Chapter 595: Day 5,074 (2) – All Knowing

Name:The Systemic Lands Author:
Chapter 595: Day 5,074 (2) – All Knowing

I could see the shock on their faces that I had found out about their little scheme. Michelle was quite adept with her summons, including some smaller ones that could hide themselves. It wasn’t that hard to have one listen in on their conversation. It was a simple matter of having a soldier who knew the language listen in as the words were repeated back. That was Captain Francis thinking ahead and picking people who knew the remaining languages.

They didn’t have the stats needed to counter higher level monsters that Michelle could use. It was a glaring weakness, one I exploited to clearly remind them not to take me lightly or think they could exploit me.

My honor guard quickly collected the maps that had been provided as refreshments were brought out. They were of poor quality. The fruit juice was fairly weak, and the food served was also of the basic variety. I smiled at the salted cucumbers.

After enjoying some food, everyone seemed too nervous to speak. “I hope our humble fair doesn’t cause offense,” General Ali said.

“It is fine, if lacking preparation. But I suppose that is the nature of things. I am surprised that a council is in charge,” I said.

“It creates stability. If there is an unfortunate loss, our entire government won’t collapse into anarchy. No offense intended,” he replied.

“None taken. I can understand that concern. It has been an issue with some past governments. I just dislike councils. People hiding from the threat. Pushing the blame onto others. I am not a politician.”

“I would think that being Emperor, would make you one by default,” he replied.

“Perhaps. But this trip West to visit the remaining cities will be the last diplomatic trip for a long time. At least that is the hope. I plan to focus on exploring and grinding monsters. Perhaps test myself against a level 8 in the future,” I speculated out loud.

“I wish you success. If there is any support we can provide, please don’t hesitate to ask,” General Ali replied. I noted the council members were letting him take the lead on speaking to me.

“Doubtful, but the offer is appreciated in the spirit it was given.”N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l--B1n.

“I hate to press, but why not allow an embassy to your capital, or is it your intention to cut off your Empire from the rest of the Systemic Lands?” General Ali asked. I liked that he was using my name for his place.

“Yes. There will be no allowances for diplomats traveling to the capital city of Purgatory at this time. Indeed, the entire East half of the Systemic Lands is closed to all travel in that direction, unless personally approved by myself or Supreme Governor Clarissa,” I calmly replied.

“May I ask why?”

“The simple fact is, that terrorism is a threat that I don’t want to deal with. I also know that an embassy is just a fancy way of saying den of spies. I am not an idiot, and I don’t plan to pander to nations that don’t have something useful to trade. While it is harsh, the truth is, you are like some small country in Africa, while I am NATO,” I replied.

“Not just America?” General Ali asked with a forced grin.

“I control more than half of the Systemic Lands. My power is immense. Consider me America, and the rest all the other countries,” I answered.

“So, we just have to take it. I suppose that is the way of humanity. The strong dictate and the weak obey,” General Ali said.

“You can fight, and attempt terrorism. But New Kochi is being turned into a fortress city, and the border is and will continue to be carefully monitored for any attempted crossings or airships. Good news, is that you can do almost anything over here, and I won’t get involved,” I replied.

Once the embassy showed up after fifteen minutes, we quickly left the city. I sat on the bridge in the chair to the right of the captains. I let Captain Francis have the main chair. This was his airship to command, and I was pleased by everything he had done so far. Letting him have the center chair was the respect I gave him for his position.

“That was a nice visit,” Michelle said to my right. She had chosen to sit up here as well.

“Well, it didn’t end in flames and purging a city. A plus on the next nation. I am thinking peace with Graystone and a purge of this Holy Kingdom,” I replied.

“Pre-judging?” Michelle asked me.

“While I don’t have a high opinion of their strength, they aren’t idiots in The One. Okay, that is a stupid name, don’t you agree?” I asked Michelle.

“Yes, it is a terrible name. Call your nation anything else. The One sounds like a name for a person who is quite full of themselves,” Michelle said.

“Well time to meet a Queen. Thankfully an Emperor outranks a Queen,” I said.

“Does that even matter? It is the person that makes the title, not the title that makes the person,” Michelle countered and I nodded at that.

“True. Perhaps I should change my title to something else. But I can’t think of anything better than Emperor that isn’t pretentious,” I muttered the last bit.

“What, God?” Michelle asked.

“No way. The Almighty System has that role. Sicario was a good title, even if it wasn’t English,” I said.

“It does role off the tongue,” Captain Francis chimed in.

“What title besides Emperor do you think I could pull off?” I asked Francis.

“Divine Emperor,” he suggested, and I considered that.

“Supreme Emperor,” Michelle said. I had used that in the past. It was catchy.

“Champion Emperor,” I said to get in on the suggestions. There was a comfortable silence after that. Each of us watching the land zip past as we flew towards our next city. There was a feeling of sadness, that there would be no more cities to find any time soon once this trip was over. In fact there was a good chance, there were no more cities.

There had been speculation that extra population might be sent to another area separated by a large stretch of void. If not, then it would take millennia for everyone from Earth to show up. While I was prepared to grind for a long time, that was too long.

I could see a decade, maybe two. But after that it would be hard to keep pushing forward, killing the same monster over and over. But that was probably what it took to become strong enough to clear the high level zones and towers safely.

Looking out the front window, I could see people grinding down below. It was nice in a way. To see that even separated, there were still commonalities between cities. That we were all human. There wasn’t an endless swarm of aliens or monsters on this half of the Systemic Lands.