Chapter 129: Group 221 (1)

Chapter 129: Group 221 (1)

Yi-gang arrived at the examination site.

It wasnt difficult to find the place. It was like letting oneself be carried by the flow of a river; simply follow the crowd.

An examiner dressed in official attire double-checked Yi-gangs name.

You are in Group 221. Please turn around.

As Yi-gang silently turned around, the examiner affixed a tag made of white paper on his back.

It was marked with the number 221.

There will be groups of four. Two are already waiting under that sign over there, so find your group and wait.

There were 221 groups, all with a four person group setup. This meant that nearly a thousand people had already applied. There was still a line behind Yi-gang, indicating intense competition.

The air feels fresher with so many young people around.

The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon emerged from the ring and strolled leisurely, observing the aspiring successors dreaming of glory.

Talking like an old man, as usual.

Its natural to feel proud as a senior of Jianghu watching the juniors.

Juniors? Besides, all these kids are from orthodox sects.

The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon had been designated a public enemy by the Murim Alliance and was killed.

Yet, she smiled wryly as if enjoying the situation.

Youre not going to be outside the top 15, are you?

He had no such intention.

Then, two young men, already with the 221 tags attached, greeted Yi-gang.

Here you are!

Ah, hello

They were two distinctive-looking young men.

They greeted first with a traditional fist-and-palm salute.

Im Cho Myung-hwi from Heaven Sword Sect in Jiangxi! Pleased to meet you!

Im well, I dont really belong to any sect. Ive learned a bit of short stick. Im from Guizhou Ah! My name is So Woon.

The young man named Cho Myung-hwi had a clear and bright aura in his eyes, clearly a remarkable successor. He was polite in speech and wore a blue warriors robe stylishly.

In contrast, the young man named So Woon seemed very timid.

He carried two unusual single-sticks crossed on his back but couldnt look directly into peoples eyes.

I am Baek Yi-gang from the Azure Forest.

Are you the Henans Sage? Cho Myung-hwi asked with a chuckle.

It seems that nickname has spread.

Thats impressive! So Woon exclaimed in admiration, and Cho Myung-hwis eyes sparkled too.

Yi-gang felt puzzled once again.

It might sound odd to ask this, but is my nickname really that famous?

Didnt you know? In Henan, theres nobody who doesnt know about Brother Baek.

Cho Myung-hwi, who was of the same age as Yi-gang, casually addressed him as Brother Baek with good-natured familiarity.

The successor who impressively caught the Face Plunderer and received praise from the Governor, and whose talent was recognized by the Alliance Leader Divine Monk, who personally recommended your participation!

The fact that Yi-gang uncovered the identity of the Face Plunderer was one thing, but that the Divine Monk had personally recommended his participation was known to few.

Yi-gang was now certain.

The spread of his name must have been influenced by Jo Gyu-seo and the Divine Monk.

He seemed to envision the smiling face of Jo Gyu-seo.

Well it turned out that way.

Once the rumors had spread, there was no way to retract them. Moreover, it wasnt a bad rumor.

Just then, a man with a massive build hurried over.

Are you Group 221?

Yes, we are, and you are?

At Cho Myung-hwis question, the man introduced himself with a grin, Im Gu In-nam! I cant reveal my sect; its a mysterious sect.

Mysterious sect?

The man using the alias Gu In-nam was actually Peng Gu-in.

He had managed to catch up to Yi-gang with his astonishingly fast lightness skill.

Having finally gotten into the same group, he forgot his earlier struggles and smiled broadly.

The group members introduced themselves once again.

Ha-ha, since Brother Gu is the eldest, hes the big brother of our group. Please take good care of us. Feel free to speak casually.

Should I? Uhahaha.

Peng Gu-in laughed heartily, like a bandit.

With so many people waiting, they had to wait quite a while for their turn.

Yi-gang was the type who didnt mind standing still, but sometimes there were those who couldnt stand such awkward silences.

Cho Myung-hwi was one of them.

We have some time to kill. Why dont we share our ambitions before the first round of the exam?


Yes, Brother Gu. And theres So Woon, who came all the way from Guizhou. Everyone here must have a reason for coming to the Murim Alliance.

Hmm, thats a good idea.

Ill start.

Cho Myung-hwi seemed most eager to speak.

While entering the Five Elements Tomb is important, I want to make a name for myself.

He aspired to earn a heroic name.

It might have been an embarrassing story for Cho Myung-hwi, but it couldnt have been more clichd.

The orthodox kids always say that. Dont they feel embarrassed?

Its possible. Theyre young, after all.

Speaking like an old man again.

The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon repeated Yi-gangs earlier sentiment.

He was very short, almost as if he had dwarfism, with a bulging back of the head. His long goat beard hung down to his navel, making him an unforgettable sight.

All-knowing Master!

Why is the All-knowing Master here!

The All-knowing Master, Yeom Gyo-cheon

He was one of the most extraordinary figures in the vast Jianghu.

He was famous not for his martial prowess but for his reputation, which has its reasons.

True to his nickname, the All-knowing Master was renowned for knowing everything. While his martial prowess was first-rate, he was more famous for his extensive knowledge of numerous sects and martial arts techniques.

He was adept in formations, mechanical traps, scriptures, and scholarly knowledge, said to be able to comprehend a subject just by looking once.

Neither belonging to the orthodox nor the unorthodox, his appearance with the Murim Alliance Inspection Squad seemed to dishearten the member of the Bandit Mountain Manor.

I just came out of curiosity about the Five Elements Tomb. I am definitely not a spy for the Unorthodox Union!

Well see about that after the interrogation. Take him away!

The man was dragged away limply by the inspection squad members.

The venue was abuzz. Yi-gang and his group were no exception.

So its true that the All-knowing Master was employed by the Heavens Secret Scholar

W-what a terrifying-looking person

He might have come to catch any possible spies from the Unorthodox Union. I heard hes directly overseeing this selection exam.

It was Peng Gu-in who responded to Cho Myung-hwis comment.

All-knowing Master? Why?

Perhaps because the Five Elements Tomb has many mechanical traps and devices. So, in selecting successors, they consider not just martial skills but other aspects as well.

This was something Peng Gu-in hadnt anticipated. Could this be a deviation from his plan?

Suddenly, So Woon interjected, That man, hes looking at us.


Turning around, they saw the All-knowing Master, standing among the inspection team officers, staring intently at Yi-gang and his group.

People generally didnt like their inner thoughts exposed. And here was the All-knowing Master, known to discern everything with just one glance, staring at them, making Peng Gu-in and the others subtly avert their eyes.

Only Yi-gang continued to look directly at the All-knowing Master.

Whats he staring at, that ugly old man.

Can he see you?

No, he cant.

Even as the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon rushed towards him, making ridiculous gestures, the All-knowing Master didnt notice.

Soon, the All-knowing Master tilted his head and then resumed his conversation with the inspection squad members.

Only then did Peng Gu-in speak irritably, If this exam is set by him, its going to be really annoying.

Cho Myung-hwi laughed and replied, Still, the first round of the exam is as previously announced. Brother Gu, youll pass easily, wont you?

Is that so? Uhahaha. Of course! A man like me!

It was welcome news for Peng Gu-in.

He stroked his arm muscles, pleased.

Then he glanced at Yi-gang.

If he cant even pass this exam, Ill separate him from Mu-ah, even if it earns me hatred.

The first round was disadvantageous for Yi-gang.

It was a test of physical strength.

Group 221! Come over here!

The place where the examiner called Yi-gangs group was in front of a massive boulder.

The rock, easily weighing around 200 kg, was smoothed to the point that grabbing it was difficult.

It was a well-known feature used in the Dragon-Phoenix Conference and the Seven Stars Conference of the Murim Alliance.

First, well test your strength. You need to lift this rock and carry it across that log bridge.

Crossing a log bridge with a heavy boulder was no easy task.

Looking at Yi-gangs thin arms, it seemed impossible for him to even lift it, let alone walk with it.

Hurry up, we dont have much time. Start from there.

And to make matters worse, Yi-gang was the first one called.

Peng Gu-in watched Yi-gang with anticipation.

Yi-gang rubbed his hands in sand, then shook it off.

It looked like something he had seen somewhere.

Then he bent over and firmly grasped the rock.


Indeed, he thought he might be able to lift it.

Despite looking frail, he seemed to have learned martial arts. Peng Gu-in had even considered the possibility that Yi-gang might barely pass the first round.

But Peng Gu-in didnt expect Yi-gang to lift the rock so easily.

Not just up to his waist, but high above his head.

Great Yin Flow, is this really martial arts?

Its the secret art of physical power.

The Great Yin Flow, created by the Immortal Divine Sword after a lifetime of dedication.

Peng Gu-in hadnt expected Yi-gang to have already mastered the third stage, the secret art of physical power.

Wow impressive.

He looks so thin

Admiration burst forth towards Yi-gang.

The examiner also widened his eyes, waiting for Yi-gang to cross the log bridge.

No one expected Yi-gang to suddenly hurl the boulder across.

The rock flew over the log bridge and landed on the sandy area on the other side.


It was so heavy that when it hit, sand erupted with a loud noise.

This time, not even exclamations of admiration came out.


Only the examiner said so, raising the flag.