Chapter 639: Sleepless night

When he received the news from North Africa, Petain was angry. Although it was still an hour before dawn, he was already woken up.

The events of the past two days have caused him to suffer. First, the French warships in British ports were detained, and then the French West Indies. The local French fleet was also disarmed, which caused the French Navy to lose more than a dozen warships. At the same time, Petain's dissatisfaction with this behavior of the British has reached its extreme.

And now, I didn't expect that the British would have more than these appetites, and they were threatening their own Mediterranean fleet! This is simply beyond his tolerance.

"Tell the British, they are dreaming!" Petain yelled, wearing his pajamas, and walked into the meeting room.

At this time, in the conference room, everyone else was already seated.

Darren also came, and after receiving the news that the British had detained the French warships, as the mainstay of the navy, Darren received the order of Marshal Petain and hurriedly arrived in the capital from Toulon.

The capital at this time was still in Clermont-Ferrand. Because the city area was too small and there were few houses, Darren lived in a small hotel outside. He couldn't sleep at all these days. As a result, news came. After that, I went to the meeting room immediately.

Hearing Petain's words, Darren followed: "Yes, the British conspiracy must not be allowed to succeed!"

The French navy is proud. If it is slapped like this by the British navy, it will definitely be a shame to the French navy! Why should the French Navy listen to the British Parliament?

"However, the British threat is right in front of us. If our fleet does not respond, I think the British will open fire." Admiral Esteva said.

The British, now that they have made a gesture, the French navy will either submit to the British navy or die.

This sentence is actually enough to anger the French navy, but now, it is obvious that the French navy is at a disadvantage because they are not in a state of combat readiness.

All warships are in a moored state. The boilers are all turned off. They have to ignite if they want to fight. Moreover, for steam engines, the boilers just ignite and cannot drive the steam turbines. They want the warships to start. It takes time to get up.

During this period of time, it was enough to give the British people a chance, but the British were ready to fight.

Moreover, as long as smoke comes from the chimney of one's own warship, the British will discover their own intentions, and even immediately fire on their own warship.

As an admiral, Esteva knows how urgent the situation on the front line is at this time. They will be attacked at any time.

Moreover, it is clear that the British have brought all their remaining main forces here, and only relying on this fleet anchored in Algeria can not compete with the British at all. In the event of a conflict, they will definitely suffer.

"So, we have to delay time." Admiral Dahl Lang said: "I think we can simply send a telegram to Jean Sur and ask him to talk to the other party first, delay the time, and at the same time, the warships will light up and prepare for battle. And, the warships in the Port of Toulon on our side will also rush there quickly. Once a war breaks out, our warships will not suffer."

Darren’s method is feasible. Just as Petain was about to nod his head, he saw his confidant Pierre Laval speak: "Everyone, why don’t we directly inform the Armistice Committee of this matter?"

Before and after France's surrender, this armistice committee has always played a leading role. In other words, this is an institution specially set up by Germany to control France more conveniently.

Now that France has surrendered, wouldn't it be better to let the Germans come forward in this case?

Hearing what Pierre said, Darren immediately shook his head: "No, this is a matter for our French navy, and has nothing to do with the Germans."

As a navy commander, Darlan still has a lofty sense of honor. The British came up with great fanfare to provoke him, and he couldn't beat Germany. Isn't even the British afraid?

Moreover, if the Germans are used to scare away the British, then the French Navy will lose face even more!

At this time, Darlan is quite determined, and he can do this without a German!

Moreover, he also knows that the main target of the German Navy is the Atlantic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea still needs to be controlled by the French Navy. In this way, the French Navy must continue to exist. If even this trouble cannot be solved, the French Navy, Is there still a need?

Maybe the Germans will conquer all their warships! The French navy had no power anymore. He absolutely didn't want to see such a scene.

This is a matter for the French navy and has nothing to do with the Germans! Even the deterrence of a little friend of the past cannot be dealt with, and the French Navy is too embarrassing!

Darlang, firmly opposed.

However, Pierre insisted: "Germany has a lot of means to counterattack surface ships. At this time, it is enough to rely on German power. Why should we consume our strength? This is also caused by the Germans. Hand it over to the Germans."

Of course Pierre had other meanings. Now he definitely hugs German thighs. Such an important matter would be too interesting without telling the German side.

In this way, the meeting room was noisy and time passed by little by little.

Milskbil Port, let General Suer walk around on his bridge, waiting anxiously, at this time, the east has gradually shining.

Could it be that when the telegram was delivered Marshal Petain was asleep and had to wait for him to wake up?

No, absolutely not, can't wait!

This is the third time he has sent a telegram. Now, looking at the British destroyer that is still next to him, he finally gave his order: "Please Colonel Holland, come up, all warships, immediately fire!"

His thoughts are almost the same as Darlang's. Now, he can only hold the opponent first!

Simply, I invited my old friend, Colonel Holland, to come over, sit down together and discuss it. At the same time, your warship should be ignited quickly, and the steam pressure reserve can be dispatched.

This is a sleepless night, and there are many people who are not sleeping. Churchill, as far away as London, has been sitting in the Wartime Cabinet Office at No. 10 Downing Street, maintaining frequent contact with his staff, the Secretary of the Navy and the First Secretary of the Sea. The news is coming.

There is no need to think about the French mainland. If the warships of the French North African Fleet in the Port of Millskbild are brought over, the British navy will finally be able to continue for a while.