Chapter 309: For the Battle of Nominkan

The World War I in Spain attracted the attention of the whole world. They were surprised to see that the German armored force had already gone far ahead.

The hostile countries are vigorously developing new tanks, while the friendly countries are full of envy and hope.

Italy, which has been authorized by Germany, can produce Panther tanks in Italy, which is much more advanced than their original mini-tanks.

At the same time, another country can't wait.

Island country.

Cyric has visited the island countries and signed a series of agreements with the island countries. For example, the island country’s aircraft carrier design drawings were exchanged with Germany, which inspired Germany to produce its first aircraft carrier.

And now, the island nations want to see the German tanks, and of course Germany can't hide them.

"This is the tank we used to beat the Soviets wildly on the Spanish battlefield." Cyric greeted the visitors and showed them.

The visitor was led by Lieutenant General Michitaro Komatsuhara. He belonged to the 23rd Division of the Kwantung Army of the island country. After obtaining his information, Cyric immediately understood something.

Historically, the Battle of Nomonkan would break out in 39 years, and now, the islanders must have already made some preparations.

The islanders’ army is well-trained, but unfortunately the equipment is always weak. Their famous tank brigade is also light and small tanks with thin skin and stuffing. They simply can’t compete with the Soviet tanks. It’s a historically No. The battle caused the Soviet Union to beat a crying father and crying mother.

That battle completely stopped the people of the island nation from thinking about moving north. They already knew that the Soviets are not as bully as the former Tsarist Russia. Therefore, the island nation’s talents will seek breakthroughs in other areas, but they don’t know how far they are. Challenge the United States.

After the outbreak of World War II, Hitler hinted to the island country many times, asking the island country to march from the east, and attack the Soviet Union together on both sides. Unfortunately, the island people who were afraid of being beaten refused to say anything!

If the Soviet Union suffers from both sides, will it be the same as in history?

The Soviet Union won the Second World War. What a lot of casualties were paid! In the later period, the Soviets continuously mobilized troops from the Far East to reinforce the battlefield on the Western Front. Later, on the Far East side, what was blocked on the head of the Kwantung Army was just a layer of window paper.

Thinking of this, Cyric already had an idea.

In the later generations, the island country wanted to import tiger tanks, but the Germans got rid of it. Now, it's better to do the island people a favor!

If the people of the island nation win the Battle of Nomonkan, or even though they lose, but can see the hope of victory, then the island nation's combat direction may be to the north!

If the island countries do not challenge the United States, the Americans are happy to watch the war in Europe, where they happily sell resources and make big money.

At this time, all the islanders had their eyes shining brightly. They looked at the majestic tank in front of them. In contrast, their tanks were simply children's toys!

An islander, already unable to restrain his inner excitement, said, "Can we start it?"

"Of course!" Cyric said, "Please go up!"

Several islanders jumped into the tank enthusiastically, and even Komatsu stood inside the turret.

"The start button is on the left." Outside the cab, a German tank soldier said to the opponent.

start up!

As the button was pressed, behind it came the roar of the engine, which was different from the hum of a gasoline engine. In the engine, there was the peculiar hum of the high-pressure oil pump.

Pull the operating lever back to lift the clutch.

Following the instructions, the island nation's soldiers started the behemoth, and he instantly felt the unique strength of the diesel engine!

Now, tanks in almost all countries are still gasoline! The torque of a gasoline engine is small. When starting, the accelerator must be heavily throttled, otherwise it will definitely stall!

And now? This tank can be started at idle without having to step on the accelerator. The engine is really too advanced!

For the island people’s small body, the space inside the Panther tank is really too wide. They looked at the equipment inside, looked at the precision sights, and everyone’s eyes were full of expectations. !

If this tank can be equipped to the Kwantung Army, they are absolutely confident to defeat the Soviets!

Turned around and finally stopped. Everyone didn't want to get down from above.

"Everyone, we have prepared a dinner for you. The conditions in the army are rudimentary, please don't be offended." Cyric said, it's getting dark now.

As a result, they could only get off the tank, and under Cyric's recommendation, they walked towards the restaurant.

Along the way, they murmured and talked about the benefits of this tank.

Can islanders study on their own? Of course it's impossible, they can't solve the engine problem! They have no experience with such large diesel engines for vehicles! Aiming system, artillery, are their weaknesses!

These guys are all very anxious. So, at the dinner party prepared for them, the officer who was not tall but looked quite fierce asked Cyric: "Excuse me, Sir Cyric, we Can you introduce your Panther tank? We need complete design drawings and samples."

"An Gang-jun, don't be impatient!" Hearing this question from his subordinates, Lieutenant General Komatsu who led the team immediately scolded.

"It's okay." Cyric replied happily: "If you want our current tank, it won't be difficult."

Cyric’s answer gave Komatsu a burst of surprise and joy: "Really? If you are willing to tell us, that would be great!"

A full set of design drawings and samples, this is the rhythm that the islanders intend to make themselves.

After all, although the people of the island nations are constantly plundering China’s wealth, there are many places where the island nations spend money at the same time, especially the navy, which is simply a bottomless pit for burning money. Therefore, it is impossible for the island nations to import finished products in large quantities, they can only Imported samples, and then imitate them.

Cyric's consent undoubtedly made them feel quite happy.

"It's just..." Cyric's words later made the islanders quite impatient.

Just what?

"Now, our production is also very tight!" Cyric said: "The output of the tanks ordered by our army has been scheduled for the next year. If you need it, you will not be able to get it at least the next year. "

In fact, the Panther 2 tanks shown to the people of the island nation have long been prepared to be eliminated in the German army. It does not matter if they are given to the people of the island nation, but it definitely does not conform to Cyric's principle.

Rip up, that is still necessary.