I got off the carriage and set foot in my hometown. 

Whew, I returned, I have really returned back here. 

The official who escorted the teapot hero, in other words, me, clicked his tongue as he violently closed the carriage’s door. 

Is that really alright? The horses were quite surprised. They are very delicate creatures, you know? 

As the carriage sped off into the distance, I felt somewhat relieved. 

Deep into the snowy mountain, surrounded by trees was the Ribb Village, 

They weren’t informed of my return so I am sure they’ll all be surprised. 

My desire to prank them is growing.

“…..Ah, eh?! Kyrie?!”

At the village gate, Alka, my best friend, came to a sudden stop while she was carrying a bundle of firewood when she saw me. 

With the expected surprised reaction, she came running towards me. 

Ahaha, here she comes, throwing all that firewood away.

“You’re back? Why?!”

“I’m back~ Console me~ They said I am not suitable for wars.”

“I see. I guess that can’t be helped…. Excuse me as I go tell the whole village about it!”

“Wait, Alka, waiit! It’s really embarrassing so stop it!!”

I chased her throughout the village, all the while laughing together. 

This reminds me of the old times. 

Alka was the only kid my age so we used to play around like this often. 

Ah, afterwards, Alka got scolded by her family for dropping all the firewood while running around. 

After playing around with my best friend for a while, I was finally able to return home. 

It does make me just a bit nervous. 

What kinda face should I make when telling them that I returned because I was not chosen for war?

“I-I’m home….”

I nervously opened the door and slowly peeked inside. 

My eyes directly met with my mother’s while she was in the middle of washing the plates. 


“Yes, it’s Kyrie… It’s somewhat embarrassing, but I have re–”

My mother rushed over and hugged me really tightly, not letting me finish. 

She raised us sisters all by herself after our father died 7 years ago. 

Her kind scent and warmth filled my heart, I had to hold back my tears. 

“I… I thought I wouldn’t get to see you anymore… I’m so glad you’re back, Kyrie…”

“Wha, mom, don’t cry now. You’ll make me cry as well.”

I somehow held it in, barely. 

After all, my little sister was also looking. Can’t show a pitiable state in front of her as the older sister. 

“Big sis… is that really you…?”

“It is. It’s your big sis, Claire.”

“Big sis… It’s big sis! Big sis!!”

That seems to be all my lil sis could say at that point. 

Following mom, Claire also came hugging me. 

Right, of course they would welcome me with open arms. 

They’re my family after all, they’re the most important people to me. 

For dinner that night, we had my favorite dish, deep-fried snow rabbit. 

My favorite taste–the taste of my mom’s cooking. 

“Mom, your cooking is delicious as always!”

The meat was really well-cooked with just the right amount of salt. 

The juice came out with each bite — it’s way better than the castle’s cooking. 

“Oh my, thank you~”

“Claire likes this meat too~!”

This blessing of being able to sit together and have meals together, I thought I would never be able to return again. 

It sunk deep into my heart once again. 

Even after finding out that I was driven out of the castle because my powers were too shabby, these two would just happily accept me, without even laughing at it. 

One day, I might leave this place with someone, arm in arm, but for now, this is where I belong. 

It had gotten very late in the night and was completely dark outside. 

The unreliable lamp inside the house was the only thing I had to rely on. 

It was bright all day long in the castle but this puts my mind at ease. 

Even still, the air on winter nights sure is cold. 

“Mom, I’ll help you with the wood-chopping tomorrow, alright? Also, with the carrying.”

“Oh, my? What brought on this change of heart?”

“Jeez! I just want to help so don’t go dampening my motivation like that~”

“Fufu, I’m just kidding. Thank you.”

She stroked my head gently with those roughed up hands. 

Somehow feels like I have returned to being a child… feels good. 

Thank you for raising me, even while your hands got so worn-out. 

I will help you all I can with household and other work. 

…….Saying that much would be a bit embarrassing so it’ll have to wait till tomorrow. 

I mean, I can say it whenever I like, after all. 

“Big sis, are you going to sleep now? Claire wants to sleep with you too!”

“Together? My bed’s narrow, y’know? You’ve gotten all big, Claire, so we can’t really sleep tightly like before.”

“Booo. Then, let’s talk till I get sleepy?”

Although she’s 10 years old, she’s still a kid, huh? 

I guess that’s the age when you want to be spoiled. 

She went on pulling on my hand, trying to drag me to the bedroom. 

“Got it, I got it, don’t pull. Then, good night, mom. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yes, good night.”

My mother also said “see you tomorrow” with a pleasant smile, after which we went into the bedroom and closed the door. 

“Jeez, Claire. Well, what do we talk about?”

“Umm, ummmm, hmmm, about the castle!”

“Alright, although I don’t really have any good memories of it….”

I sat down on the bed and told her all about the splendour castle and the food there. 

Excluding all the unpleasant parts, of course. 

And before long, Claire started dozing off. 


“I’m still… awake….”

“You’re sleepy, aren’t you? We’ll do this again tomorrow, alright?”

“Noo, I want to stay with big sis longer…. Mmmm….”

“…And she’s asleep.”

She finally leaned on me and had completely gone off to the world of dreams. 

Uwah, heavy. To think she was this small not long ago. 

I gently caressed her light-brown hair, which resembled mine, and carried her to the bed.

Her room and my room were connected with a single door so it was easy coming and going. 

I slowly put her down and put the blanket on her. 

“This will do! ….Mm, what’s this?”

On top of the table, there was a hair ornament which looked like a white wing. 

Although the shape was a bit rough, it was normally usable. 

And there was a letter under it. 

“Big sis, happy birthday” was written there with barely legible letters. 

“…..I see. So she missed the chance to give it to me.”

Since I was taken to the castle. 

She made it for my birthday. 

“Thank you, I will use it with care.”

In front of the mirror, I tried using it to put away my hair to the left side. 

It gives a pretty nice accent to my shoulder length plain brown hair, if I do say so myself. 

I gave a thank you kiss on my sister’s cheeks as she slept peacefully. 

I will properly thank you tomorrow, alright? 

“Good night, Claire.”

Saying that, I left my sister’s room. 

With the hair ornament still on, I got into my bed and lied down. 

Although it’s a bit hard and just moderately comfortable, it’s way better than the castle’s bed…..

What time is it?

I feel like someone’s running around outside. 

I feel like there’s someone inside the house. 

In the dark room, I opened my eyes. 

And in my field of vision, I spotted an unknown man pointing a double-edged sword towards me. 


I couldn’t even let out a shriek. 

I gripped the blanket which was on me and jumped to my feet. 

The place where I was at just a moment ago, around where my heart was, had just been pierced with a sword. 

There’s no doubt — he was about to kill me. 

There’s no time to think. 

I threw the blanket I had on me over his head to block his vision. 

Maybe he panicked in reaction to this unexpected counter, the man struggled and I took his sword during that time. 

Probably because of the adrenaline rush, even an amateur like me was able to do this. 

And so, I was absorbed in it. 

I grasped the sword tightly and stabbed him through the stomach. 


What an unpleasant feeling… the resistance of cutting up meat. 

I drew the sword back and stabbed once again. 

I stabbed him, over and over and over again. 

The man fell to his knees and crumbled down. 

Maybe it was convulsion but I thought maybe he was still alive. 

And so I kept stabbing him until he didn’t move an inch. 

“Haaa, haa, haaa, haa……”

And by the time I realized, my arms were dyed red with the spurting blood. 

I’ve killed someone. 

But… this is no time for that. 

Why did this happen? Who is this man? Is this a robbery or something? 

I tore the blanket off him and checked his face again. 

From a glance, he looked to be wearing light equipment like a bandit. 

“Haa, haa…. Ah, r-right… what about mom, Clair…? They are fine… right?”

Right, my family. 

Surely they are fine. 

Surely this man came into my room first. 

The fact that his sword was drenched in blood by the time I snatched it is probably something else. 

“They’re alright…. Surely… they are alright, they should be…”

My hands kept shaking as I turned the doorknob. 

I opened the door to Claire’s room. 

“……Ah. Aah, aaaaaaaahhhhh.”

I let out such a miserable voice which I have not heard myself. 

The door to the living room from Claire’s room… she was stabbed probably right after she opened the door. 

My mother was lying there… dead. 

And… on top of the bed. 

“Uwaaaa, why… aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh…..”

My sister was there.. With her eyes wide open… not moving an inch. 

The futon, her small body… all drenched red with blood. 

Why did I think I would tell them tomorrow… Why did I not tell them today? 

Tomorrow… won’t come for them anymore. 

Translator: Tsugane

I knew it was coming but still it hit quite hard.