Chapter 54: Little Tiger

Name:The Trial Game of Life Author:
Chapter 54: Little Tiger


No. K27216: Tang Cuo

Character Points: 30

Strength: 16

Intelligence: 4

Charm: 0

Rating: A

HP: 98

[Survival is not easy, please never stop trying.]

The first thing Tang Cuo did upon returning to Yong Ye City was adding the points. 22 points were added to his Strength, 6 points to Intelligence to balance out his attributes, then the remaining 2 points to Charm, just to see what the actual effect might be.

After that, the rewards he had earned would be the highlights.

[Holy Light Shield]

Classification: Skill

Quality: Rare

Description: Complementary skill of the [Sword of Judgment]. Use the Holy Light of Judgement to activate the shield for 15 seconds.

[Greenvines Badge]

Classification: Equipment

Quality: High

Description: A badge awarded to the core members of the Greenvines Alliance, engraved with the skill Teleportation. The Greenvines Alliance is a very humane organisation that tailors an exclusive badge for each member, but obviously, whether its the Luo Island headquarters or Theodores brother, the current Duke, they both believe that this life-saving skill Teleportation is most suitable for him. Teleportation allows the player to instantly move to any place within 100 meters from him, without any restriction. Cooldown time is 24 hours.

It was another skill with a cooldown time of 24 hours. The teleportation distance wasnt too large, so it was no surprise that the Quality was only High. But Teleportation was indeed a skill that could save lives, which would be great during emergencies.

[Farewell Letter]Follow current novels at

Classification: Mission Item

Quality: Normal

Description: Bazzs farewell letter to Theodore and Lancelot.

Before Tang Cuo exited the dungeon, he put the farewell letter in his pocket and unexpectedly brought it out. After the two rounds of this serial mission, he already gathered several mission items in his inventory, but he had no idea when he would use them.

After checking the rewards, Tang Cuo walked to the window and looked out.

The number of people at East Cross Street had increased. Many people were coming and going along the cobblestone street while many were talking by the roadside, their faces a lot less anxious and noticeably calmer.

The safe zone had slowly but finally played its role.

However, at one point, the population of East Cross Street would become saturated, and the people who originally lived here would leave. East Cross Street was just the beginning, a buffer zone for their eventual fate.

After a few glances, Tang Cuo stepped back and prepared to take a shower. This time, the dungeon was very short yet the missions were tightly squeezed together. He and Jin Cheng never had a good rest, let alone any time to wash themselves.

But as soon as he took off his coat, Jin Cheng came in through the window.

Is there no door in my room? Tang Cuo asked sincerely.

Dont you see that the window is closer? Jin Cheng released his hands, leaned on the window sill and said: And isnt this Mr. Crow hating on you? Its been so long and your window still hasnt been repaired, so he can just easily walk through it any time he wants.

Is that so? Arent you both birds of the same feather?

Tang Cuo resisted the urge to roll his eyes. As he was about to grab the hem of his shirt to take it off, he asked: Dont you like jumping windows? Now please jump back to your room. Im going to take a shower.

Jin Cheng raised his eyebrows: Were both men, why cant I see you shower?

Then you go shower first.

I dont want to shower now.

Where is your obsession with cleanliness? It just suddenly disappears again, doesnt it?

Tang Cuo really wanted to beat him up.

Jin Cheng finally came to a compromise: Okay, Ill stop teasing you now, you seem to want to beat me up. I have to go to the Ruby Bar and wont be back for a while. You should rest first, dont wait for me.

Who wants to wait for you?

Theyve all been added.

Apart from giving him points, Jin Cheng had no other choice. He swiped 100 points to Tang Cuo on the spot, then looked at the pathetic dozens of points left in his account. He suddenly felt like he was back to the beginning of everything.

But as to why he was so broke, there was a good reason for it.

I got the latest release list from the Ruby Bar. Miao Miao is too miserable, he did nothing but still hasnt been released yet. Judging from what the people who got out of prison said, the warden got all excited and stimulated and wanted to play games with them every day.

Leng Miao must be the first to seek revenge on you when he gets out.

Thats because you dont understand Miao Miao, he wont act rashly so quickly. On the contrary, the people of Heavens Will wont give up. Even if Chong Yanzhang doesnt want to do so, his underlings will feel itchy.

Tang Cuo still clearly remembered the strategist of Heavens Will, Jiang He, and the man who blatantly disagreed with Jiang He, but he didnt know that mans name. As he was thinking about those men, Jin Cheng brought up their names.

But Jiang He is about to break away from Heavens Will. The one who attacked you last time was Chen Liu, a veteran in Heavens Will. He was originally Chong Yanzhangs most trusted right-hand man, but then Jiang He came. The more Chong Yanzhang relied on him, the more bad-tempered Chen Liu became. Eventually, the twos conflicts will be irreconcilable and Chong Yanzhang must choose one of them.

Tang Cuo thought for a moment and said: Hell choose Chen Liu.

Thats right. Jin Cheng smiled: If he picks Jiang He, hell get a smart strategist, but lose most of Heavens Will. Heavens Will has too many veteran players, so even if Chong Yanzhang knows that Chen Liu is arrogant, once he gives up Chen Liu, theres bound to be a backlash. Chong Yanzhang may look tough, but he still has no guts to bear the loss of his gang breaking apart.

Hearing this, Tang Cuo asked: You went to the Ruby Bar just to ask about this?

Jin Cheng shook his head, and a stern expression suddenly cast over his face: Do you remember the little girl Chi Yan was looking for? Someone confirms that shes still in prison, in the same cell with Jiang He and Leng Miao. But something is strange. Shes just a teenage girl who died of cancer, yet she hasnt been released until now. Although the warden is twisted, he isnt a man with no standards at all.

Tang Cuo frowned: You think theres a problem with her?

Jin Cheng: Its not I think, Im certain about it. You saved her during the Wheel of Fortune, right?

Tang Cuo didnt deny it.

Jin Cheng continued: In Yong Ye City, kindness is cheap. I hope youll be more cautious when you see her next time. Remember what I told you old people and children are the most frightening people here.

Tang Cuo stayed silent. He actually didnt remember the little girls face anymore, only her bald head. Perhaps he had made a mistake in his judgment of her at the very beginning.

Looking back carefully, the little girls gown seemed to be stained with a few drops of blood.

But no matter what might happen later, it was something that hadnt happened yet, and Tang Cuo wasnt used to worrying about this sort of thing. Throwing the empty soy milk cup into the trash can, he walked to the window and opened the curtain.

Hm. The cobblestone street downstairs was still the same as before.

Jin Cheng walked over, stood by his side and looked down with him: Speaking of which, I also asked about one other thing.

Tang Cuo tilted his head: What was it?

Jin Cheng relaxed his expression, folded his arms and leaned against the window sill: About [Kingdom Hidden The Moonlight]. It costs me hundreds of points to get the intelligence about that serial dungeon, and I finally found that someone had gone through it before.


Lin Yandong.

Tang Cuo searched in his memory for a few seconds and asked: The boss of that psycho Miao Qi?

Jin Cheng nodded: Old people and children are the most frightening. Old people refers to Lin Yandong. But hes different from an average old man. I say hes old just because he has entered Yongye since very long ago. Its rare to see people older than him in Zone A.

When did he die?


Seventy years had passed between 1949 and 2019, and there are still people whove lived in Yong Ye City since that time? Tang Cuo was a little surprised, and also a little curious what kind of person this man from a previous era might be.

Jin Cheng continued: The way Lin Yandong triggered the mission seems to be different from yours. His mission wasnt serial, but a single mission. Also, the intelligence says he brought something out from the dungeon. Maybe we can visit him for once. This serial dungeon is too big, and itll definitely be harder to clear later.

Tang Cuo had no objection and simply listened to Jin Cheng.

In fact, he was still a bit stuck in the story of the dungeon, because the people in the dungeon were too real, as if they were no different from the players downstairs.

Do you think the deaths of Lancelot and Theodore have something to do with Bazz? He asked suddenly.

Who knows. Jin Cheng shrugged. He caught a glimpse of the unyielding hair on the back of Tang Cuos head, which had been pressed down with water but had now risen again. Unable to help it, he stretched out one hand and touched it.

In the end, he even commented: Next time you should dry your hair before going to sleep.

Tang Cuos face turned dark: I dont have a hair dryer.

Jin Cheng: Cant I buy it for you?

Tang Cuo: Then you can put your hand down.

Jin Cheng: Oh.

Today, Jin Chengs mood suddenly became a little complicated.

The translator has something to say: A quick summary of this chapter:

Jin Cheng became someones sugar daddyJin Cheng bought someone a curtainJin Cheng delivered food for someone and even felt proud about itJin Cheng couldnt help playing with someones hairIn short, this is a chapter about Jin Cheng spiralling down a path of no return