Chapter 878: Visit the submarine shipyard

Between a country and a country, there are no eternal friends, no constant enemies, only absolute interests. The country's foreign policy needs to satisfy its own interests.

For the United States, Europe is already very dangerous. The US leader who does not want to be the world leader is incompetent, but now, the status of the world leader is gradually being occupied by Germany. Under such circumstances, the US must disintegrate and divide Europe.

Ireland is a breakthrough.

The United States has made promises to Ireland in many aspects. In terms of trade, industry, etc., it has all tempted Ireland, hoping that Ireland can come together with the United States.

From an Irish perspective, it is more profitable to seek refuge in Germany than to seek refuge in the United States.

Therefore, Eamon finally agreed to the German terms. At this time, Cyrek revealed his old bottom, and Eamon's face suddenly became red. Fortunately, Cyrek did not get entangled: "Ireland's industrial foundation , It’s not bad. I think we can still cooperate in industry. We have some projects that cannot be carried out immediately in domestic factories and can be arranged to Ireland."

Germany's spread of stalls is too big, especially now, after conquering Europe, it will definitely work with the Soviet Union. If you want to defeat the Soviet Union, you must make full preparations.

If some orders are handed over to Ireland, Ireland will increase its income and it will be easier to consolidate the alliance relationship.

Sure enough, Eamon replied very happily: "We are willing to serve."

The visit of the Prime Minister of Ireland is really effective. A lot of progress has been made between the two countries. When Eamon left, a lot of economic cooperation framework agreements were signed at the same time. Once these projects are implemented, Ireland will be During the year, factories do not have to worry about order issues. More job opportunities will make Ireland develop better.

After sending off Prime Minister Eamon, Cyric still has endless things to do. For example, his itinerary has come to the Hamburg shipyard.

This is an old shipyard. Since the last century, it has built various ships for Germany. During the First World War, it expanded rapidly and built a large number of warships.

Now, this shipyard is the main submarine shipyard in Germany.

It used to be an open-air shipyard. Now, it is covered by huge sheds, which can prevent air surveillance. In the sheds, at each station, there are people busy, sparks splashing, and completing the submarine. put up.

Deniz, the head of the German submarine force, accompanied Cyrek on the inspection.

"With the needs of our maritime warfare, our submarines need a larger displacement. Therefore, we are building XXI with a displacement of nearly two thousand tons." Dunnitz is quite proud.

Before the war, their submarine was still a coastal submarine force, with a displacement of only a few hundred tons, and at most it entered the Mediterranean Sea. But now, their submarine has been rapidly developed, with a displacement of two thousand tons, which is already quite large. The submarine!

Cyric nodded: "The Empire must not only develop surface naval forces, but also develop underwater submarine forces at the same time. The two cooperate with each other to achieve victory in the ocean."

Now, German submarines have dived into the Pacific Ocean and ambushed American merchant ships there. Only large submarines can do this for such a long distance. Moreover, Dunnitz hopes that more submarines can be sent over to fight the submarines. The results have been expanded to make the head of state have more trust in the submarine.

"Head of Cyric, I think that our submarine forces can have greater results." Now, taking advantage of Cyric's good mood, he said his thoughts very carefully.

Hearing Dunnitz’s words, Cyric stopped: "Denitz, you have to know that a submarine is just a weapon. The entire naval battle is a systematic war. If we only use submarines, then, Once the opponent’s anti-potential volume increases, it is easy to crush our submarine warfare. Under the encirclement and suppression of surface power, the submarine has no hope of survival."

After Cyric’s words were finished, Dunnitz’s eyes dimmed. Of course Cyric knew what he was thinking, so he patted him on the shoulder: "Denitz, you are an excellent admiral. Look at the problem with a long-term perspective."

Historically, Dunnitz was really cool and invested the main navy of the empire and used it all to build submarines, but what happened? After the Allied forces increased the amount of anti-potential, the wolf pack tactics on the sea were quickly shattered.

Submarines cannot be the main force, otherwise they are very sad.

While they were talking, the group of people had arrived under a larger work shed. Outside the work shed was guarded by SS soldiers with live ammunition, while inside, a larger submarine was being built.

"Head Cyric, this is our latest experimental submarine. For the sake of confidentiality, we call this submarine an improved XXI, but in fact, it is completely different from the previous one. Its power system, It is no longer a diesel-electric system, but a nuclear power system, which is our newly developed power."

Cyric came to the shipyard this time because he wanted to see this big guy. As someone who has traveled from later generations, Cyric certainly knows what nuclear-powered submarines mean on the berth, this ship The length of the submarine is almost twice as long as before! As for the displacement, it has been rapidly enlarged to 6,000 tons!

You know, six thousand tons is already the displacement of a destroyer. This is Germany and is also the largest submarine built in the world!

At this time, the hull has just been welded. This is the initial stage of the project. The compartments of the submarine are built in sections and then docked.

"We have dispatched the best welders from the entire shipyard. Not only are they skilled, but they also have no problem thinking." Dunnitz said: "At the same time, Krupp also gave us the latest steel, this submarine. When we design, we need to reach a diving depth of 300 meters. Once this experimental submarine has completed all the experimental plans, we will start building this latest nuclear submarine, and it is expected that the first batch of ten will be built."

Just by issuing euros, the empire was able to gather a large amount of wealth. This wealth was enough for the empire to carry out various military expenditures. For example, this kind of submarine, when the budget was calculated, shocked Denitz. Cyric did not approve it. As a result, Cyric swiped his pen and built this experimental ship first, and when the experiment was no problem, he built ten ships in batches at a time!