Chapter 493: Day 1,002 (4) – Final Single Matches, 3 to 3

Name:The Systemic Lands Author:
Chapter 493: Day 1,002 (4) – Final Single Matches, 3 to 3

It was late afternoon, and the semi-finals of the level 3 matches were finally here. “Green side ready?” They were on the platforms. Level 3 monsters were too dangerous to have multiple matches at the same time in the arena. Also, the summoners needed to be at an elevated location to ensure their safety. “Red side ready? First monsters!”

Both sides let me know their first monsters ahead of time, making sure they couldn’t change based on what their opponent picked. A small rule change due to how the level 2 single tournament had played out with Michelle. Thankfully summonings could be charged ahead of time. Since some of the monsters were big.

“Green side uses a great pulsing red worm as their first monster. Red side uses a winged blue snake. An opposite type. Well thought out against the worm that has steamrolled through the competition! Blasts of ice are causing annihilation reactions.”

“Pause battle! Green withdraws!” The worm was pulled back and their next monster sent out. “Fight! A cliff bulb has been unleashed. It shoots forward into the air, vines wrapping around the winged snake. It can’t escape! It is dusted. Next monster!”

“Red side sends out their second monster which is a metal sphere! The only one we have seen this tournament. The bulb charges up its beam attack, but the metal sphere advances without worry. The vines wrap around it, but they aren’t strong enough to damage the metal sphere.”

The bulb monster suddenly turned to dust. “And the metal sphere instantly kills the opposing monster by getting enough time to push out the energy of the bulb, destabilizing it near instantly. A powerful attack. Green sends out their last monster.”

“A red elephant. Another trump card monster. It launches into action, moving quite gracefully for something so large. It begins slamming the metal sphere viciously. It is taking a beating. But it isn’t enough. The metal sphere has too high defense! Red side wins!”

Both opponents came out and shook hands before leaving. Now it was time for the next semi-finals. Both competitors got into position and let me know their first monster. “Green side ready?” They waved their green flag on a stick. “Red side ready?” They waved their green flag as well. “Fight!”

“Green side sends out a mist stalker first. Their ethereal form is hard to counter. Red side sends out a queen summoner ant. Level 2 ants quickly swarm the field and soon level 1 ants. Once the ants built up, then it is hard for later monsters to punch through to the main summoner.”

“The mist stalker moves past the summoned ants! It is also cutting the tethers to the summons, rather than targeting the summons themselves. Pause battle! Red side withdraws and sends out a glowing floating mirror monster.”

“Green side signals they are switching out monsters and sends out sword dervish! Both sides move in for the clash. The mirror monster would reflect energy attacks, but it is no good against the dervish. Pause battle. Red side withdraws their mirror and sends out their last monster. A dark blue production golem!”

“Green side switches out again and picks a floating orange sword. Fight! The production golem makes smaller golems, similar to a summoner, but they are automated not controlled. They can’t hit the flying sword which moves in.”

“It pierces the production golem, and there is an explosion. The production golem is dusted! Cease battle! Green side wins!” The crowd cheered. I quickly finished off the remaining golems wandering the arena. A break was called before the finals. I went back up to the Imperial box.

Michelle was enjoying herself, sipping juice and sitting next to Clarissa. I was glad the two were getting along since Michelle was going to be on my team. “What do you think Michelle?” I asked her.

“Size is a factor. That pulsing red worm is quite good, unless against the opposing type. The production golem has promise, but the lack of control is concerning,” she quickly said in one breath. Her earnestness was another reason I had picked her for my team.N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l--B1n.

“That is fine. Better to be safe than sorry. After the Bloody Eye, I know how much risk I am willing to take with a level 5 monster. Well time for the finals,” I said and quickly leapt back into the arena.

“Alright people! Time for the final match!” Both sides came out and I checked with them what monster they were sending out first. That decision could easily decide the match. “Green side ready?” They waved their green flag on a stick. “Red side ready?” They waved their green flag as well. “Fight!”

“Green side has changed their lineup slightly and sends out a metal sphere! The same as Red side. Both sides send out metal sphere first. They move towards each other.” They both dusted at the same time. “Mutual destruction! Pause fight!” I quickly checked in with both sides on their next monster.

“Fight! Green side sends out a summoner ant and the Red side sends out the same monster! They haven’t colluded people, just picking out the best monsters to beat their opponent with. The summons are already engaged in fierce combat as both sides seek to gain any advantage.”

“A test of skill. That many summons are hard to control. Green side is pressing hard at the flanks, while giving up ground in the center of the arena. Red side is moving his summoner up! A daring play, but allowing his entire force to be mobile.”

“Green side cuts his opponent’s tether! The fight is over. Red side sends out his pulsing red worm. Green side switches out monsters and sends out floating blue rocks. The worm races forward, but the pressurized beam of water slices deeply into the worm.”

“The worm is struggling as the rocks float above it and keep blasting it. But the worm keeps regenerating.” The match continued for another minute, and I let it keep going. Both sides were attacking. But only one monster was on the ground.

“Warning! Delay of match green side!” He sent his rock monster down towards the ground, but couldn’t keep it away from the worm. It was soon smashed and dusted, but the attack also added enough damage to the sliced up worm for it to dust as well.

There was a stunned moment of silence as everyone tried to process what just happened. “Cease battle! Mutual destruction! Green side wins due to having one withdrawn monster.” I didn’t think we would go to a tiebreaker criteria. But it had happened.

There was cheering and I gave the prizes to the winner of the level 3 portion of the tournament. “Tomorrow for the closing of the monster battle arena. You will get much more action! An exhibition match between myself and my soldiers with level 4 monsters. That will be followed by an auction for the remaining level 4 monsters. You don’t want to miss that!”

Everyone cheered. The ending had been quite exciting for the crowd. We really needed team level 3 monster battles. Just having single monsters wasn’t very exciting in my opinion. I wanted something closer to a real battle. But that could get out of control very quickly.

If it wasn’t me and my protection detail plus Michelle tomorrow, I wouldn’t trust anyone else to handle a level 4 team battle. It was going to be chaos. But that was where all the fun was going to come from. I was going to compete myself, on the field. If my protection detail didn’t pressure me, then they were getting fired. They were also getting Michelle as well.

Well, they wouldn’t be fired, but I would be annoyed. They seen me subdue several of the monsters, so they knew my combat skills were immense. They couldn’t half ass it. The point of the exhibition match was also to leave an impression on people on the dangers of level 4 monsters and my immense strength.

It would also drive up the price for my monopoly I had in capturing them. If the monsters could even pressure me, then clearly, level 4 monsters were incredibly strong. Every governor would want one for their teams to increase the grinding speed.

I looked around at the arena. Everything had been going great.