Chapter 155 - True Definition Of Family

"You won't understand because you are blinded by your affection for her," Alexander screamed at Long Jie. He held his head in his head and said in a soft voice, "She will understand my point. She always does. She will understand why I chose my family over her." 

Family. Such a simple word but its implication is so heavy and gigantic. But people largely misunderstood its actual meaning and did things which they were not supposed to and in the end, they are left with nothing but regret. 

"Oh?" Long Jie raised a brow at him. "So, it was all because of your family. Did they find your little lover or your hidden wife and kid somewhere?"

Alexander pursed his lips in a thin line. 

"She knew about your little lie, bastard," said Long Jie while glaring at him. He couldn't understand one thing: why would Alexander hide his family from Zhenyi. Perhaps, he knew but chose not to acknowledge. He paused for a moment and then spoke as his fingers tapped on the notepad placed on the table. " She was well aware of your truth that you have a family hidden somewhere. She always knows when no one thinks she does. This is what makes her Xin Zhenyi."

"You can kill me if that's what you are thinking," Alexander said in a calm manner, too calm for someone who knew that he would be killed any moment. 

Alexander had known since the moment he allowed Eros to plant bombs under the cars that his death is inevitable but he wouldn't decline that deep down in his heart he was hoping for Zhenyi's forgiveness. Anyone who worked for her knew that she never gave another chance because you wouldn't be alive to use that chance. 

Once a traitor always a traitor! 

"Of course, I will," Long Jie scoffed. "Do you think I will sit here and wait for you in vain if I didn't plan to kill you?"

"Sit down," Long Jie commanded. He looked at him again. "I said sit down."

Alexander looked at him and then at the space where he was telling him to sit down. He sighed because there was nothing he could do now. He could kill Long Jie and run away from here and if he successfully flee from here, he would never come but he also knew that Long Jie had already thought about this possibility and would definitely have closed all the means to flee. 


"My family is held captive by them," said Alexander. It was time to spill the beans. " I was told to kill her in return for their freedom but I refused because I couldn't kill her no matter what, she is my boss and I can't paint my hands with her blood."

Truly, Alexander never wanted to kill her but like he said he was not given another choice or it was what he has been telling himself. 

"So, you thought if you can't kill her as your conscience didn't let you, then why not get her killed indirectly?" Long Jie asked. But he already knew the answer. It was always the same with traitors. They would always try to justify their actions. 

"Well… That was the only choice I was left with."

"Woah!" Long Jie exclaimed. He then let out a light laugh. "Here I thought I'm the most selfish prick but when I look at your face, you put me to shame."

"You know nothing." He sobbed like that crying heroines in a rom-com. 

"Oh please, I know enough," Long Jis said while shaking his head. "Do you know my wife can start a war for someone who has given her their unwavering loyalty?"

"Bastard, she trusted you but what did you do? You threw it in her face. Do you have any idea how hard it is to earn her trust in the first place?"

"You are blinded by your feelings for her so you won't understand at all," Alexander screeched as he pointed the finger at Long Jie. " You started bloody riots on the streets for your wife. You set fire to property and killed numerous men in the name of avenging your wife. Aren't we the same now? You can go to any level for your wife and why won't I? Do you even have any idea how many innocent people are suffering just because your wife is on the hospital bed?"

Alexander was right it was not those people's fault that Zhenyi was injured in the accident. It was not their fault her own team head was the traitor then why those people were suffering? Curfew was imposed in the city. The government was in turmoil as they were not able to control it. Everyone was confused as to why the riots were happening? It was neither religious riots nor political then what they wanted. 

He looked at Long Jie and mocked. "You have nothing to say now, Long Jie. I told you won't understand. A person who doesn't even know the meaning of family in the first place."

Long Jie took a deep breath and looked straight into his eyes. "You are right. I can and will stoop to any level for my wife and I did it. You are also right that I don't know the meaning of family, but she is teaching me slowly and slowly what family truly is. When I look at her, her devotion and loyalty to family, I feel proud, so proud that I can't explain it in words to be called her family because I have never seen someone's such dedication for the family ever, not even at my so-called great Long Clan. " Long Jie paused and his hand felt a solid thing he picked it up to see that it was a fountain pen, a little too weird to be a pen. Nevertheless, he continued. "But you know what? You failed to decipher her definition of family. Her family doesn't include her blood relatives and friends, it includes all of you. Every single man working for her and under her. She would have done anything to save your family, Alexander, and you also know that once Zhenyi sets her mind on something it is impossible to defeat her. Heck, defeat is not even in her blood. So, Alexander, we are not the same because if I had been at your place I wouldn't have done what you have chosen to do."