Chapter 449: The war begins (for subscription)

"For one person? Do you want to destroy my magic sword?"

Tyrant Sword narrowed his eyes and looked at Yang Fan carefully, becoming more and more suspicious of Yang Fan's current identity.

"who's that person?"

"A person who is not a magic knife."

"What is his name?"

Ba Dao was breathing quickly, and his eyes looked at Yang Fan with fiery heat.

"Sun Xuan!"


As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden violent explosion from the back mountain forbidden area of ​​the Sacred Blade Gate, which was the explosion caused by the violent breaking of the formation guarding the back mountain forbidden area.

Immediately afterwards, another Yang Fan appeared nearby carrying an old man. When Ba Dao saw it, he curled his lips.

Sun Xuan is nothing for him, the purpose is only to attract Yang Fan to come. Now that Yang Fan has really come, why not make him happy.

After Yang Fan uttered Sun Xuan's name, Ba Dao affirmed that the true identity of Sun Wukong in front of him was Yang Fan who suddenly appeared in Sun's house two years ago.

"I'm very curious, who gave you the courage to say the words to destroy my magic sword."

Tyrannical Blade didn't rush to make a move. There were some powerful formations enveloped in the magic sword gate, and he had some absolute control.

"Because I killed the Zhenxi Palace, and I also killed the elder of the temple guardian named Gu Shengjie."


This time, Tyrant could not sit still at noon, and his gaze looked at Yang Fan with alert and solemnity.

"Also, the branch of the Dark Night Killing Manual in Muyuan Country was also destroyed by me."

The other elders of the Shendaomen were puzzled. They did not participate in the operation of destroying the Sun family, so they did not guess that Sun Wukong was Yang Fan.

"I said that I will not let any of the forces that participated in the destruction of the Sun family be spared. Today, your Sacred Sword will be the second force to be destroyed."

After speaking, Yang Fan quickly squeezed his hands, followed by a more terrifying and powerful formation that directly wrapped the entire magic sword gate. In order to prevent someone from using advanced teleportation symbols, Yang Fan deliberately added a space confinement formation on the edge of the formation. No matter it is inside or outside the formation, there is no way to go out or come in through the space.

Ba Dao's face was ugly, Qin Hongtao's face was gloomy.

"Sun Wukong, tell me, did you kill Qin Zhan?"

"Yes, so what, not so much?"

Regarding Qin Zhan, Yang Fan still remembers very well, vaguely remembering the scene where Qin Zhan was beheaded by someone himself.

"Very well, then you must die today!"

Qin Hongtao wanted to take a shot, but was stopped by the tyrant.

"Yang Fan's strength is only in the early days of Mahayana, not long after he was promoted. We don't need to take care of this kind of thing."

Qin Hongtao hesitated for a moment, then slowly put down his hand.

With a smile, Ba Dao rushed towards Zuo Yuanwei and Xiang Mingxu.

"Elder, second elder, this person will be handed over to you, try to get alive, do it."


After the two said, they shot immediately.


With a smile, Ba Dao's face suddenly stopped, his face became extremely cold, and he stared at Zuo Yuanwei and Xiang Mingxu.

I saw the two of them were moving towards the other elders of the magic knife gate. Because it was a sudden shot, and they were not wary of Zuo Yuanwei, the two shot instantly, killing an Inner Sect elder who was in the middle of the robbery on the spot, and three or four elders were seriously injured and fell to the ground. The aftermath of the battle shuddered and directly killed several inner disciples who were relatively close.

"Zuo Yuanwei, Xiang Mingxu, what are you two doing? I want you to attack Monkey King."

Tyrant roared loudly.

As if they hadn't heard the roar of Tyrannical Blade, the two of them kept firing at the other high-level members of the Sacred Blade.

There are not many Mahayana periods at the Sacred Sword Gate, except for Ba Dao, Qin Hongtao, and Zuo Yuanwei, only the three elders are Mahayana periods, and it hasn’t been long since they entered the Mahayana period.

"Ba Dao, how about my back hand?"

Yang Fan smiled, and then quickly formed seals with his hands, and finally patted his hands on the ground again.

Dense runes wandered on the ground, and finally the white smoke filled it, and a figure came out from the smoke.

It is the fullness of the half-step Mahayana period.

"You can't let Zuo Yuanwei continue to kill, I will contain him, and you will capture Yang Fan alive."

Seeing that Zuo Yuanwei didn't have the slightest intention to stop, Tyrant could no longer calm down, and said to Qin Hongtao.

"it is good!"

The Ba Dao disappeared and disappeared, and he killed Zuo Yuanwei.

But the Tyrant Dao hadn't gotten far before, and he was blocked by one person. It was Yang Fan who had already started the Super League One Mode.

Zuo Yuanwei felt a little bit, and left the high-level elders who were fighting against him and killed Qin Hongtao. And Feng Man replaced Zuo Yuanwei's position and suppressed the other high-level elders.


Ba Dao's face was extremely gloomy, but when he saw Yang Fan surrounded by a golden halo, his face suddenly became horrified.

The strength of Yang Fan who started the Super Tournament 1 mode has reached the strength of the early stage of Mahayana, and the Badao is also the realm of the early stage of the late stage, so he was so shocked by the rapid increase in Yang Fan's strength.

"Are you already in the Mahayana period? More than a month ago, the news that you broke through to the Mahayana period at the Divine Sword Gate was false?"

Yang Fan did not answer, but walked towards Tyrant Sword step by step.

The more he thought about it, the more terrified he became, his hair standing upside down.

If things are really as I thought, then my own traitor in the Divine Sword Gate has rebelled, and such important news cannot be fake.

"Okay, very good, I want to test if you really have such strength."

After speaking, Ba Dao got close to Yang Fan, and then took a palm.

Yang Fan didn't retreat but advanced, and also took a palm.


When the two palms collided, the two were repelled almost at the same time, with Tyrant retreating longer.

See this scene. Ba Dao's face was ugly, and this was the first time he had been crippled in strength since he created the Divine Dao Sect.

Ba Dao was confident, even in the face of Jian Shisan, he was confident that he could retreat safely.

"I didn't expect you to hide it deep enough."

Ba Dao couldn't help but admired, his eyes were behind Yang Fan, the scenes where the high-level Swordsman and Zuo Yuanwei were fighting.

The top comprehensive combat power of the magic sword gate is relatively more, and coupled with the containment of two Mahayana powerhouses, the three of them fell into a disadvantage in just a few minutes.

Yang Fan also noticed this scene.

His brow furrowed, he wanted to resolve Tyrant Sword quickly.

Since this is the base camp of the magic sword gate, then use this trick.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, and at the same time quickly pinched the law with both hands.

When Tyrant saw this, his face changed, and he recognized what Yang Fan's pinching gesture represented.

"Everyone quickly gather, that is the Piaoxue Seven Kills Art."

Ba Dao shouted in a deep voice.

"Floating Snow Seven Kills?"

Some short-sighted elders were stunned, and had never heard of this kind of exercise.

When the high-level elders of the Sacred Sword Gate heard this, their expressions changed drastically, and they left Zuo Yuanwei and the three people hurriedly ran to the position of the Tyrant Sword.