The little cub in the box writhed for a long time, but no one could see him out, his fat face was panicked, and his milk voice was almost hoarse.

But no matter how much he yelled, no one came to care about him.

at the same time.

At the birthday party of the imperial prince César, the room dedicated to stacking gifts was filled with all kinds of gifts, and the packaging of the gifts was beautifully stuffed one by one.

Ludwig also attended the birthday party.

Seeing his son with a sullen face, he walked over and asked in a low voice, "Cesar, why are you standing here?"

"Ning Zai hasn't come yet."

After these words fell, Ludwig frowned slightly. Everyone knew that the most active person for César's birthday was the little chubby cub.

In the past two years, the official account of the imperial family has not updated the video of the little chubby boy, but this is not to neglect or stop cheap little chubby boy.

The imperial family was simply afraid of bringing danger to the little fat cub.

Seeing that the chubby cub hadn't come yet, Ludwig was about to call Zhanxi to inquire, but before the call was made, Wagner came to inform Cesar.

"Brother Cesare, hurry up and unwrap the presents!"

Although Wagner didn't come over, he knew about Xiao Zai Zai's plan the whole time, not only him, but other children as well.

Ning Zai is hiding in the gift box!

Under Wagner's urging, the royal father and son looked at each other and knew where the little one was.

César turned around and strode towards the gift room.

Ludwig followed behind him. After following him, he calmly turned on the recording function, preparing to record César's unpacking.


César, who was about to open the box, stood in the room full of presents and cleared his throat. Instead of opening the box with a blade, he opened the box with his hands.

one, two, three...

The boxes all over the room were opened one by one, but there was no chubby cub among them.

César, who opened the box, sank a little bit. Even Ludwig, who recorded the video, put down the star machine and stepped forward to help.

Neither father nor son spoke. After opening the last box, both of them had the same cold expression on their faces.

Without any hesitation, Ludwig picked up the star machine again and called Zhanxi.

The phone got through.

Zhanxi's voice sounded, and he seemed to be busy listening to the background sound: "Hey, can you hear me? Why are you calling me at this time? Did Ning Zai cause trouble over there?"

Ludwig suppressed the emotions in his heart, and asked calmly: "Zhan Xi, when did Ning Zai come?"

"It's early in the morning."

Zhan Xi smiled and said, "He's very secretive. He wants to prepare a gift for Lin Zai, but he won't let us see it. By the way, I'll go to see Lin Zai at night after I'm done with work."

While Zhan Xi was talking, his subordinates seemed to be dealing with the trash.

The sound of the machine running was booming, and Zhan Xi, who was so busy that he couldn't stand up, increased his voice: "I won't tell you, I'm busy—"

"Zhan Xi, Ning Zai hasn't come yet."

Ludwig told Zhanxi on the phone: "Neither Césaire nor I have seen Ning Zai yet."

Zhan Xi: "..."

Zhanxi turned off the machine with a bang.

Without the rumbling sound of the machine, Zhan Xi's voice rang through the phone very clearly this time, and his voice still sounded a little trembling.

"Tell me, you haven't seen Ning Zai yet?"

"We never saw it."

After the two finished their phone call, Zhan Xila went to Lingqi and hurried out.

A customer who just came to sell junk, saw them leaving, and immediately stopped them: "What are you doing here? We have brought all the scraps we want to sell, why are you closing the door?"

Zhan Xi couldn't care less about the aftermath at the moment, he looked at the customer who blocked him, he was still a regular customer.

"I'm sorry."

He looked at the old customer and apologized: "Our child can't be found, we have to—"

"Can't you find Ning Zai?"

The old customers were also shocked. The regular customers who came here were no strangers to the little fat boy here. The little fat boy was carrying a fertilizer bag and often sold scraps to his father.

After selling the scraps, the chubby cub will help his father with work, and when he meets someone who comes to sell the scraps, he will look up at the chubby face and say hello to them.

The little chubby cub is polite and sweet to people who come over, and the key point is that he is cute, and regular customers will bring him some candies when they come.

After the questioning, the old customer saw that Zhan Xi nodded, and he was anxious: "Nothing is more important than children, let me put these rags here first, lock them up and go, I won't trouble you any more. "

The customer left after speaking.

When Zhanxi locked the door, his hand trembled and he almost couldn't lock it.

It was Ling Qi who came over and locked the door instead.

After the two locked the door, they rushed towards the palace.

The regular customers behind them looked at their figures and murmured: "I hope there is no danger. These days, you can't lose your children."

If the child is really lost, a family will be over.

After the customer finished muttering, he turned around and went back to his home. He also had to go back to see his child. His child was addicted to watching TV and didn't like to go out, but just in case, he still had to talk to the child when he went back, so that the child could stay in the house at ordinary times. Be careful when playing outside.

Zhan Xi and Ling Qi got into the car and called Ludwig again on the way.

The two sides got the details right again.

Xiao Zai Zai went out in the morning, and went to the direction of the palace with a few friends.

And then, none of them knew the follow-up.

Zhan Xi and Ling Qi had never raised their children in captivity to prevent them from going out. Xiao Zai Zai usually picked up trash on the street or played with other children every day after school, and they never stopped them.

They live on this street, and children play on the street, and all they meet are neighbors on the street.

In the past few years, She Niu Xiaozai has established a good relationship with his neighbors on the street.

Neighbors who saw him stopped to play with him.

Today... why can't I find Zai Zai today!

Zhanxi has already contacted the parents of several other children, and the parents of the other children took their children out to answer the phone.

In the children's narration, Zhan Xi knew what happened in the morning.

"Ning Zai hid in the box. We sent the box to the palace. Some adults put the box in the carriage and sent it to the palace."

The children said to the phone: "I don't know the man who put the box... He said he was carrying presents."

Among the children, none of them could tell what the person who carried the boxes looked like.

The children racked their brains, but they could only describe it: "Tall, wearing yellow clothes, with a beard! Wearing glasses."

This description made Zhan Xi's heart sink.

Ludwig has already ordered all the surveillance cameras to be called, and at the same time, the entire White Mist Star has been blocked, and batches of royal guards have gone out to investigate in person.

César's birthday party did not receive a surprise from Xiao Zai Zai, only a shock from Xiao Zai Zai.

Those who participated in the birthday party also noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

They looked at each other and lowered their voices to discuss: "What's going on? I saw that Queen Ivy is not there anymore. The guards of the palace have all gone out just now."

"I don't know, just wait patiently. With His Majesty the Emperor here, what can happen."

In the hearts of the people of the empire, the place where His Majesty is present is the safest place.

In the living room where the birthday party was held, only the housekeeper Andre was busy. Although Andre was still greeting everyone, the smile on his face was obviously polite and alienated.

This smile is very different from a moment ago.

A visitor who was familiar with Andre came to inquire with a smile: "Andre, what happened in the palace? I wonder if I can help His Majesty share his worries?"


Andre changed the subject with a faint smile: "How does today's dim sum taste? Does it still suit your taste?"

Hearing what Andre said, the guest who asked the question immediately dismissed the intention of continuing to inquire about the news. He knew that if Andre didn't want to reveal, no matter how hard he tried, the other party would not say a word.

Andre was very loyal to the royal family.

In the evening.

According to the past situation, the guests should have already left at this time, but this time, the guests were not allowed to leave.

Andre gently persuaded the guests who were about to leave: "Please wait a little longer, we have provided dinner for everyone here, you can try it again."

The guests who just wanted to go home looked at Andre in front of them and frowned.

Andre stood in front of him. He looked easy to talk on the surface, but in fact he didn't get in. It was impossible to forcefully leave under his nose.

While Andre was blocking these guests, the "adult" that the children were talking about was also tracked in the monitoring room.

The grown-up put the box where the cub was hidden in the car.

He didn't enter the palace, but after going around in a circle, the car left in the opposite direction from the palace.

There are professionals in charge of the case of Xiao Zai Zai's disappearance.

Lin Xun, the youngest talented criminal investigator in the Imperial Police Department, was given an investigation order with the highest authority by the emperor. Any orders from him, all departments and personnel under him must be obeyed unconditionally.

Lin Xun, who came to the palace and was sitting in front of the emperor at this moment, stared at the computer screen, concentrating on observing the screen, refusing to let go of any details.

Surveillance at the gate of the palace and nearby is all-round coverage.

They've seen the suspect car, and the suspect.

The suspect car is a car that looks good. This car seems to know what the cubs are going to do. He talked to the cubs, and the cubs nodded and watched him put the box in the car. in the car.

In front of the cubs, the car entered the first gate of the palace.

When the cubs saw the car going in, they were relieved, thinking that it was a special car for the palace to give gifts.

The cubs played and left, but they didn't see it. Not long after they left, the car with the box turned back again, this time, it drove outside.

The car carrying the boxes was driving on the road outside, during which time it stopped three times. After three times, the car drove onto a big bridge, then hit the bridge straight, and the whole car rolled into the big river under the bridge.

The adults who saw this scene, as well as César, couldn't stabilize their emotions.

Ludwig turned his head and glanced. His confidant immediately called and came to report a few minutes later: "The police station below has gone to the police station for this fall from the bridge, but the car has not been salvaged yet."

"I just asked them to add more manpower to pick up the car as soon as possible."

After the guard finished speaking, he clutched the corner of the table, Zhan Xi, who was trembling all over, said in a hoarse voice: "I, I want to go in person—"

"You don't have to go, the cub is not in this car."

Lin Xun, who was still sitting in front of the monitor, didn't have any turmoil on his face. He saw the reactions of Zhan Xi and the people around Zhan Xi.

But he ignored it at the time.

He only mentioned it when Zhan Xi was about to go out.

The sound he made brought Zhan Xi back to his sanity almost instantly: "What did you say? Ning Zai is not in this car?"

"Not here."

Police officer Lin Xun doesn't like to talk, and he only speaks a few words. He is not very tall, and he has a not-so-cold face, but his expression and way of speaking are a bit cold.

In short, it looks a bit contrasted.

After Lin Xun said two words, Ludwig looked at Lin Xun and hid his palm that was about to bleed. He was silent for a few seconds and reminded Lin Xun: "If you have any new discoveries, you should tell them in time. come out."

Instead of keeping silent and letting them guess.

Ludwig is a fairly wise emperor. The emperor is responsible for the battlefield and killing, not for solving cases.

When Lin Xun heard His Majesty's request, he was silent for a while, then nodded, and said obediently, "Okay."

Disobedience is not enough, who made him a citizen of the empire.

With His Majesty's words, Lin Xun finally spoke a little more than before. He marked several cars with small red dots on the screen, and said concisely: "It's related to the suspect car."

As soon as Zhan Xi calmed down, his IQ went up.

He had been a star thief for so long, and he was familiar with some criminal methods. Although he has been a good student in the past few years, his years of experience are not for nothing.

He added to explain Lin Xun's words: "When the suspect car stopped just now, these cars passed by the suspect car."

Therefore, these passing cars may be related to the suspect car.

Lin Xun let out a "huh".

After that, he continued to cut the route, tracking these cars, and these cars were constantly changing their routes, and besides these cars, there were other cars passing by.

So many cars, looking at it this way, it is dazzling.

But Lin Xun did not mess up.

The monitoring was clear enough, and Lin Xun was capable enough. He circled a few cars, and after they circled a few cars, there would be a special person to check them immediately without his ordering.

Royal efficiency, fast.

"Detain these cars."

"Go check the spaceship."

Lin Xun still didn't talk much, but with him, they found out where Xiao Zai Zai was in less than two hours.

Cubs are on a commercial ship.

This commercial ship had already flown out before Ludwig ordered the blockade of White Mist Star.

The information from the captain to the crew members on the commercial ship was stripped clean in the shortest possible time and sent to Lin Xun.

After Lin Xun finished reading, he only said one sentence: "It was premeditated."

These personnel information did not seem complicated, and even a little too simple, especially for a few people, the whole family was gone, and only he was left.

When Zhan Xi heard Lin Xun say, "It was premeditated", he froze for a moment: "My Ning Zai usually spends time on the street besides going to school. He has no enemies, so how could he be taken away in such a troublesome way. "

If Lin Xun hadn't been there this time, it would have been really difficult for him to spot Xiao Zai Zai on Zhan Xi alone.

Facing Zhan Xi's question, Lin Xun did not give an answer.

The reason for abducting the cub is either the parents or the cub itself.

As a parent, Zhan Xi has thought about the enmity he has had several times. He has no enmity, but if he has enmity, he is usually killed on the spot.

He will not keep his enemies to seek revenge with him.

No, not right.

There is also an enemy, no, it should be an organization, and it has not been completely eliminated.

The former second child of ten thousand years in the star thief ranking list: poisonous spider.

Poisonous spiders have had a good time before. Although Boss Zhan did not like this organization, and occasionally cheated a few times, he did not chase after them all.

Later, someone mentioned Xiao Zaizai to Zhan Xi, and he said that he knew Xiao Zaizai's secret.

After Zhan Xi heard this, he immediately became murderous.

In order to kill this person, Zhan Xi was taken to the place of death and almost died.

Xiao Zai Zai went to find his father, and the little prince Cizell personally rescued Zhan Xi. After he was rescued, Zhan Xi sent a message to Boss Zhan.

Then, they all dispatched to kill the members of the poisonous spider who were not dead.

Regardless of whether these members knew the secret of Xiao Zai Zai, they didn't keep any of them, and killed so many, it stands to reason that there would be no more survivors.

The more Zhanxi thought about it, the more uncertain he became.

He picked up the star machine and called Zhan Rao: "Boss, members of the poisonous spider, are you finished?"

"The members on their records are all dead, why are you asking this?"

"Ning Zai was lost, he was taken aboard a commercial ship."

When Zhan Xi said this, his heart still felt aching. It had been two hours since he learned that Ning Zai had disappeared. During these two hours, he hadn't collapsed and lost control, nor had he been insane.

His eyes were just red and his voice was hoarse.

He knew that he had to be calm now, calm down, and hold on.

the other side.

Zhan Rao, who heard Zhan Xi's words, almost missed the star machine.

"When did Ning Zai lose it?"


Zhan Rao only asked about the time, and then he rethought the question Zhan Xi asked him again.

This time, he thought for a while before replying: "I can only be sure that I have killed all the people on the list of poisonous spiders, but I am not sure, the list of poisonous spiders does not have all the members."

Every star thief organization has a list, and only those on the list can prove to be a formal member of the organization.

The Star Thief Group that Zhan Rao had back then also had such a list.

"Zhanxi, I'm going to check for poisonous spiders."

Zhan Rao took over the job, and at the same time asked about the route, model, and all the members of the commercial ship.

In the past two years, Zhanrao and the others have also changed their careers. They are now doing some serious transportation business, and they are no longer in the previous business.

Although they have changed their careers, they are still familiar with the way in the interstellar route.

Zhan Rao hung up the phone and went to work.

With the cooperation of the aviation department, Lin Xun also obtained a more detailed road map.

"Let's go."

Lin Xun got up and said to Zhan Xi and Ling Qi, "Go find the cub."

Lin Xun knew that Zhan Xi and Ling Qi were the family members of the missing cub, and the emperor, empress and little prince obviously also attached great importance to this cub.

But with the identity of the emperor and empress here, it is impossible for them to go outside to find Zai Zai.

As soon as Lin Xun finished calling the two of them, Ivy said, "Ludwig, you and Xiao Lin will follow, and I will take care of the affairs of the empire."

Ivy made this decision after careful consideration.

Xiao Zaizai is now taken outside, and it is very likely that he will encounter danger, and Ludwig's level of mental power is enough to clear away all dangers.

If Ludwig goes out, she must stay in the empire. As for Xiao Lin, if he is not allowed to go out with him, ice scum will fall off his little face.

After Ivy made arrangements, she watched them leave.

And all the guests who came here tonight did not return all night.

Ivy has been with Ludwig for so long, so she is naturally not a weak character. When it comes to handling things, she is as tough as Ludwig.

She left all these guests behind, and then asked Mance to lead someone to conduct an in-depth investigation of all these guests.

The guest himself, as well as the guest's family, did not miss any of them, and conducted an in-depth investigation.

Ivy was in charge at the rear, while Ludwig stepped on the spaceship and left White Mist Star.

commercial ship.

The commercial ship that took Xiao Zai Zai away made Zhan Xi inevitably think of a few years ago——

"Xiao Zai Zai was also in the commercial ship, and I found it."

If Zhan Rao hadn't taken them to black and white, according to the original route of the commercial ship, the cubs would have been taken to the nest of the Zerg.

"Ludwig, do you think Ning Zai will be sent to-"

In the middle of speaking, Zhanxi stopped suddenly.

Seeing him stop, Lin Xun raised his eyes and looked over: "?"

Lin Xun didn't speak directly, but doubts were clearly written on his face, as if he was asking why he didn't continue talking.

Zhanxi hesitated for a moment.

He doesn't know Lin Xun well, so he can't expose too much in front of Lin Xun. At the very least, he can't expose Xiao Zai Zai's specialness.

"Ning Zai is not my own. A few years ago, he was also put on a commercial ship. A group of star thieves ransacked the commercial ship and found Ning Zai."

"I just passed by and saved Ning Zai."

"This commercial ship was later found by Ludwig to be bound for the blue star full of Zerg. Now, after a few years, it is a commercial ship again..."

After Zhan Xi finished talking about the contact on the commercial ship, he couldn't hold back, and mentioned another point: "The gang of star thieves who looted the commercial ship and killed Ning Zai have a grudge against me."

"This time there is a little possibility that they did it."

Zhan Xi had two doubts. He couldn't be sure, so he could only tell Lin Xun.

Lin Xun wrote down the information he gave, and then continued to look at the route, as well as all the monitoring on the aviation.

The Emperor of the Empire is not a waste.

The high-definition video on the entire Interstellar Airline is all in front of Lin Xun's eyes at this moment.

They were following the course of the merchant ship.

Time passed little by little.

The little cub, who was worried about by his parents, has already realized that his situation is wrong.

He did not go to the palace.

He was in the box and was stolen!

Realizing that someone was stealing the cub, Zaizai stopped the brute force. His mind is not as complicated as his father thought, and he will think about Star Thief and his past.

His fat face was tense, and all he could think of was what the neighbors had said—

There were also people missing two days ago on the White Mist Star.

Oh no.

Zai Zai is the second missing person!

The cub who became a missing person does not cry, make noise, or bark indiscriminately. He was thinking about what his father and uncles had taught Zai Zai!

Dad and uncles were almost all villains before they met Xiao Zai Zai. They are cold-blooded and experienced.

They have seen too many means of doing evil, so when raising a cub for the first time, the first thing they think about is—

What if Zai Zai meets a bad guy?

The uncles taught the cubs the skills to survive alone in the wild environment, and of course it is impossible to miss the skills in the face of danger.

Little Zaizai tried his best to turn his head, and after a long while, he sat down with his fat legs crossed, not panicking anymore.

The first step when encountering a bad person is not to panic or cry.

I will cry when I am picked up by my father and elders!

The second step when encountering bad guys is to find a way to get rid of the bad guys. This may not be possible at present, but you can leave a mark for the adults.

Adults will definitely come to find Zai Zai.

Believing that he would be found, Xiao Zaizai began to rummage through his pockets. After rummaging through all the pockets, he found some chocolates.

In addition to the chocolates, there are also small gifts prepared by Zai Zai for his brother in the box.

Xiao Zai Zai hid all the small things that seemed to be useful.

After staying for an unknown period of time.

Cub Zai is hungry.

Instead of eating chocolate, he ate a lot of candy. The candy was hard and packed in ordinary packaging. Even if he threw it out, his father would not be able to recognize it.

Might as well be eaten by him.

After Xiao Zaizai finished eating the candy and some other food, and drank some drinks, he filled his belly to the brim.

"Okay, I'm full."

Xiao Zai Zai rubbed his swollen belly, crushed the candy in his mouth and swallowed it with satisfaction.

When you are full, you will have the strength to prepare for your journey.

half an hour later.

The little cub, who was full of food and drink, was finally opened by someone.

It was a red-haired man who came to unpack the box. He was not very good-looking, and his upper body was covered with very little fabric, with his arms and chest exposed.

Where the skin was exposed, he tattooed a large area of ​​tattoos.

With so many tattoos, Xiao Zai Zai was stunned.

"You can't even buy tattoo stickers that big..."

There are tattoo stickers in the canteen, Xiao Zaizai reluctantly gave up the spicy strips and chose fashionable tattoo stickers, but the five-star coin tattoo stickers can only cover his right arm.

When he wanted to stick it on his belly, the tattoo stickers had already been used up.

The five-star coin tattoo stickers didn't surprise Xiao Zai Zai from his father.

He just got spanked by his dad who pinned him to his lap.

The beating from Zaizai was so painful that he clutched his buttocks and slept on his stomach at night.

He could still sleep on his stomach at night, but after beating Zhan Xi was so angry that he almost couldn't sleep.

"That kind of tattoo stickers can't be washed off after a week, and he has to go to the hospital for vaccinations. When the arm is lifted, the doctor may have a headache even where to vaccinate!"

In addition to being difficult to vaccinate, the tattoo stickers that are not easy to wash still have chemical ingredients.

Cub Zai Zai's meat was soft and tender, and it turned red scary after pasting it, and he didn't even use lotion!

Zhan Xi was very annoyed by Xiao Zai Zai's tattoo. The next day, Xiao Zai Zai looked at his father's black face. He touched his tattoo stickers and his buttocks.

I was a little unconvinced, but I was afraid that my father would continue to beat me.

The little cub, who was forbidden by his father to use tattoo stickers, was stunned for a while looking at the tattoo of the man in front of him.

Seeing his reaction, the red-haired man also felt a little wrong.

How is this cub not afraid?

The man looked at Xiao Zai Zai for a few more seconds, and suddenly asked uncertainly, "Are you looking at my tattoo?"

Xiao Zai Zai nodded: "It's kind of cool."

Such a big pattern, although I can't recognize what the pattern is, but it looks cool!

The red-haired man was silent again.

He silently looked at the little cub who said his tattoo was cool, and said courteously, "You're a bit strange."

Xiao Zai Zai: "..."

This doesn't seem like a good word.

Maybe it was praised by Xiao Zai Zai for the tattoo, or maybe it was really strange that Xiao Zai Zai didn't cry or make trouble.

The red-haired man didn't act too rudely towards the cub, he lifted the cub out of the box and put it on the ground.

When it was released, it was not stabilized, and the little cub, who was numb with his legs crossed just now, sat on his buttocks.


Seeing this, the man picked him up again.

But when he put it down again, Xiao Zai Zai sat down with a snap.

After carrying it like this three times in a row, Xiao Zai Zai is not happy anymore.

His chubby little **** sat firmly on the ground and couldn't get up, and there was some dissatisfaction on his fat face: "My legs are numb, and I can't stand up."

Hearing this sentence, the man finally stopped carrying it.

"Abel, you are so gentle with this cub."

A joking voice sounded from not far away. The owner of the voice also has red hair and the same tattoo, but his face looks more malicious.

He looked at the red-haired Abel, then at the cub on the ground, and taught slowly: "You should be more cruel to this cub, for example, draw some graffiti on his fair and tender face , or chop off his fingers one by one and store them in a box."

What the red-haired man said sent chills down Zai Zai's back.

Not only was Xiao Zai Zai's back cold, but his small body trembled. He looked around, but there was no one around.

With no one around, there must be someone in this spaceship.

Xiao Zaizai was still trying to turn his head, and the man who came up with a bad idea in front of him kept talking: "Abel, our entire poisonous spider was slaughtered because of this cub, and you haven't even had time to be recorded in the poisonous spider How can you be so peaceful now that you have met the enemy of the poisonous spider in your roster?"

The man called Abel, after listening to his words, opened his mouth in a low voice: "I don't kill cubs."

He doesn't kill cubs or women.

"I'm not asking you to kill him, this cub is still useful, I won't let him die."

The man stared at Abel with a cold voice: "I asked you to treat him—"

"How can you be sure that you won't let him die if you scratch his skin to scribble and cut off his fingers?"

Abel looked back at the man coldly: "The cub is the most useless and fragile creature. What you said will cause him to die of fright, and it may also cause him to die of excessive blood loss."

"Cubs die easily."

In the last sentence, Abel bit his pronunciation heavily.

The man who urged Abel to do something with the cub, his face became more and more gloomy when he was reprimanded by these words.

But fortunately, Abel's words are useful.

The man's eyes swept over Xiao Zai Zai, and finally he turned and left.

Cub Zai Zai's life must be saved.

He made a deal with someone, and this calamity water cub is very valuable.

Before the transaction is completed, the trouble water cub can't die.

Although Xiao Zai Zai was very scared, he still listened to their conversation with his ears pricked up.

From the conversation, Xiao Zai Zai also knew that the person who caught Zai Zai would not let Zai Zai die!

After figuring out that he is valuable, Xiao Zai Zai got up from the ground and stopped sitting still.

"Uncle, don't kill the cub."

Xiao Zaizai pulled Abel's clothes, and begged in his milk voice. He knew that Abel was not a good person, but Abel had softened his heart just now.

As long as the heart softens, Xiao Zai Zai can take advantage of it.

"As I said, I don't kill cubs."

Abel dropped the little cub's hand, and emphasized again stiffly.

After emphasizing it, he lowered his head and saw that the little boy was looking at him with tears in his eyes.

"You said not to kill the cubs, but the cubs are scared!"

Cub Zai Zai's tears are just right, it can show how cute and pitiful he is, but he won't cry so much that it makes people upset.

This is the little expression that Xiao Zaizai is best at when he is pretending to be pitiful to his father and brother. This set of small expressions can hold his father and brother firmly.

It's just that my father and brother watched too much, and later became a little immune.

It was the first time to see Abel, who was about to cry, and his eyes obviously moved. He looked at it for a few more seconds, and then looked away.

"It's useless to be afraid, your fate is bad, just be more careful in your next life."

Xiao Zai Zai: "..."

Xiao Zai Zai's tears are more real this time.

What next life?

Zai Zai has not lived enough in this life!

He still doesn't know whether he has passed the kindergarten graduation exam, and whether his brother's elementary school can pass the exam.

He hasn't found a wife for Daddy the Great Demon King yet, nor has he found a mother for himself.

There are also the ruins of the royal family that Uncle An Nuo mentioned, the remains of the clansmen...

Xiao Zai Zai is very busy, he has so many things to do, he doesn't want to fast forward to the next life.

"Zai Zai, Zai Zai doesn't want to die."

Cub Zai sat down again this time, but he sat on Abel's feet.

After watching Xiao Zaizai for a while, Abel picked him up and walked into the room: "Go back to the room, there is a bed in the room, you can go and rest."

"I don't want to rest!"

Xiao Zai Zai crawled into Abel's arms, and he hugged Abel's neck tightly: "Zai Zai wants to be with you."

Being locked in a room makes it inconvenient to move around!

Xiao Zai Zai looked at Abel and decided to cling to him first.

Abel wanted to tear Xiao Zai Zai off his body, but Xiao Zai Zai almost tried to suck, his little face was flushed, and he couldn't live.

After "tearing" for a while, Abel saw that his face was flushed like this, and finally let go of his strength, and did not continue to tear.

If he continued to tear it off, he was afraid that the cub would be reincarnated on the spot in his arms due to the lack of breathing.

With Abel attached, the perspective is indeed wider.

Xiao Zai Zai saw five or six people on the spaceship, as well as several corpses. Those who are alive are normal in appearance and clothing, and have no tattoos.

They laughed when they saw Abel holding the cub.

They seem to speak in dialect, and what they say is ugly and obscene.

Abel was laughed at by them and said nothing.

The spaceship continued on its way.

When looking at the travel route of the spaceship, Abel said: "Detour, don't go to the place in front."

His words didn't work.

Xiao Zaizai looked at Abel, and then at the person who started to laugh at Abel again, he thought with a chubby face—

very good.

Zai Zai is about to start sowing discord!

The author has something to say:

Zai Zai: Look at the performance of Zai Zai!