Chapter 7:


Your current performance evaluation is an A.

And With this, you are very likely to be promoted to 5th-grade official in the future.

The Empire commends your recent excellent performance. We hope you continue to illuminate our realm.

- For Ascal Debrue


Crumpling the performance notice and tossing it into the trash, Ascal was in deep thought.

These days, nothing seemed to go right.

It was as if destiny itself was coercively urging him to devote his life to the Empire.

However, rebelling against fate was the true path that a human should pursue.

Even if he stumbled and fell, he was determined to spectacularly mess things up, get fired from his administrative position.

Then, in the warm southwest of the Kelli Kingdom, hed strike it rich with a chicken skewer shop and enjoy a leisurely retirement.

Today, you have two tasks to handle.

Lia handed the documents to Ascal, who had just finished his morning motivation routine.

This was the first real work in quite some time.

Ascal skimmed through the papers with the desperation of a starving dog licking a bowl.

The first is a dispute over an empty land in the shopping district, and the second involves an illegal street stall run by a witch.

Cant we just remove the illegal stall?

It seems they fear being cursed by the witch. That's why the matter has even been passed to us.

What is this...?

Listening to Lias explanation, Ascal glanced at the documents and quickly grasped the gist of the content.

The Imperial market district was always bustling, a tempting spot for merchants to set up shop. But space was perennially scarce. So, when a vacant lot became available, three bidders jumped at the opportunity.

1. A renowned pastry chef, hoping to open a trendy dessert shop.

2. A rancher managing a vast pasture, desiring to establish a butchers shop, providing meat directly from his herd.

3. A chef from the countryside, whose dream is to run a small restaurant.

Not sure if this will aid your decision, but both the pastry chef and rancher have sent gifts. They hope you will view them favorably.

Send them back.


Lia, without a word, took the bribes away. Up until now, any bribes received were consistently passed on to Eileens orphanage, but accepting them in this case would be tricky. After all, the third chef was going to be chosen anyway.

The countryside chef, Hanson.

A person Ascal remembered.

For a while, Hanson scrambled around the market district, grabbing at opportunities and engaging in menial labor. Eventually, after several years and accruing some debt, he opened a small shop.

And the shop becomes a hit.

Renowned among food enthusiasts, Hansons place even confidently listed itself on the must-visit restaurant list for anyone in the Empire. It was a significant success.

I should definitely choose Hanson.

But there was a twist.

At some point, people in the Empire began falling ill. And they all had one thing in common, they all dined at Hansons place.

In fact, Hanson had been sprinkling magic stone dust, greatly enhancing the addictive quality of his food.

In turn, diners accumulated the impure magical dust in their bodies, eventually developing illnesses.

It seemed that even the future tyrant couldnt make side comments when it came to delicious food.




The Hanson.

Living up to a restaurant that bore the chef and owners own name, it boasted a unique ambiance even without having tasted the food yet. Thoughtfully arranged to consider customer flow, with an interior that was neither too much nor too little.

It wasnt without reason that it was temporarily touted as the most sought-after restaurant in the empire in the future.

Ascal-nim. Ive always wanted to meet you in person. I have not forgotten the favor of recognizing this nameless country bumpkin.

Upon entering the restaurant, Hanson, the owner, warmly welcomed Ascal and his party.

Its all thanks to the owners excellent skills. I just did what I had to do.

No, no. When I checked later, those two offered expensive bribes, and I alone applied empty-handed. Thinking about it retrospectively, how foolish I was... Im grateful to be able to repay the favor now.

Hanson carefully took a small bundle out of his pocket. For a moment, an unusual glint of gold shone between the gaps of the weighty bundles opening.

I just accept the sentiment.

Ascal had a firm standard when it came to accepting bribes. Hed accept without a second thought if it was essentials or food gifts, but money was likely to cause trouble.


Then, Hanson suddenly sat down on the spot and began to shed tears.

Is he taking it this hard just because I didnt accept the bribe?

Ascal was taken aback.

Ive been cooking all my life. But running a restaurant, its not always about being good at cooking that ensures success. Ive been scammed tremendously over the years. Ive also harbored much resentment toward a world that couldnt recognize me.

Hanson began to spill his lifes trials and tribulations.

You, Ascal-nim, are the only one who has truly recognized me thus far. If you ask me to hand over the restaurant, I will.

Will you really hand it over?

sob ...Actually, that would be difficult.


He shouldnt have said it in the first place.

A slightly awkward Hanson guided Department 3 to the most expensive special room on the second floor.

Of course, I will not accept payment for the food. Please enjoy our restaurant at ease.

Hanson spoke with confidence. It seemed like the pride of a chef was shining through.

Wow. Connections really are the best. Ill have to brag to the others later.

Sushia scanned the special room with an impressed mutter.

If cameras existed in this world, she seemed ready to snap dozens of photos.

Conversely, Lia quietly pulled out a chair from the dining table, signaling for Ascal to sit.

Take notes.

Hmph. Im not the assistant to the manager-nim, you know.

Secretly placing Sushia at the top of the mental layoff list, Ascal took his seat.

Now was the time to focus.

To see if the food would come out mixed with magic stone dust or not.

Even if he couldnt differentiate it, Lia, who was sensitive to magic, should be able to.

Soon, the appetizer was served.

Without even suggesting that her superior try it first, Sushia disrespectfully began to eat the appetizer.

This is really delicious, manager-nim. You should try it too huh?

Sushia stopped speaking as if something was odd, and then began to cough violently.


What she spat out was a viscous black blood.