Chapter 7: Day 8 – Death Match

Name:The Systemic Lands Author:
Chapter 7: Day 8 – Death Match

“I am done with slimes,” Frank muttered. We had finished our fourth day of hunting. We had earned 80, 72, 70, and then 68 each over the four days. The reason for the decrease was just that we moved slower in the forest and took longer breaks. The lack of urgency didn’t help the farming speed either. I couldn’t force the others to go faster, because that was an order they wouldn’t follow long term.

This meant less slimes overall. Still, I wasn’t upset. My body was in severe pain, my feet were killing me, and I wanted to puke constantly. I was alive. The fat was burning off me. At least I felt lighter each and every day. My body was the furnace, and my fat was the fuel.

This feeling made me consider balancing my upgrades. It had become a bigger and bigger thought over the last couple of days. I know I had initially decided to focus on Body, but the more I thought on it the bigger the risk there was.

If there was a monster with a mental attack, I needed to get the Mind upgrades to probably survive that. Also, there might be skills or abilities that required multiple stats. I was still committed on focusing Body for now, but I might not push it to 100 before reconsidering other stats.

“I was thinking we should purchase the Store upgrade. It would bring people a lot of hope and let us see new options,” Jim suggested. I just smiled at that while internally I was screaming.

“Maybe get some more people as well,” Jesus suggested. These idiots wanted to give up our biggest advantage. Ahhhhh! I was screaming in my mind at their stupidity. They wouldn’t even have made it this far if it wasn’t for me.

“Sure, that sounds like a good idea. We can upgrade the store and then recruit one person each tomorrow. What do you think Frank?” I asked. Might as well try and get ahead of the idea and scoop credit where I could. Also, one person each, would limit any one person from bringing in a larger group, drowning out my control.

“Whatever. This is all stupid and pointless,” he muttered. He was increasingly becoming a downer. Jim had fallen into Jesus’ sphere of influence. Focused more on working with others outside of our small group as Frank became more insular and depressed.

We all began settling down for the night. I did the same thing I did every night, using my pack full of crystals as a pillow. This time I made sure to orient myself more towards the group, so I could slightly open my eyes and see them all. I also paid attention to where they had placed their clubs and packs.

If I wanted to make a move, this was the last chance. After this there would be way too many people for me to have any kind of chance. Even with three other people, I had never killed anyone before. It was easy to think of something like this, much harder to go through with it.

If I was going to make my move tonight. The first to go had to be Jesus. He had too many ideas and was physically the most fit. After that I would target Frank and then Jim last. The main thing was to strike quickly and not hesitate.

Laying there in the dark, I kept my breathing steady. The last time I had stayed up I had paid attention to how people’s breathing had changed when they fell asleep. I didn’t know how my breathing changed, but I made a change anyway. I felt my eyes growing heavy as my mind was in turmoil. I kept going back and forth, not knowing the path I wanted to take.

Dammit! Jesus was still awake which was odd, and his breathing was a slightly uneven. He probably never practiced meditation or paid attention to his breathing. I slightly opened my left eye. After thirty breaths, I switched to my right eye.

He really was taking a long time to go to sleep, or he had the same idea I did. I thought about acting first, but it would be risky. We both probably wanted a clean sweep, but a stalemate helped him out more.

I kept waiting and my breathing steady in the sleep pattern I had developed. I could only hope he didn’t notice the difference. No one had mentioned me snoring, probably from all the physical exhaustion I was under.

Finally, I heard movement. I saw a shadow stand up. It was Jesus. He made his way over to Frank who liked to sleep leaning against the wall. His pack was off to his side. I saw Jesus pick up his pack and move it to the far side of the room. Before going for Jim’s pack.

He had made the first move. I couldn’t let him steal everything, that would be a disaster. A pure spike of rage welled up inside of me, right through my heart.

This...this person, who I had allowed to join us was backstabbing me. ME! It was hypocritical but I didn’t care about that. My breathing grew uneven, and both my eyes were wide open, but he didn’t notice thankfully.

His back was to me. Act!

I got to my feet as quietly as possible and picked up my club. I quickly lined up my angle and swung. The club hit Jesus’ head with a crack, and he collapsed on top of Jim and not moving as far as I could tell.

Now that I was forced to commit to this path, I wouldn’t hesitate and would go all the way. Damn you Jesus. The only thing worse than what I was doing and about to do, was gimping out halfway.

I rushed over to Frank who was stirring. I swung and my club hit his head and slammed it into the wall. He let out a weak shout but didn’t collapse. I swung again and the front of his face was completely shattered.

I turned back to Jesus’ body and Jim trapped under him. “What is going on!? Michael! Jesus! Frank! Help!" Jim called out. I stepped over him and swung at his head like I was swing at a slime.

“I suggest you hand over the food or else.” I had a club in each hand. I had no skill at dual wielding. I only bought two so I could stay away from the plaza for a longer period of time, due the slime juice degrading them.

“Alright.” I moved my right club to my left hand and took off my pack and set it down on the ground. “I don’t want a fight.” I set a club down on the ground as well. I turned my body, so my right side was facing them and kept a club in my left hand next to my leg, not easily visible with how dark it was. I took a step back and the three advanced. They quickly gathered around my pack, while only keeping a partial eye on me in their naked greed.

“Holy shit- “I stepped forward and swung. I hit the man closest to me in the head. He immediately collapsed on the ground. I didn’t spare him a glace and swung again. The leader who had spoken before managed to get up his bat, but I had put my entire weight into the blow.

I could feel the power and ease of movement from my upgrades. With the recent restoration I was at my peak and these men were at the bottom, barely getting enough food and water to survive.

That was why he didn’t have enough strength behind his block. My attack pushed through his defense. I struck him in shoulder, and he let out a cry of pain. It was tempting to back up, but I needed to press forward. Seize the advantage!

I batted aside the half strength blow from the third man and jabbed my club forward. It smacked into his face, and he let out a cry as he stumbled back. The leader came back in and swung at me.

I stepped back out of range, the club whooshing right in front of me. Too close. I stepped forward and swung an overhead strike. He managed to deflect the blow slightly, but I still hit his shoulder. He let out a cry as his arm fell to his side.

His shoulder was probably broken. I swung again at his bad side. He fell on his butt, and I missed. I backed up so he didn’t grapple my legs. My pack was just off to the side along with the unmoving form of the first man I had struck.

I put on my pack and picked up my spare club. The two men were hesitant to come after me and kept their distance. There was no way I would be easily able to catch them. That would just draw in more people. My shoulders ached. I made my way back to the pillars quickly, while looking out for other threats.

I spent 33 points on a restoration, leaving me with 125 points left. More than worth it. I then began making my way out of the plaza. The two men had left, and I increased my pace. Just as I exited the plaza onto the street back towards the slimes, I checked behind me.

The two men from before and four new ones were headed for me. One of them was huge. Easily a foot taller than me. I didn’t want to tangle with them. I began a light jog.

“Get him!” I heard one of them shout. I quickly increased my speed from a light jog to a full sprint. My breathing was a lot easier with all the upgrades and recent restoration, but I was still fat and had a heavy pack. I couldn’t leave my pack behind, since I wouldn’t make it long without food.

I picked the building where I had left my dead teammates and rushed in there. I went up to the second floor and the corpses were still there. The people chasing me all rushed in, no thought to leaving someone outside. The buildings only had a single door, so they probably weren’t thinking too hard about me escaping another way.

I leapt out the second-floor window making sure to bend my legs when I landed. I landed safely and let out a huff of air. I had been careful to keep a tight grip on both clubs. I then ran some more as I heard shouts from the building. They had probably found the bodies and that hesitation was the time I needed to escape.

I rushed down the street and took the slight turn on the path to the gate. I kept up a fast walk after that and managed my breathing.

There was one advantage to being fat. If the upgrades were a percent improvement off the base, then I had a larger base due to having to shift my fat ass around. It was like someone half my weight carrying another one of themselves, so they had to be strong. I was just carrying around my fat normally.

So, any improvement would have a much bigger impact, at least that was my reasoning. I would take the wins I could, even if I wasn’t sure about them.

I checked behind me, but there was no pursuit. I had lost the people chasing me. They might head this direction, but after the injuries and lack of food, they were probably close to their final moments. The big risk was them ambushing me at the gate, aka the tunnel leading through the wall and out of this stone city.

I preferred to think of it as a gate, since gates were chokepoints in and out of cities in my mind. Even though it was more like a tunnel, it felt like a gate to me.

If they followed my direction, they would find the gate. They probably wouldn’t leave the city, since they hadn’t already, but would wait to ambush me, most likely. It was a clear chokepoint. Well, they might also wait in the plaza, but they had seen the amount of food I had. Desperate people do desperate things.

They knew I could outlast them. Which meant they had to chase me. They might go into the forest if they were desperate enough, but that would be better for me. Well, a day off to recover and rest didn’t sound that bad.

It was annoying that I would have people chasing after me but expected. At least the desperate state of the plaza people was confirmed, which was what I had expected. The people at the plaza were growing desperate and would be dead from starvation soon.

The real question was, when would new people show up? That would change the dynamics if there were earlier survivors who were desperate, but I wasn’t too concerned. I had gotten past the biggest hurdle.

I could almost feel future me giving current me a dope slap on the back of the head at that thought.