﹤The reason he treats you well is because you’re pitiful.﹥

﹤Don’t forget that it’s sympathy.﹥

﹤The moment you start deluding yourself, you’ll be discarded. It’s only natural since you don’t even know the truth.﹥

As Benjamin reached out to hold her hand, another intrusive thought began to echo in Grace’s mind.

It was the intermittent sound that tormented Grace as if it was gnawing at her. When Grace hesitated, seemingly overwhelmed by the noise that felt like it was devouring her, Benjamin gently grasped her hand.

“The sunlight is beautiful today. Take all the time you need to prepare. I hope you wear something you like, My Lady.”

Amidst all the sharp sounds, Benjamin’s voice mixed in, dispersing the unpleasant voices.

Benjamin lifted Grace up and they moved slowly.

‘Something I like…’

At his words, Grace thought of the vibrant clothes tucked away in the corner of her wardrobe. They were probably the original Grace’s taste, but they also appealed to Grace’s taste.

‘Will it suit me?’

Yet, the reason she couldn’t bring herself to wear them was undoubtedly due to the lingering unease in her heart. She knew she had no reason to hold onto this unease, but she was still swayed by it.

“Um, if there is.”

“If you’re unsure, wear comfortable clothes. They say that when you’re out, comfortable clothes are the best.”

In response to Grace’s answer, Benjamin immediately added, wondering if his words had burdened her.

Honestly, Grace sometimes felt uncomfortable with Benjamin’s consideration, but she didn’t dislike it either.

It felt quite contradictory.

As they reached near the annex, the annex’s butler hurriedly approached Benjamin.

“Master, there is something you need to check urgently…”

The butler held a letter with the royal seal.

Benjamin’s expression momentarily stiffened as he read the letter, but then returned to normal.

In a gentle tone, he spoke to Grace.

“Well then, take your time to prepare.”

Grace, with a fleeting sense of unease, glanced back and forth between the letter and Benjamin before nodding her head.

“I’ll finish as quickly as possible and come out.”

“You can take your time.”

Benjamin smiled affectionately as he watched Grace enter the annex as usual.

Once Grace entered and the door closed, he finally read the letter brought by the butler.

The more he read, the stiffer his expression became.



When she stepped outside, Grace finally felt a sense of relief. Every time this happened, she couldn’t help but wonder why she felt like the mansion was an unfavorable place for her.

‘To think that merely going outside would make me feel this alive.’

“I prepared a regular carriage for you, as I noticed that you don’t like drawing attention. I hope it’s not uncomfortable.”

Benjamin spoke with a voice full of concern to Grace, who was looking out the window at the scenery.

“It’s okay. I’m not uncomfortable at all.”

She wasn’t just saying it out of politeness. Although the carriage appeared ordinary on the outside, its interior was enchanted with various magical processes.

The seats were comfortable and stable, so there was no reason to feel uncomfortable.

When Grace sincerely reassured him, Benjamin’s worried expression softened.

“So, where are we going?”

His gentle expression momentarily stiffened at Grace’s question. Benjamin quickly returned to his usual demeanor and replied.

“There is a flower house on the outskirts. It used to be run by Marquis Charle’s wife. It’s made of a glass conservatory, so the interior temperature is warm, and you can see various flowers.”


Grace seemed to have heard that name somewhere before. Of course, as the Duchess of Felton, it was possible that she had some connection with Charles, and she just couldn’t remember it.

‘But I feel like there might be another reason.’

Was it mentioned in the original work? Grace quickly rolled her eyes, and her gaze met Benjamin’s in front of her.

“…My Lady had a keen interest in flowers, right?”

Benjamin’s green eyes reflected her. He had put on the best affectionate face he could, but Grace sensed that he was hesitating about something.

‘Is it okay for me to ask?’

Grace worried that if she asked, it might come across as meddling, but she couldn’t help but be curious.

His expression had subtly stiffened ever since he received a letter before she entered the annex.

In the end, Grace asked him the question while carrying her concerns.

“Your Highness, is something bothering you?”