Chapter 23: 23.

Name:The Tycoon Inheritance Author:
Chapter 23: 23.

A majestic sun rose to the skies the next day, bringing forth a lot of expectations for many. A new day brings new surprises, new opportunities and new acquaintances.

For Chen Kai its a new day to amuse himself.

This day was a bit different from the previous. He fell back into his routine of meditation and light training to keep his body stable. Now that the seal on his mind is off, he has to slowly regain a stable emotional state. It won't do good to lash out when he's mildly irritated. His temper in the last two lives was unpredictable and sent him in a dark place.

Ending his last revolution of his cultivation method, Chen Kai slowly opened his eyes and watched on as the sun crept through the opened doors of his dojo and warmed the hall. Slowly he inhaled the warm scent of the sun and morning air and released it sharply.

Coming out of his meditative pose, he took that chance to focus on his body. The previous night he spent time to flush out the remaining poison and dormant toxins in his body, along with a pill to help his mental faculties. His body was now brimming with energy, he felt lighter and unburdened as he checked internally.

"This is good enough for a good number of years," he mumbled. Cultivation helps one's longevity but not a protective charm from unseen dangers.

Checking the time, he calculated what needed to be done before he head to the school. His courtyard has yet to be decorated and organized but he wasn't in a rush. No one will visit that side in the near future.

{Young Master, you have four calls that have been blocked. The contacts were identified.} Argon reported when he picked up Chen Kai's movements.

"No action needed for those contacts. Notify Chef Mu that I will be ready in an hour's time." He knew who those blocked callers were. It wasn't 7 and yet they had the audacity to call. What can they possibly want?

{Yes, young master.}

After cleaning the dojo, he took a mild walk back to the main house while appreciating the comforts of his new home. The stone path was wide and the lawn was neat. There was no sound of traffic or the people nearby, it was all tranquil. It was his own paradise.

Each day that will pass, his sense of belonging on this star will be cemented. Chen Kai smiled at that thought.

With the sun licking at his back, he inwardly did his daily sign in.

[Congratulations, host! You have received the Fanrong Building. You have received two Apartment buildings in Qilin Residential District and one Apartment building in Binhu Residential District. Five Million Yuan has been added to your account.]

Chen Kai glanced at the overview of the Fanrong Building on the translucent screen before his eyes. It was a twenty story business center on the outskirts of the business district. It bordered a historical shopping area and nature reserve. There were fifteen companies renting, leaving five floors empty. "Ahh~ System, you always make my life stress free," he said aloud. Xiao Wei won't have to look buildings to house his company. The system basically placed it in his hands.

[Well, it is your retirement, dear host.]

He chuckled at the statement that seemed to be coated with sarcasm. He felt that this system of his is becoming more sentient.

Returning to his room, he didn't hesitate to inform Manager Bo and Xiao Wei about the building. A business account was already created and new employees were waiting, a base was all they needed. With these five floors, things will move faster.

"Did you decide on a name for the company?"

The conference call between the three was placed on loudspeaker as Chen Kai got ready for his so-called hearing and the day out with the girls.

"Shenghuo Group."

"I like it. Not complicated and rolls off the tongue. I will get everything moving," Xiao Wei returned. The excitement to be at the start of something new was evident in his voice.

"Sure. Manager Bo, I acquired three more apartment buildings. They are in Qilin and Binhu. I will have to trouble you to create a report on them." Chen Kai had Argon forward copies of the ownership documents and a new copy of his ID to help them both with official business.

"Are you stepping into numerous industries?" Manager Bo asked.

"I can't say at the moment. The Shenghuo Group will be a private company. For now, we will focus on developing connections hence the paths the company is taking - home care, security and child care. Most residents in the real estate I own will be families and young people. Busy families and young people. Helping them out on these aspects will ease their worries and won't have a problem in paying the charged rent. After you give me the report on Qilin, I will have Brother Luo look over the rental agreements along with the employment contracts. Brother Wei, inform him of this upcoming job."

"Yes, boss."

"Okay, young master."

"I will hang up now."

Ending the call, he went into the WeChat group.

xx14F: Its even more disgusting that its her ex-boyfriend's dorm brother. Can you lower yourself even more?

xx15F: Why are you staying on one part? How are you going to justify his act of destroying his dorm brother's laptops? He ruined their chances to get good scores for graduation?

ChenKai: Upstairs, I'm not that bored to do things like that. Plus where was their common sense? Who waits for the last three days to do a proper project? Oh and ever heard of doing a cloud back up? Haaa~ I expected here to be more fun. This notice from the landlord wasn't even interesting.

xx16F: Is this the new way to shut down rumors?

xx17F: Fun. He called a post slandering him fun.

xx18F: As expected of Student Chen. His thinking is different from us.

xx19F: True to upstairs words. I was there when Zhang Rui broke up with him. He simply told her 'okay' with a fish eye expression. LMAO! She was so dumbstruck.

xx20F: Brother Chen are you really going to the hearing?

ChenKai: Yup. The department head informed me yesterday.

xx21F: Why does it feel like he's one of those smart yet lazy young masters? Student Chen's words are so calm and distracting.

xx22F: I can definitely picture the school's male god in this light. Ahhhh~~~ I just pictured him chilling in a high end club and scheming naturally with those godly looks of his.

From that comment, the entire momentum shifted from slander to female fantasies of wealthy young masters.

Chen Kai returned to the WeChat group and chat to the girls for a while then left to get ready for the day ahead.

The post was truly nothing of importance to him. The wording were definitely meant to discredit him but he felt nothing. It was all useless against him. He was once framed as a mass murderer; along with the hate of thousands to millions of people after being blamed for inhumane acts as a doctor. He had enemies placing pressure on him and his people. Not to mention the battles he lived through - a university slander post is nothing to him.

"The trials of man are endless."


Breakfast made by Chef Mu was delicious and fragrant. Chen Kai appreciated the native breakfast dishes in the morning and allowed himself to eat Western food during the day. The quirks of his first life will always stay with him.

Sitting at the center of the large dining table, he enjoyed his meal with a random show airing on the tv opposite him.

Chef Mu shook his head at his young master's unguarded moment. He looked like any other relaxed college student and not the boss of many subordinates and flourishing businesses. Chen Kai reminded him of his own son who is now dedicated to his craft. The kid hardly relaxes and prefers to be in the kitchen creating new dishes.

"Are all young people so ambitious these days?" he muttered to himself. "Young master, am I to expect you for lunch and dinner today?" he asked in a louder voice.

"No, chef. I have an appointment at school then a day out with a few friends. I may return late so you have the rest of the day to relax," Chen Kai answered.

The older gentleman watched on with great interest how this young master of his moved as he ate. There was no slouching, table etiquette was smooth and his movements were elegant. He silently wondered which large family this young man came from. High society children were trained from young in all aspects. Image was everything to these families. Most kept traditional teachings but they were few in number. Chen Kai's table etiquette was traditional.

Which family is it? He sighed inwardly and decided to shelf the question everyone has been silently asking since they began to work for this young man.

"Thank you, young master. Is there anything you wish to eat on a regular for breakfast?"

"Congee. The variations are up to you." Chen Kai stared at the empty bowl as two memories came to the forefront when he was asked that question. He didn't expect to be dragged into something so sentimental.

The basic rice porridge that can be over looked held a lot of meaning for him. As Li Yun, his mother made it her duty to make this dish as tasty as ever so he can forget about the pills he had to take after. It was also the healthiest dish he had to eat due to his dietary restrictions.

As SSS Awakener Rok Naline, he made this dish a lot for the people he had under his care. The government forsaken them and he was all they had to depend on as normal humans. He made sure everyone had a bowl along with meat to carry them through the day.

Its surprising how a simple dish can mean a lot to someone.

Chef Mu saw this moment and stayed quiet to respect this solemn time. Was he homesick?

After a minute, he replied. "Consider it done."

Its best to help the young master feel at home. Its their turn to care for him.