Chapter 74: Day 196 – Return

Name:The Systemic Lands Author:
Chapter 74: Day 196 – Return

“Huh, someone is trying to break in,” I said as we made the trek back to Purgatory.

“You just know?” Ruth asked.

“Yes, I wonder who would be so daring during daylight.”

“Pick up the pace?”

“We are already moving, can’t go much faster,” I replied and killed a scorpion. “We are going to get in late and now they stopped.”

“So, you just know?” Ruth asked.

“Yes. Don’t know who it was. But someone was doing damage to my front door. Hopefully it was just a crazy person. Urg, repair costs. So, you chipping in, or considering your own place?” I asked.

Ruth looked at me. “I honestly can’t tell if you are asking me to move in as a teammate or something more.”

“As a teammate and friend.”

“Then there are questions of ownership and investment,” Ruth said.

“Ah.” I really didn’t want to allow anyone to inherit my building. Ruth let out a small sigh.

“I will get a place next door. But I think I will keep the key you gave me,” Ruth said.

“If you aren’t sleeping there, I will have to ask you to return it,” I said. I wasn’t going to let her keep a key like that. It could fall into the wrong hands.


“A safety protocol.” I really wasn’t joking. If you don’t live there, then no key for you.

“Alright, here.” She gave me the key back and I felt a bit sad. I know she was implying something with the key, but I was being an idiot. I knew I was being an idiot, but I still requested it back anyways. Safety protocol, what a bunch of garbage. I wanted to go back and kick the me from a minute ago. Still, it was a decision I had made, I wasn’t about to change it.

We reached Purgatory late that evening. I was on edge from the number of crystals we had. There was no attempt at an ambush and the path to the plaza was without issue. I half expected people to attack us from the buildings during the entire trip.

The plaza itself had 20 guards and people were lined up to turn in crystals from their daily grinding. The Captain running the show noticed me and quickly had four of his guards clear a spot near the pillars for us.

“Welcome back Champion Michael. You may directly skip the line,” the Captain said. Ah privilege, I wouldn’t complain.

“Thank you. Any trouble?”

“Some people tried to break into your home, but they were caught and executed.” I nodded at that.

“Good job. Please make sure we are not bothered. This may take a bit of time.”

“Of course, Champion. Push that line four feet back, you and you stand there.” The Captain was clearly on top of things as he ordered his men.

I had a lot of crystals after all that grinding. I had 14,284 50-point crystals. I turned in 14 reinforced packs of 1,000 crystals each. Ruth had managed 3,688 and Tom 1,100. Both very respectable numbers, but nowhere close to what I had grinded out.

I purchased a restoration for 748 points and that left me with 701,088 points. I purchased 200 upgrades for 619,500 points. Body-150; Mind-60; Spirt-100; Perception-80; Aura-60; Rengeration-150; Endurance-50; Absorption-50, for a total of 700 upgrades so far. The price of my next upgrade cost 3,600 points.

After that I paid 21,000 points for another light, shower, and table in my home, bringing the total up to 2 tables. I spent 526 points on repairs for my doors. I then spent 1,200 points on a new outfit made of fine cloth. The current one was pretty rank and worn and it wasn’t that expensive. I would be keeping my armor, that stuff was way too expensive to swamp out if it wasn’t heavily damaged.

I still had my spare set of clothes for emergencies. I purchased another razor for 5,000, book and pen for 10,000, lamp for 10,000, and ten copper flasks with lamp fuel for 11,000 points. I restocked up on food and water for 500 points, which left me with 22,362 points.

“For you and your men’s hard work.” I handed out 20 50-point crystals once I was done. Which got me words of thanks and smiles. I asked the Captain to let Tyrese and Ken know I would see them for lunch tomorrow and would be in city all day.

Tom followed me and we entered my home. “My room, your room. There is a shower and table back there as well.” He looked at me in surprise. “We are off tomorrow, like I told Ruth, that goes for you as well. Don’t get into too much trouble. If you leave lock the door.”

“Thanks, and got it.” He raced off and I went to my room. I took my time to get clean and shave my face. I needed to deal with my hair. I carefully cleaned off my armor before putting it back on. It was already dark outside, so I had to take it all off, feeling stupid. After that I went to sleep.

“The teams the Union has been sending out to higher level monsters has really relieved a lot of the pressure and kick started the economy around here. Realistically, if skills keep going the same way, another four or five thousand,” Ken said.

“What, really?” That was another 200 days.

“Yes. At that point we will have to consider taxing level two crystals,” Ken said.

“A 10% tax at most. But I would need to think on it some more. We need people with skills, since other cities aren’t that far.” If that one was only a few days away, there were probably others that were similarly close.

“That brings the next topic, our official policy to visitors,” Tyrese said. “We are concerned if someone like you shows up and you aren’t around.”

“That is tricky, the best option is to point out that if they fight me and win when I return, they get to rule the city. Then give them food and drink until I get back.”

“If they demand more?” Ken asked.

“Then it is your decision to capitulate or to assassinate. If you do decide to kill them, overwhelming force without warning. I am talking Entangling Roots and Acid Shot from multiple people. Even then, against me that would have a fifty-fifty chance of working.” I gave them both a stare.

“Only that much? I would have thought an ambush with people with skills would have a bigger impact,” Ken said.

“It is a combination of skills and upgrades. What is the person with the highest Body either of you know of?” I asked.

“A hundred, but that is all they have focused on,” Tyrese said, and Ken nodded.

“To give perspective, I have 150 Body, but my upgrades are spread out.” I saw a bit of shock on their faces.

“That...that is quite a lot. If you don’t mind me asking, what is your total count?” Ken asked.

“Over 600 and less than 1,000. We are heading into superhuman territory regardless of skills. The threat of a high-level response will be the only thing that keeps people like me from other cities in check. A nuclear deterrent if you will.” I was sharing all of this, because with the threat of other cities becoming more real by the day, I didn’t want to have to worry about the situation in Purgatory.

“You can win, right?” Ken asked. The fact he asked that question, meant I knew they knew that they needed me. Trying to drag me down or sabotage me, would have a much higher risk to it now, compared to before. Better someone they can work with than someone new who just rolls in, and they know nothing about.

The little show in Neo Brasilla was also done as a point for these two and I was glad the message had finally been delivered and understood. If you don’t have high level people, then you can’t do anything if they stroll right in. Another reason to leave Estevo alive to talk and confirm what had happened.

“Most likely, but a high-level fight hasn’t happened yet. Where skills counter other skills and people are dodging faster than skills. I have given it a lot of thought and could probably win one on one. But skills and larger groups mean more variables. As you know, anything can happen in a fight or battle.” I shook my head and sipped some flavored water.

“Back to the topic of other cities. Our official policy is non-interference, they leave us alone and we don’t send you to deal with them. As for the trading trip you have planned, we are going to ask you don’t cause an incident,” Ken said.

“Alright. Should I be annoyed you know my business?” I asked.

“Be annoyed at Bob. That man gossips more than an Instagrammer. Trying to get people to pay to go to another city or for the experience. Who would want to or can afford that? Also, who do you think people come to for a loan to get skills?” Ken said and pointed at himself.

“Ah, that makes sense. Neither of you have issues?” I asked.

“You don’t involve yourself in my businesses I don’t involve myself in yours. Also, more people with skills, means more crystals coming in.” The way Ken said that, added another point to him being the secret crime lord of Purgatory.

“It isn’t an investment by the city. But an investment of Red Dawn into a person and I believe Ken invested into another person,” Tyrese said.

“If I can ask the type of contract that is being used?”

“We worked with Laura from the Union and are basically working through them. We get half of all level two crystals earned until we are paid back double our investment. No timeline of repayment, but the faster they work, the faster they get their money back. After that they are in the free and clear,” Ken explained.

“They add on things like carts, gear, and other supplies to get a team up and running. But it works out, five teams have gotten out of debt had have purchased their own buildings,” Tyrese added. Now that was interesting, the economy was moving.

“I thought about a bank, but this kind of thing is better done on a case-by-case basis, with the Union vetting people and we are providing financial muscle to make it happen. If the team wipes, we are out of luck. Debts don’t get passed on,” Ken said.

“Alright, my fears of debt slaves rebelling are put to rest at least.”

“I doubt you want to make it a full-time thing?” Ken asked.

“The price would go up. This is more a break from grinding monsters which is far more profitable.” I had no doubt businesses and taxes would eventually come out ahead against me, but for now I enjoyed the feeling of being the richest. Like winning a game you didn’t realize you were playing, just a feeling of pure joy.