Just as Neil sat in his car,he looked down at his phone to see the little cupcake's face.Thinking that he would be distracted with her,he had changed the screensaver.But now not seeing the other woman made him feel disturbed so he changed it back to it's previous one.He rubbed his thumb over the screen tracing her features once more.It seemed nothing could distract him even now.
Inside the restaurant:
All of Mi rae's colleagues were in shock.Mi Rae's assistant could not process the happenings.She had been with her for so many years and that woman had OCD about personal space!Forget a man,but even a woman was not allowed to touch her without her permission.And they had seen that man casually touch her atleast two times in the span of a minute.And what was there in that envelope?She was going to go to the office and find out.They were recovering from the shock when another colleague murmured something,"Uhh,did that guy not look familiar to you all?"
All the faces turned to look at her blankly when their gossip queen suddenly announced,"God d***!He is familiar!he is the legendary lawyer Neil Long!"All mouths fell open at that.Most of them admired Mi Rae for her success and now added to the fact that she was dating the hottest lawyer in the country,the girls were really envious as well as the boys for their hope was gone.
Only one amongst these people was lost in thought.The man was a senior secretary in the office and well aware of the company's chauvinist ways.Though he did not like them,he kept his silence.But he knew one thing,a corporate lawyer with a woman in this company was not good news.The news was worrisome very worrisome.He had seen Attorney Zheng change from an idealistic girl to a cynical lawyer in the hands of this company.And it was only a matterof time before she turned around and bit them.He wondered if he should say something to warn the bosses.But then decided against it.he was going to leaving soon anyway.He did not need to help them continue being biased.They could deal with it on their own.The others also thought to not gossip about this as they were sure that Attorney Zheng would not like it and the people she was currently interacting with would make her even more powerful.They should wait and watch before offending her.It was better to keep your eyes,ears and mouths closed.
Later in the evening:
Attorney Zheng received desperate phone calls and messages from Hu Ge to transfer Onita and little Alicia to a safe location immediately.In his urgency he had even called Neil.As soon as she saw this,she rushed to call Neil who was already on his way to go to Onita's house.He said he'd pick her up in 10 minutes since her office was on the way and she had no car.
Just then Alicia called to invite Neil for a reunion dinner.He was about to put her off when the next thing she said made him alert.She had also invited Onita and Qi Cheng who was currently with them and would soon be on his way.Immediately on alert,Neil asked her if Onita had already left and got an affirmative answer.Telling Alicia to tighten their security,he told her to call him as soon as they reached.By now he had already reached Mi Raewho was standing on the side walk.Picking her up,he drove on and then said,"Onita is safe already.We'll just go there to check what this is about."
But before Neil could turn into the apartment's lane,he could see black smoke arising and the sirens of the fire brigade.The area had been sealed off and the paramedics were giving oxygen to people who had inhaled smoke.Neil caught hold of a police officer and asked,"What happened officer?"
"A gas cylinder just burst on one of the floors and the entire building caught fire.Lucking most people were not home yet and somebody called the fire department immediately.The building is going to burn to ground and people are not going to be able to retreive their belongings but atleast no lives were damaged.The maximum impact is going to be smoke inhalation.We are determining the cause of fire and as long as it is not arson then the owner will also be able to claim insurance and compensate the people."
Neil and Mi Rae both watched in shock and did not know what to say or think.Onita and the little girl had been saved by a hair's breath.If it had not been for AL's invite then they would have reached too late to rescue them.Neil was the most affected from this a the little girl had already made a special place in his heart.His heard was suffering now even thinking of her being hurt.
But he understood one thing clearly.No common businessman could have such power until and inless they were related to the underworld.He was going to need answers from that Hu Ge and now was the time!Neil placed a call to Ryu and once assured that both the girls were safe updated Ryu on everything and his next plan.Ryu heard and said,"No.They had ties with the underworld during Hu Ge's grandfather's time but that man wound up all the things and severed the dirty ties before he passed away.This is the reason for the massive power struggle currently in the family.As of now they are clean until and unless the present Elder Hu has formed some ties again