Chapter 791: Three brothers (seeking subscription)

"Ada, Aer, Asan. Let's go together!"

Zhou Zhengyang motioned to the three members of the sixth and seventh floors of the Golden Wonderland.


The three said at the same time, and then killed Yang Fan.

The three look similar, and they are obviously brothers. The head of the national character face is the eldest of the three, with a bald head and naked upper body, holding a huge axe in hand. There were still some blood stains on the axe, which were previously killed by the three crew members on the silver flying boat.

The second one has short hair, a cross-cut face, a sturdy body, and is wearing a thin gown. He is holding a saber in his hand, and the blade is somewhat curly. Obviously because too many people have been killed, the blade has broken.

The third one is called Ah San, who is also a Chinese character face, but he is dressed as a scholar. He wears a Dongpo hat on his head, which is a rectangular parallelepiped. There are two long strips behind the hat hanging behind his back.

Holding a folding fan in his left hand, besides that, there was a normal-sized brush in his right hand, which made Yang Fan think that he also had a mantra pen, and there was a gentleman sword on his waist.

At this moment, Ah San held the pen with his right hand and wrote a "sleepy" in the air, and then the "sleepy" word flew directly to Yang Fan, Yang Fan was a little curious, letting it stick to his body.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Fan felt an inexplicable force around him imprisoning him, and his body could not move. Seeing that the weapons of the other two cultivators were about to touch, Yang Fan finally moved.


As soon as the super game started, the imprisonment force broke without attack. Asan, dressed as a scholar, snorted, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But Ah Da and Ah Er had already arrived in front of Yang Fan, with cruel smiles on their faces, and both weapons attacked Yang Fan. One slashed at the neck and the other at Yang Fan's waist. If he succeeded, Yang Fan would be divided into three sections.

However, at the moment of the moment, Yang Fan lightly touched the blade of Ah Er's saber with his feet, crossed the two of them, and headed towards Ah San.

"The third child is careful, he is fast."

Ah sophomore roared, hurriedly stopped cutting the saber, turned the spear head, and continued to slash towards Yang Fan.

Ah Da's reaction was also quick, and he took the lead to catch up with Yang Fan and slashed towards Yang Fan's neck. At this moment, the three of them formed an angle and surrounded Yang Fan. The Variety Wishful Knife appeared in Yang Fan's hand, and the goal was directed at Ah San's heart. If Yang Fan didn't change the attack direction, then when he stabbed Ah San, Ah Da's axe would also hit him.

Seeing this scene, Ah San did not retreat but moved forward, and also drew the gentleman's sword from his waist and stab at the same position.

It's near!

The sword of Asan Junzi was three meters away from Yang Fan, and the axe was two meters away from Yang Fan.

When the Gentleman Sword was still half a meter away from Yang Fan, the axe was only 20 centimeters away from Yang Fan.

On the silver flying boat, the blue-haired woman was nervous and thought it was rescued, but she didn't expect that the strength of the incoming person would be just like that, and she was about to be beheaded.

However, just as Ah Da’s axe was about to hit, Yang Fan’s pupils suddenly shrank, and it was only for an instant, about a millionth of a second, that Yang Fan and Ah Er exchanged their body shapes.


This sound is the sound made by Ah Da's axe cutting off Ah Er's head, when blood is gushing from the neck of the bowl.


This sound was the sound of Ah San Junzi's sword piercing Ah Er's heart.


The object fell to the ground and then bounced repeatedly, and Ah Er's head fell on the Shenxing Flying Boat. At this time, Ah Er was reacted, he was beheaded unexpectedly, and it was his elder brother who did it.

I wanted to say something, but there was no sound. Gradually, his eyelids began to close, and Ah Er, who had lost his head, fell to the ground, blood spurting wildly.

"Second brother!"

Ah San's face was pale.

"Second brother!"

Ah Da's face was extremely ugly, he actually killed his brother with his own hands, and the fire of revenge suddenly emerged in his heart.

"Go to hell!"

Without saying anything, Ah Da quickly approached Yang Fan, without giving him a chance to release the magic formula, and was stuck tightly.

"Brother, I'll help you!"

Ah San was angry, holding a gentleman's sword, and stabbing towards Yang Fan's heart. At the same time, holding a brush in the other hand, I repeated the technique and wrote the word "town".


The word "town" fell into Yang Fan's body in the blink of an eye. Yang Fan only felt that he was at the bottom of the ocean, surrounded by strong pressure. Every movement required a lot of strength.

Seeing Ah Da holding the axe, planning to split Yang Fan in half from top to bottom, but Yang Fan was calm and without the consciousness of death, especially the lilac eyes, as if mocking.

Seeing this, Ah Da left a thought, and received a few points with strength in his hand.


Ah Da roared, and the huge axe slashed at dozens of times the speed of sound.

At the time of the hit, Yang Fan estimated to re-execute and exchange positions with Ah San.


At the moment of crisis, Ah Da suddenly stopped his axe, and Ah San held his long sword against his head.

"Good risk, almost hit again."

Asan was frightened in a cold sweat, the two looked at each other, nodded slightly, and thought of a countermeasure in their hearts.

"Come again."

Ah San turned into a ray of light, trying to use his super fast speed to force Yang Fan to avoid, and then Ah Da took this opportunity to hit him with a hit.

But the idea is very beautiful, the reality is very skinny, Yang Fan has already lost the fun of cats and mice.

A huge pressure was released, enveloping Yang Fan's whole body, the golden flames exploded, and at the same time the golden hair grew to the shoulders.

Zhou Zhengyang, who had been observing silently on the flying boat, changed his face. He felt very powerful from the pressure Yang Fan just released. Even if he was himself, he might not be able to defeat it. At this moment, he regretted his attack on Yang Fan. spaceship.

Before Ah San came to his side, Yang Fan made an instant move, and came to behind Ah San first, strangling his neck from behind, his left hand flashing thunderously.


Only the cultivators on the sixth floor of the Golden Wonderland are not opponents of the second super game mode.

With blood splashing, Yang Fan drew out his left hand. On the palm of his hand, there was a beating heart with a large amount of immortal power losing rapidly.

Yang Fan stretched his left hand in front of Ah San, letting him look at his beating heart.

Asan was stunned, there was a severe pain in his heart, and before he moved his scream, the blood flowed back and overflowed. .


With a pinch of his left hand, the heart burst open. It turned into a cloud of blood.


The heart was squeezed, and Ah San suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood, his breath was dying.


Seeing a small flame appearing on Yang Fan's left hand, Ah Da was shocked, already thinking of what would happen next.

Ah San exploded at the fastest speed in his life, trying to stop Yang Fan before he started.

But he was still slow.

The little flame touched Ah San's body, like gasoline from an open flame, and instantly ignited his whole body. In an instant, a screaming scream came. When Ah Da rushed to Ah San, Ah San was already burned to death.

I like the system to take me to practice, please collect it: ( The system takes me to practice. The literature update is the fastest.