Chapter 625: Day 5,146 (2) – Round Two

Name:The Systemic Lands Author:
Chapter 625: Day 5,146 (2) – Round Two

Two bright multi-colored beams cut through the air. The right mix of energies to deal maximum damage and create an annihilation effect according to Jacob. Captain Francis and Michelle had lined things up perfectly. Both beams struck the surface of the structure I had already attacked.

I could feel the waves of energy being released from the attack. I heard the airship breaking apart from the attacks and the counter force of the super weapon. The beams dug through the structure and then the world heaved outwards.

This was the upscaled version of a weapon designed to kill the Divine Empress. No expense had been spared in any regard for this super weapon. The entire front portion of the block structure bulged out and then exploded outwards. Block chunks went flying by me, energetic effects happening to them, as they melted, burst into flames, or transformed slightly.

The entire front of the massive structure had been blown away, including the spheres chamber, leaving it exposed to the world, with a reflective half sphere behind it. The sphere appeared to be undamaged as I flew towards the sphere as debris fell around me.

A WEAK ATTACK. REDIRECT Gravity quickly changed from down, towards the sphere. Everything else was up. I was ready for that move.

Air Burst. I adjusted my trajectory to the side, so I would sling shot around the sphere, instead of falling right at it. I hadnt been mentally prepared the last time, but I had spent a lot of time thinking after my loss. Making yourself the center of gravity, while a powerful move to alter the terrain in your favor, I could fly and adjust my trajectory. That meant I could sling shot around on an orbital trajectory, to save energy while maintaining a safe distance from the disintegration shield the sphere used.

BEAM. This attack was much easier to dodge at close range, since I could move out of its firing arc more quickly. If anything the sphere should have used this attack while we were at a distance. I countered with much weaker beam attacks of my own.

The disintegration shield appeared, blocking them, but I needed a visual and a shield for myself. Another minor but incredibly important detail I had noticed in the last battle was that the disintegration shields the sphere used worked both ways. They were an absolute barrier. While partially see through with their glowing white appearance, that was all they let through.

No attacks, or anything else physical got through. I began activating all the annihilation bombs I had on me and tossing them to the sides. With the idea they would come back down on the sphere and explode. I tossed out four before I reached the critical part of my attack near the sphere.

Acid Shot.Force Shot. I used the vocalization trick I had picked up from the Astrologer and pumped in 20,000 energy into this one attack. My attack appeared inside the spheres shield right on it. I swore the spheres shield wavered from the massive explosion. Everywhere else in the destroyed chamber was hit with annihilation blasts. The attack was so powerful, I needed the spheres shield to protect me.

I got ready to act. I suspected there would be a brief moment in time, when the shield went down that it wouldnt be able to put another one up. For the same reason the sphere hadnt unleashed a continuous beam attack.

A golden half shell appeared around the Avatar and the front of the ruined airship just before striking with the spheres shield. I held my breath as two unstoppable forces met each other. Would the Almighty System finally take notice of what was happening? Air Burst. I maneuvered to get a better angle on what was happening.

The airship shattered apart around the avatar. The pieces falling towards the sphere and disintegrating. The Avatar remained in the air floating as both shields pressed against each other and began to deform slightly. I felt myself cheering for the Avatar. Regardless of the outcome, I needed to be ready to act. I couldnt just be an observer here no matter what.

ENCASE.The spheres shield began to invert around the Avatar and her golden shield. This was it!

Air Burst. I flew right at the sphere head first and brought my right hand back. With my left hand, I held an activated annihilation bomb. There was a moment of tension as I passed the point where it would put up its shield, but there was none. I punched down at the sphere with everything I had.

The surface of the sphere was blinding white light. I had layered energy over my hand multiple times and pushed it out to help resist whatever was about to happen to my hand. The layers of energy I had were like rice paper, shredded instantly. The sphere was impossibly hard.

Even with my entire Body stat behind the blow my hand shattered. I held back a scream as my bones burst out of my flesh and turned to dust against the surface of the sphere. I unleashed a 5,000 combination energy attack at point blank range. Pieces of the sphere were blown away and my body took a hit. I left behind the activated annihilation bomb with my left hand. I didnt have the focus to try and place it anywhere specifically.

Air Burst. I quickly shot away. The bomb exploded and more chunks were broken apart. The glowing white shield that had been transforming to surround the Avatar fell away. The Avatars shield disappeared as well.

A beam of golden light appeared in front of the Avatar and struck the sphere. NO! I head a scream as it shattered. Gravity changed once more as pieces of sphere covered in golden flames went flying everywhere. A chunk hit me in the chest.

Ahhh, I screamed from the immense pain. I slammed into the ground. Barely able to keep awake. Massive waves of energy were impacting me. I brought my arms to clutch at my chest, but my right arm was missing from just above the elbow. Blood poured over my face and body as I writhed in pain on the ground.

It was hard to stay conscious as wave after wave of immense pain shook my entire body. It felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out. That was when the cluster bomb from the airship, which had somehow ended up nearby activated. Launching miniature annihilation bombs everywhere.