Chapter 1573: final preparations

Chapter 1573: final preparations

After moving the capital, Natsume Yang handed over the army to the Six-Winged Fallen Angel Beast and began to train!

And establish regulations and establish various business hierarchies!

Since the continent has been unified, there should be a prototype of a country!

As long as there is a country, then various levels should also appear!

Natsumeyo set up a simple court! Divided into intelligence circle, martial arts circle, and reconnaissance circle!

Those who are good at using their brains, responsible for decision-making, and analyzing situations are called smart decision circles!

Responsible for combat-related affairs, suppressing rebellions, and apprehending lawless elements is called the military circle!

The one responsible for detecting intelligence and monitoring mainland affairs is called the reconnaissance circle!

Although this setting has many loopholes, compared to the primitive world-like management method of this digital world, I dont know how advanced it is!

Having used this set of rules for decades, or even hundreds of years, Natsume Yang still feels that there is no problem!

The positions at each level in each circle are held by different Digimon!

Thus, class was born!

I hope they can all be more sensible and stop doing stupid things, otherwise, there will be nothing we can do to help them!

Hummon is a Digimon that knows how to get things done, and is very skillful in speaking!

Go, we Digimon in the First Continent need a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere!

If anyone deliberately refuses to cooperate, then we dont have to be polite!

Xia Muyang waved his hand, and the Queen Beemon retreated!

"Ding! Attention, host! The Lucemons of the Second Continent have put down the rebellion in the Second Continent! They will attack the First Continent soon! Please be prepared to deal with it!"

Host, there are still many small areas in the first continent where you are currently that you have not returned to, please pay attention to pacify them!

"If they are not pacified, they may rebel when the host and Lucemon are at war, disrupting the host's plan!"

Ding! Kanyue Qianxia appears, reincarnated as a Celestial Beast, but has temporarily lost her memory. Please prepare to find her, host. She is of great importance to you!

"Brother System, what is the operation of losing memory! Shouldn't you be able to help me right away? Do you want her and I to develop a relationship slowly?" Xia Muyang asked, somewhat dumbfounded!

But this time, the system did not answer him!