Chapter 483: Day 985 – Preparing For A Celebration

Name:The Systemic Lands Author:
Chapter 483: Day 985 – Preparing For A Celebration

“Alright, let’s get them tucked away,” I said as the various level 4 monsters were moved into holding pens at the constructed arena. I had gotten back tonight with a whole range of monsters. I was giddy about showing them off in the tournament. It had been a hassle to get them all, but I was quite pleased with myself. It certainly would make things a lot more exciting and bring a lot of points with the auction planned.

“Emperor Michael,” Samantha came over. She looked prim and proper as always. Her afro was going strong. I would never have the patience to deal with that kind of hair.

“Samantha, good to see you. The arena is looking good. The holding pens are perfectly set up, and the soldiers were able to direct me to them,” I replied.

“Thank you, great care was taking to ensure there wouldn’t be disturbances,” she replied.

“Using the rods as part of the locking mechanism was clever. Also soldiers guarding the area to prevent anything from happening,” I replied, pleased to see she had thought ahead.

“Of course. Would you like to rest first, a meal, or a report?” she asked me. I considered that for a moment.

“Let’s eat. Any place good?” I asked thinking about the Gray Duck and if it had been rebuilt.

“The Imperial Place has the best chefs who can prepare anything you desire,” Samantha replied.

“Ah, I was thinking about eating out. I am sure my soldiers would appreciate it. My treat,” there were light cheers from my protection detail. “After all the headaches getting these monsters, we need to celebrate properly!” I declared.

“Of course. The Last Stand offers a wide selection of meat and alcohol, that is quite popular among high combat level grinders. That would be sixteen people, you and your soldiers?” Samantha asked me.

“Yes,” I replied. She quickly turned to a messenger that was with her and gave him instructions and he ran off.

“A table will be ready by the time we arrive. I am happy to lead the way and answer any questions you might have,” Samantha replied.

“The tournament, everything on track?” I asked.

“Yes. Teams are still being confirmed, but brackets are already filling up. There won’t be any seeding and the order will be randomized the day beforehand to prevent anyone from trying to gather intelligence.” I nodded at that. “It will give the bettors time to place bets. Each team has to submit a general information sheet on their members and about their preferred fighting style as well. It is generating interest in the tournament.”

“The buildings around the arena are four floors tall, with the third floor having balcony seating while the top floors are for the masses. Stands are being constructed, it took some doing but we were able to alter the roofs and floors of the buildings to be in a staircase pattern. So the balcony starts at around two and goes up to three floors high internally. The roof goes from three floors to four floors.”

“That is impressive, I will have to take a look tomorrow, at everything. I noticed flags and statues outside?” I asked.

“Each governor gets a statue, but yours is the biggest at the entrance and Clarissa has a slightly smaller statue next to yours, built into the building. Another thing that took a while to figure out. Flags are hung beneath the statues to show the cities of the governors.”

“All the cities are participating?” I asked.

“Yes. The prizes are quite valuable and the competition and rivalry is already heating up from what I have heard. We would need you to approve some more political bets like zone control and to match up those specific teams, but we can discuss that tomorrow,” Samantha explained.

“What about outside teams?” I asked.

“They will have until the day before we finalize the bracket to register. There aren’t that many, since most of the good teams are being snatched up by the governors, but some have strongly stuck to independence,” Samantha added.

“Medium,” I replied. I knew that was the proper way to ask for a steak. Anything else was just asking the cook or chef to screw it up. Bost places aimed to prepare meat at medium as well.

“Excellent,” Raftel snapped his fingers and servers quickly came over and began pouring wine for everyone. “I will be a short distance away if you need anything, and will make sure your food arrives promptly Emperor Michael,” he said. I waved my hand and he left.

“Everything seems to be running smoothly and building up quickly,” I said while thinking of my early days in Purgatory struggling to get by with almost no businesses.

“Supreme Governor Clarissa has been managing everything very well to ensure the foundation of the Capital is strong,” Samantha added.

“What do you think Francis?” I asked as I sipped some of the wine. It was sweet, I liked that.

“Good, a bit sweet,” he said.

“I like sweet. My secret weakness,” I said with a smile.

“No cake monster though,” he added. It was a running joke we had. When would I find the legendary cake monster that would defeat me.

“No, it isn’t a cake monster. Sugar is a pain to get right?” I asked.

“Only level 5 cities have sugar. So it is all coming from the Forbidden City,” Samantha added. I nodded at that.

“Better to get the upgrade done sooner rather than later. Sugar, the crystal everyone truly wants,” I joked and there were chuckles at that.

“Emperor Michael,” a woman began approaching, but Captain Francis immediately stood up and intercepted her.

“I will have to ask you to leave,” he said harshly.

“I just was hoping to ask a few questions,” she replied. Rafteal hurried over.

“Is there a problem?” he asked.

“This woman is to leave immediately,” Captain Francis said and I nodded when Rafteal looked over at me.

“Of course, I will have to ask you to leave madame for disturbing our other guests,” he replied.

“The truth will come out! Death to ty-“ she died as Captain Francis thrust a knife through her head, killing her instantly. Two more soldiers quickly came over and then grabbed her body, carrying it out of the restaurant.

“I apologize Emperor Michael,” Rafteal said while bowing deeply.

“It is not your fault. There are idiots everywhere. No matter, I look forward to trying your steaks. A little death just livens up the atmosphere,” I said with a smile and he forced a smile in return.

“Yes, of course. I will make sure everything is perfect,” he replied. There was a round of clapping from the neighboring tables. I gave a short wave and a smile at the other patrons. I guess they were amused as well. Dinner and entertainment. I truly was back in Purgatory it felt like.