same time, Tu Huang Guo Yangwen was also alerted. The Mahayana Consummation of the Powerful Spirit enveloped the entire Sacred Heart Academy, and instantly noticed Yang Fan who was screaming and screaming.

No matter how high a person's heart is, he can go as far as he can. There is nothing wrong with this sentence in the world of cultivation.

It seemed that there was no way to shoot directly, Yang Fan provoked the sky for a long time, and never struck Yang Fan with a flash of lightning. In the end, the dark clouds disappeared, and when they dispersed, the dark clouds gathered into a neutral face, with no gender visible.

Only Yang Fan could see the face, and his lips opened slightly, as if he was saying something, but there was no sound. Yang Fan's face turned black for a moment, who understood lip language.

That face only said five words.

"You wait for me!"

What Yang Fan didn't know was that it was precisely because of today's clamor that his difficulty in crossing the Tribulation in the future increased by at least twice, even after he soared to the Immortal Realm.

Misfortune comes to be relied on, blessing comes to misfortune.

There are always two sides to a thing, and the increased difficulty of the tribulation does not mean it is a bad thing.

At this time, in the north city of Yongshan City, in Ji's house.

"Elder, that person has finally been found!"

A guard walked in and arched his hands at a middle-aged man.

"Where is the person?"

That humane.

"Sacred Heart Academy, not long ago he became the killer of the dark night."