Chapter 23:

Chapter 23: An Unexpected Identity



The hand that held the pickaxe bore calluses. Even before one wound could heal, another would form and leave an unsightly scar. It was the hand of a laborer.

The morning air cooled the sweat on his forehead, but it was not entirely pleasant. By afternoon, the scorching sun would surely turn his entire body into a furnace.

Yet, Conrad had to keep swinging the pickaxe relentlessly.

With every strike, the burdens of reality would fade.

He wouldnt feel the pangs of hunger. However, in the end, a single question would always linger in his mind.

How long do I have to keep doing this?

Conrad had been working at the Blue Flame site as a laborer for over three years.

He had become adept at his job and was treated fairly well.

Yet, at the end of the day, he was still just a laborer. Unwelcomed everywhere.


Where should I move this stone to?

Ah, over to that plot.

My pickaxe keeps slipping from my grip. Am I holding it wrong?

Yes. With time, youll get used to it.

A newcomer had arrived in Blue Flame.

His name was Carl.

Usually, those who were dragged into such work had families to support or debts to pay.

They often radiated a strangely somber aura, but Carl was different.

Despite being a rookie, he was eager to take the lead. He didnt try to show off his skills and would approach others for guidance when unsure.

That was why Conrad didnt like him very much.

It felt like he was looking at a reflection of his younger self.No matter how hard one tries, in the end, they just become such a pessimistic old man.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

"Do you enjoy this labor?"

"Well, it's not so much that I find it fun, but it's fulfilling. Even the cold water tastes amazing after the work."

"I see. You're in that phase."

"Do you dislike this work, senior?"


"Everyone gather! It's lunchtime!"

Conrad closed his mouth at the loud bell ringing.

"I'm salivating already."

"It's the same meal we always have. What's so special about it?"

"It's not like that. It tastes good every time. It feels different every time I eat."

The two went to get their lunch.

Carl dipped the distributed bread into the stew. The bread given out was so hard that it could hurt one's teeth if eaten as was.

That was why it was common to melt it in a hot stew and then eat it.

"Mmm. It's lamb stew today."

Seeing Carl enjoying his stew, Conrad felt a twinge of jealousy.

He had a wicked desire to dampen the happy-looking Carl's mood.

"Hey, Carl. Do you know?"


"We're all going to be unemployed."

"What are you talking about?"

Carl looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Conrad answered with a smirk.

"Well, theres no way the building we made is better than the Golden Hammer. Our guild leader might be frantically trying not to miss out on constructing the cathedral, but it's a foregone conclusion."

"Don't we need to wait and see?"

"You really don't get it."

Conrad felt remorse for how harshly he had treated Carl up to now.

He took a bite of the jerky. Despite being dried for a long time, it was surprisingly tender. But above all, the meaty flavor was no joke.

"It's delicious... So good... I'm not one to easily shed tears, but I'm almost crying."

"Indeed! This honey-drizzled fruit just melts in your mouth!"


Naturally, an old dwarf with a white beard was munching on the snack.

"I saw he looked hungry, so I offered to share."

"You really are something..."

What sort of rookie was this?

Conrad swallowed his words.

This disheveled newbie was in trouble if he lacked confidence. He seemed as vulnerable as a duckling left at the water's edge.

I need to take responsibility for this lad... help him stand on his own two feet as a worker.

Conrad clenched his fist, resolved.

Even if this construction job fell through and they became unemployed, he decided he would take the lad under his wing and be responsible for him.


The day has finally come, Robenharf.

Ha. I can see your legs shaking from nerves already, Sebenter.

Youre one to talk. I can see your shoulders trembling.

Its because it's cold. Just the cold, I tell you.

The appointed time had arrived.

The two guild masters of the Golden Hammer and Blue Flame were already sizing each other up.

A battle of pride between the two diminutive dwarves. It was a fierce face-off where neither could back down even an inch.

So, you finished that grain warehouse? You think with such a tiny, adorable grain warehouse, you can rival the construction of a grand cathedral, Sebenter?

Its a state-of-the-art design. Size isnt everything. What did you do all those years as an apprentice? Just waste time?

Ha! Have you seen our new town hall? We used marble. Marble.

That wasteful, money-draining thing?

The two had studied under the same master.

Having been rivals since their youth, even now, after establishing themselves, they were infamously at odds.

The dwarves, usually pouring insults on each other, suddenly fell silent. They had sensed something.

It's about time Ascal Debrue arrives.

You mean the Ascal Debrue who is said to judge things with not even a hair's breadth of error, possessing perfect vision?

To be honest, it's nerve-wracking.

On this, the two agreed.

Nothing was as stressful as waiting for someone who held decision-making power over them.****We finally get to see the face of Ascal Debrue. Where did he go? Carl? Did he go to take a dump or something?

Conrad looked around for Carl, but he hadnt seen him for a while now. He was around just this morning.

He mustve had some urgent business.

Anyway, it was a chance to see the famous Director of Evaluation Department, Ascal.

From a distance, a carriage could be seen approaching.

That must be the imperial carriage...

It was evidently a luxurious one at first glance.

And then...

Someone started to descend from the carriage.

Whispers filled the air.

Finally pushing through the crowd, Conrad, who had managed to get a closer look, was taken aback by the person who had alighted from the carriage.


Ascal Debrue.

Until this morning, he was just another man, working alongside Conrad, shoveling dirt.

[TN: You can support the translation and read 3 chapters ahead of the release here on Patreon: /OracleTls]