Chapter 112: The Unfortunate Incident At The Night Inn (1)

Chapter 112: The Unfortunate Incident At The Night Inn (1)

Upon opening the door and entering, there was a wall, and in front of it stood four menacing statues.

Why would they put these in an inn?

These are the famous attractions. Carved by a master of Buddha statue carving, these are premium works. In fact, they were brought from the main entrance of a very sacred temple.

They were carvings of the Four Heavenly Kings, set up as if guarding the entrance of the temple. The statues, with fiercely open eyes, seemed to be watching those who came and went, holding weapons or with fists raised.

How did they bring these here?

The temple fell into ruin, so the owner took them.

But it was a sacred temple, wasnt it?

Hehe can even Buddha foresee the rise and fall of a business?

Yi-gang laughed as if he couldnt believe it, and Dam Hyun muttered quietly, The Four Heavenly Kings protecting the world, huh. Seems like theyre historically significant items.

Oh, does Young Master Dam also have knowledge in this area?

You can tell by looking, theres a certain energy you can feel.

Ah yes, thats right.

Though the expression of Seo Saeng-won changed to one that seemed to say, Sure, if you say so, Dam Hyun was sincere in his words.

For Yi-gang, what was more concerning than that was the weapons held by the wooden statues.

Are those swords displayed?

The owner of the inn hung his own weapons. He used to be a martial artist. He retired and opened this place.

I see.

Yi-gang nodded his head and smiled.

The inn and tavern were managed by the Low Down Sects liquor house, and inns of this size are usually under the administration of the Low Down Sect.

Moreover, the Low Down Sects inns never engaged in such acts.

Its their principle not to bare their teeth.

So you chose an inn because it was not managed by the Low Down Sects liquor house rather than being known for delicious food.


Seo Saeng-won felt a chill.

In this short moment, Yi-gang had figured out Seo Saeng-wons intentions.

Furthermore, he seemed to know how the Low Down Sect operated.

For him, the idea that Yi-gang could be controlling the Low Down Sects Xian branch was unimaginable.

Uh, the food being delicious is true.

It would be better not to think of deceiving us.

Yi-gangs expression, still smiling, was even more frightening.

Seo Saeng-won immediately bowed deeply and exclaimed, Of course! I will serve you with all my loyalty and sincerity.

Then the waiter, who appeared to greet the guests, asked with a dazed expression, Uhm Are you guests?

Three rooms, and do you have anything to eat now? Yi-gang answered nonchalantly.

Yes, of course.

Is the cook really skilled?

The best in Yanling County.

Thats a relief.

Yi-gang patted the still bowed Seo Saeng-won on the shoulder and went in.

Seo Saeng-won wiped off his cold sweat and hurriedly followed Yi-gang.

Uh, Im hungry.

Yi-gang and his party came down dressed in comfortable clothes.

No matter how much they tried to make their journey comfortable, crossing the vast Central Plains was always a hard task.

Meals were often quickly finished with dry rations.

Both Yi-gang and Dam Hyun were not picky about food, but Yi-gang had been interested in gourmet cuisine since before his reincarnation.

Moreover, he was now extremely hungry.

The smell is good.

There must be a reason why so many people are gathered here. Its all because of the good food and drinks.

Really seems so.

Yi-gang and his group almost missed getting a seat.

The inn was that crowded. The rich aroma filled the air, naturally stimulating hunger.Follow current novels on novelb((in).(com)

When Seo Saeng-won raised his hand, the waiter quickly approached.

When asked about the dishes the inn was confident in, the waiter smoothly listed them out.

These are the dishes. Our cook won a prize at a cooking contest hosted by the governor of Shaanxi Province. Thats why hes proficient in those cuisines.

What? Really?

Truly! He cooked under the governor and came here after being let go.

Yi-gang looked pleased at that.

Xian, where the Baek Noble Clan was located, was indeed the capital of Shaanxi Province. He effortlessly ordered several dishes.

Seo Saeng-won looked at Yi-gang in surprise.

You seem to like Shaanxi cuisine.

Well, something like that.

The Azure Forest was a Taoist sect located below, wasnt it?

Unless one was quite experienced in the Jianghu, the martial artists of ordinary Taoist sects seemed quite naive and youthful.

Not only unaware of the names of dishes but also ignorant of worldly matters, they were often scammed in their younger days.

In this regard, Yi-gang didnt seem at all like a disciple of the Azure Forest.

Soon, the dishes Yi-gang ordered from the waiter arrived. Having ordered a variety of high-end dishes and expensive alcohol, the person who appeared to be the owner came to serve them personally.

Its been a while since a guest who appreciates fine dining has visited. Haha!

You must be the owner.

I am the humble owner of this inn. You indeed are a distinguished young master.

The owner, possibly a former martial artist, had thick forearms.

He placed each dish on the table, explaining them one by one.

This is Oil Spill Noodles, and this is Red Braised Pork Feet. For the drink, Ive brought Dukang Wine. Its an exceptionally famous wine.

Dukang Wine!

Yi-gang had ordered a few of Xians dishes and the ones recommended by the waiter.

But for the drink, he ordered the local Dukang Wine, famous in the Henan Province.

Perhaps because of the large order, the owner personally poured the Dukang Wine into their glasses.

You seem to enjoy your drink.

I wouldnt say I enjoy them to that extent. But good food does require good wine.

Youre a true connoisseur, haha!

Phuahaha! Got it exactly right.

He burst into a hearty laugh along with the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon.

At this spectacle, Dam Hyuns eyes widened, and he stopped both his hands and mouth.

Wh-what is this?

People are talking because you eat like that. Senior Brother.

They were talking about me?

The ones gossiping about Dam Hyun clamped their mouths shut upon his glance.

But thanks to Yi-gangs explanation, Dam Hyun grasped the situation. He wiped his mouth and fumed with a flushed face.

Given Dam Hyuns temperament, a quarrel could have ensued.

Then, one of the group from the next table, who hadnt been gossiping, clicked his tongue and stepped forward.

If youre going to eat, eat quietly. Whats with this rudeness!

The bearded man seemed to be the eldest in the group. His rebuke caused the others to feel embarrassed and bow their heads.

The man stood up and approached Yi-gangs table.

I apologize for my younger companions. It seems they made a mistake due to drinking.

Dam Hyun glared at the man in silence.

Yi-gang raised his hand, stopping Dam Hyun.

Its okay.

I was thinking of buying you a drink as an apology. Oh, my name is Lee Jeong-hyo.

He introduced himself with a bright smile.

It was a magnanimous attitude, befitting a martial artist.

Since weve come across each other like this, how about we join tables and have a conversation? Well cover the bills.

Such is the way of connections in the martial world.

However, Yi-gang replied with a slight smile, No, thank you.

But, still

Its okay, I said.

His tone was gentle, yet firm.

Its not easy to dismiss an offer so sharply in such situations.

Lee Jeong-hyo coughed awkwardly and turned away, embarrassed.

Why not talk with him? He didnt seem like a bad guy.

Whats the point?

Hidden by Dam Hyun and not apparent, Yi-gang was also not a sociable character.

Moreover, at the moment, he had more important things to do than to socialize with unknown martial artists.

I should eat this.

Is that really so delicious?

Yi-gang continuously put the rice mixed with sauce into his mouth, chewing thoroughly. Blue-Eyed Mad Demon, unable to eat the food, just bit her finger, watching Yi-gang.

Why dont you try that possession thing now? Lets eat together!

I remember someone who said the same thing to me before.

Recalling Immortal Divine Sword, Yi-gang finished his rice deliciously.

Blue-Eyed Mad Demon just sucked on her finger, watching.

And that night.


The rain that had started a little while ago had turned into a downpour with thunder and lightning.

The kitchen had already closed at the set time.

The lights in the bustling dining room had been turned off.

The staircase connecting the dining room and the guest rooms was usually busy with people visiting the restroom, but it was quiet now.

Only two men and women were standing on the stairs.

The two stood with their hands clasped respectfully as the bearded man, who had introduced himself as Lee Jeong-hyo to Yi-gang, walked up the stairs.

Still wearing a fresh smile, he suddenly slapped the cheeks of the man and woman.

Slap! Smack!

The ones who were hit didnt dare retort.

Fools. What would you have done if a quarrel broke out? Acting recklessly just because you had a drink?


Although they seemed friendly during the meal, now their relationship appeared strictly hierarchical, like a superior and subordinates.

Moreover, their conversation hinted at some plot being devised.

Consider yourself lucky that you didnt mess things up. The rain has delayed our plan by at least a day.

Well be more careful.


Lee Jeong-hyo clicked his tongue and went upstairs to his room.

However, the man and woman didnt immediately return to their rooms.

Only after Lee Jeong-hyo was completely gone did they spit out curses.

That damn guy only gives us hell.

We were supposed to set the fire today, but how is the rain our fault? And he even embarrassed himself trying to join tables with those others.

They bitterly criticized their superior, Lee Jeong-hyo.

Unnecessarily getting into trouble and even ending up slapped.

While grumbling, they soon began to curse Dam Hyun, whom they considered the root cause of all this trouble.

Because of that guy who doesnt even know basic table manners, what a hassle were in.

Are you talking about me?

Yes Eek!

The woman who was bad-mouthing Dam Hyun almost screamed in terror.

Dam Hyun was standing in the dark near the staircase, his eyes flashing blue, almost ghostlike.

Uh, I, um

Move out of the way.

Dam Hyun coldly commanded the hesitant woman.

Step aside.


Look under your feet.

And when she looked down at her feet,

Oh, Aaah!

She finally screamed.