Chapter 138: The Next Martial Duel

Chapter 138: The Next Martial Duel

The Tang Clan of Sichuan held a unique position among the Seven Great Clans.

They used weapons that were frowned upon, like poison and hidden weapons, yet they existed within the bounds of the orthodox faction.

However, both unorthodox and orthodox martial artists feared the people of the Tang Clan.

Theres a certain unsettling feeling about them, as if getting too close would lead to poisoning.

Tang Eun-seol was the biological daughter of the current Clan Head of the Tang Clan.

She was a cherished gem of the Tang Clan. Even in a clan with clear branches, she was a pureblood of the direct line.

Sent to the Five Poison Sect in Yunnan to become a true master of poison arts, who would dare underestimate her strength?

But her dazed expression and the way she tapped her forehead seemed quite odd.

Ten. And you won all of them?

Yes, all ten. They dropped dead, just like that.

She had evaluated the skills of martial artists from other sects during her fights, pondering how it would have been if she had used poison.

Yi-gang looked at her with a strange expression.

Realizing her explanation was lacking, Tang Eun-seol raised her hand and moved it around.

Like this, with a quick chik, and then when you lift your leg, whoosh.

Chik, whoosh?

Yes, usually theres no sound when using poison, but I made them for explanation. I cant explain in detail though.


Like this, when you spin your body around.

Tang Eun-seols skirt fluttered in sync with her bodys rotation.

A unique and sweet fragrance spread in all directions.

She lightly touched her forehead and said, Phew, this would be a total annihilation.


Yi-gang burst into laughter. She was amusing.

In contrast, Yu Su-rins expression soured.

Tang Eun-seols words implied that if she had shown her true skills, she would have won.

Of course, just as Tang Eun-seol was sure of her victory, Yu Su-rin was also confident in her own win.

Thats how martial artists were. You couldnt win a fight if you thought youd lose.

But I still dont know about the swords of the Baek Clan and Namgung Clan.

Tang Eun-seol hadnt had the chance to fight against everyone.

She asked seriously, How about you spar, young master?


Yes, you or him. With Namgung Shin.

Him referred to Baek Ha-jun, who was standing quietly.

Ha-jun had an expression that was hard to read.

With Ha-jun?

Yes, your younger brother.

I was planning to do just that.

The surrounding people were surprised by this statement.

It was something they hadnt heard before.


We decided to spar together for the first time in a while tomorrow.

Yi-gang was not content with his current ranking.

He had already changed his mind about forming a team with Baek Ha-jun, Peng Mu-ah, Moyong Jin, or Yu Su-rin.

This was after hearing the new announcement from the Murim Alliance.

Im looking forward to it.

Just as Tang Eun-seol said, everyone showed an expectant expression.

Wasnt it a fight between brothers? One was the younger brother, already famous for his outstanding swordsmanship. The other was his elder brother, who had just begun to make a name for himself after joining the Azure Forest.

Initially, Yi-gang hesitated to have a martial duel with Baek Ha-jun.

To his eyes, his younger brother still seemed timid.

He worried whether Ha-jun would reveal his true skills in the duel.

But after seeing Baek Ha-juns reaction, he let go of his worries.

An expressionless face but with shining eyes.

Hands resting on the swords hilt.

Baek Ha-jun was sincerely looking forward to the duel with his brother.

And then, there was Dam Hyun, who took the Blue Eye Gem and Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron.

He spent three days immersed in creating a vessel for the Blue-Eyed Mad Demon.

It was not a simple task.

It was possible only because of the bloodstone and Three Ghosts Bronze Cauldron, the best materials available.

He took the bronze pot filled with spiritual energy to the forge to melt it. Then he made several elongated bronze plates and tirelessly hammered them day and night in his dwelling.

The clanging noise continued, and although the people of the Murim Alliance warned him, Dam Hyun did not stop.

Heh heh

There was a ghostly aura in Dam Hyuns eyes.

His eyes were darkened from lack of sleep, and perched upon them were glasses carved out of crystal.

In front of him, a fox figurine made by twisting and layering bronze plates was taking shape.

It wasnt flashy, but it was a delicately made object with articulated joints.

Almost, almost done.

Next to the fox figurine lay Yi-gangs ring embedded with the Blue Eye Gem.

The Blue-Eyed Mad Demon that would inhabit the ring was already outside of it.

Dam Hyun couldnt see her, but she was sitting cross-legged on the table.

Foolish guy. He seems really excited.

She swept her long, dark hair upwards.

Her eyes, which glowed blue when her emotions were intense, were now as black as obsidian.

Baek Ha-jun, usually expressionless, showed a rare look of displeasure.

Tang Eun-seol opened her droopy eyes wide with anticipation, while Yi-gang alone maintained a calm demeanor.

Why are you here?

Namgung Shin stood in front of Yi-gang.

He had come here before the duel even started.

Then, he made a proposal, I wish to witness the martial arts of the Baek Noble Clan.

He was asking for a duel.

You are already in first place, arent you?

Namgung Shin was already in the leading position. He would receive the greatest rewards just by staying put, including the Golden Flower Carps internal elixir.

It would be more appropriate for him to refuse any additional duels coming his way.

Yet, he came here and requested a duel instead.

The ranking doesnt matter.

I see.

Hwa Mu-cheon, who came as the judge, scratched his chin, looking embarrassed.

Sorry, but this duel between the brothers is already scheduled.

I dont mind waiting.

That means

After the duel ends. Ill have a duel with the winner.

Baek Ha-jun let out an angry breath.

Namgung Shins words implied he would wait and then challenge the winner. It wasnt very polite.

No, it seemed he didnt care about the etiquette of the martial world in the first place. Otherwise, he wouldnt have come here and made such a request.

Hwa Mu-cheon intervened with a smile.

It might be a bit inappropriate to do that. Maybe set a different day for it.

He glanced at Namgung Yeo-sang, but she seemed to have no intention of restraining her brother.

Then, there is also the option to change the order.

Its not up to me. You should first get permission from the Baek brothers.

Hwa Mu-cheon deferred the decision to Yi-gang and Ha-jun.

Namgung Shin turned his head and performed a formal bow.

I request a duel.

The person he bowed to was not Baek Ha-jun, who was in third place.

Yi-gang was a bit surprised by Namgung Shins request for a duel.

If possible, I would like to see the swords of both the Baek Noble Clan and Azure Forest.

Everyone must have been expecting the duel to be with Baek Ha-jun. Until Namgung Shin specifically chose Yi-gang.

Unable to hold back, Ha-jun stepped forward.

To face me


It was Yi-gang who stopped Baek Ha-jun.

Yi-gang looked back at Ha-jun and said, Lets have our duel another time.


Leaving a perplexed Ha-jun behind, Yi-gang gestured towards the dueling stage.

Just wait over there for a moment.

Thank you.

Namgung Shin didnt hesitate and climbed onto the stage.

Yi-gang approached Tang Eun-seol with an excited expression.

You were curious about the swords of the Namgung and Baek clans, this is a good opportunity.

Yes, its perfect.

Even if you dont participate directly, can you calculate what would happen if you used poison?

Tang Eun-seol spoke seriously, and Yi-gang believed her.

How much do you think?

Just watch once and let me know.

Whether I can poison them?


Okay. But do you think I can win against Young Master Namgung Shin?

Yi-gang shrugged.

Ill calculate it while we have the duel.

Thats not something anyone can do.

A martial duel and a duel to the death were different matters.

Yi-gang had many methods he couldnt use in a duel, just like Tang Eun-seol.

He smiled and climbed onto the dueling stage.

Tang Eun-seol tapped her head ornament, murmuring, Should I side with the winner? When I joined the Five Elements Tomb

She believed that among the thirty successors, Namgung Shin was the strongest.

Stronger than the Iron-Blooded Genius, stronger than Shaolins First Fist.

And probably even stronger than Baek Yi-gang.

Namgung Shin, whose swordsmanship had already been renowned for years.

Yet somehow, it didnt seem like Yi-gang would easily lose.


Hwa Mu-cheon, as the judge, officiated the duel.

Namgung Shin, vigilant, adopted the stance of the Emperor King Sword Style.

Under this sword technique, numerous successors had been defeated.

And Yi-gang


Slowly, he drew his dark-colored sword.


As soon as the duel started, the figures of Yi-gang and Namgung Shin blurred.