Chapter LII – Day 790 – The Free City Of Hong Kong

Name:The Systemic Lands Author:
Chapter LII – Day 790 – The Free City Of Hong Kong

“Halt-“ I waved my hand and focused my energy. The guards were turned to dust at the gate into the city. I easily punched open the gate and killed anyone that came near me as I went towards the plaza.

Once there, I purchased clothing to wear. While I could run around naked, it was about having dignity and respect for oneself. But it was not a serious matter in my mind. A woman was approaching me. She appeared nervous, but I would gain some information from her.

I needed to confirm this city’s location and what day it currently was. The fact that my banner wasn’t flying inside this city was quite annoying. “Greetings Divine Empress,” the woman said in Chinese and kowtowed. At least she wasn’t a westerner or worse, a Yankee.

“What city is this?” At least she knew of me and showed the proper respect.

“The Free City of Hong Kong, Divine Empress,” she replied. At least this woman wasn’t stupid enough to make suggestions or ask me questions. I would have just killed her out of principle at that point. Still, giving the title of Free City to this place felt slightly insulting.

“Your Protector, where is he?” I asked. I was curious to face the man. He would allow me to learn how much I had improved fighting the level 7 monster.

“I do not know Divine Empress. Please spare our city,” the woman begged pitifully. I walked over to her figure kneeling on the ground with her head pressed onto the stones.

“Yet you defied me by demanding independence. Now that I am here, I don’t like your city. What will you do then?” I asked.

“We will submit,” the woman said.

“Submit? Then where is the Protecter?” I asked again.

I filled the pot with water and some salt, and I then poked the water with my finger. It took a couple of minutes, but soon the water heated up and I boiled a pot of rice right on the table with my own energy. It wasn’t simple or easy to get this kind of control and convert it to a different type of energy without a skill, but that was the benefit of picking knowledge.

The rice was soon done. I drained out the water and put it into a bowl. I then used a pair of chopsticks to eat. I smiled as I ate the rice. It had been so long since I had eaten. I had forced my body to sustain itself from energy, but I was starving.

I drank some water with my rice, while taking my time to eat slowly. I was feeling immensely better. I wouldn’t stuff myself and it would take a little bit of time to recover, but it was no matter. Even if my body had become skinny and a bit weaker, the Body stat more than made up for any issues.

Perhaps that was the fate of all those who looked to join the Heavens. They would become beings of energy and not matter. I considered that as I finished off my meal. The idea did have merit, since people who had more stats had more energy.

In time, I might even shed my physical form, becoming a true immortal. Already my knowledge and practice in manipulating energy was getting better and better. Cooking the pot of rice was proof of my progress.

I stood up after finishing and stretched a bit. The meal had been small but filling. I would need to make sure I ate more going forward. A meal with my son would be quite enjoyable. I would see to his manners and control of his hands.

That would show me his base talent in Kung-fu. While he was being taught, it was just the basics. He would need proper instruction. Well, I had my fun and taught this city a lesson. My armies would easily finish them off. If the Protector hadn’t run off completely, I might get an enjoyable fight as well.

I left the city, content with how things had gone. I would need to sleep soon as well. I did feel tired after eating. I looked forward to my bed. While it was a luxury and a weakness, I felt after battling for an eternity, getting blessed by the Heavens, and reaching enlightenment that a night’s sleep on a comfortable bed was not too much to ask.

Already, I had pushed myself and was continuing to push myself, far more than I should. I was using energy to supplement my body and mind to prevent myself from falling apart. It was amusing, that I felt so weak after battling for so long, but that fight had not been easy or simple.

I had been pushed beyond my limit multiple times. While I had come out stronger in the end, I needed a little bit of time to recover fully. To rest and eat, so my physical body did not deteriorate any more. While restorations were helpful, I had spent too long fighting, and my physical state was held together more by my will than by food and sleep at this point. Both a strong body and mind were needed for Kung-fu.

One could not be strong without the other. I was making my way to the Southwest. I would reach Wuhan and then take the road South to the Forbidden City.