CHAPTER 6—Big Cat Shen Qi

When Xu Lei said the words ‘suit collector’, Xie Yu seemed to hear his own heart beat suddenly.

“Suit?” Zhou Cheng asked back with a frown, and then glanced at Xie Yu, obviously realizing that a suit was a famous type of dress wear from the history of the human race.

“It’s possible.” Xu Lei said in excitement, and picked up the light brain on the table, “I’ll contact the Lady first.”

“Isn’t it too old to be suitable for this occasion? What does it look like? Do you have a picture? Is it the original? Is it too expensive?”

After all, Zhou Cheng was a native of the Giant Cat Star, so he still had reservations about Xu Lei’s suggestion.

“Xie Yu used to often wear retro styles. That kind of vest-like thing, is the effect really good…”

Xu Lei, who was about to make a communication request, was full of black lines when asked this, and angrily terminated the signal before it connected, and turned back to answer. (TL: ‘full of black lines’ is just a description of a reaction often seen in anime/manga where characters have black lines coming down the side of their forehead when they’re reacting negatively to something)

“First, that thing is called a waistcoat. Don’t worry, the formal wear we’re talking about doesn’t have it. Second, the cooperation has not been finalized, and Jiafan can’t get the photos. Third, the film festival was originally a cultural ceremony inherited from the ancient Earth. At that time, people wore dresses and suits to participate. If you feel it is inappropriate now, I can only say that it’s your aesthetic problems.”

Xu Lei fully expressed his attitude as a designer, and gritted his teeth and yelled at Zhou Cheng, “And how could it be the original? Who can, in the entire Interstellar, have the original! Restored products are considered top treasures, okay?”

“That’s why I asked, would it be too expensive?” Zhou Cheng rubbed his face.

As a manager, he thought very realistically.

If something went wrong with the clothes they borrowed, he had to make sure Xie Yu’s reputation would not be damaged, no matter what.

“The truth is, yes.” Xu Lei leaned against the table and said, “But this kind of thing cannot be calculated in currency. In other words, pure currency can no longer estimate its value.”

Zhou Cheng was completely dumbfounded now, looking at the brand partner in front of him who had a big brain hole, not knowing how to continue the topic. (TL: ‘big brain hole’ here means having a powerful imagination which leads to going off topic or in strange directions when talking)

“Xie Yu, have you heard of Shen Hong?”

Xu Lei looked at Xie Yu, and after seeing him shake his head, he said with a sure-fire expression, “It’s normal that you don’t know, she is not from our circle. Mrs. Shen is very famous in the collection industry, and she should have obtained top-level suits for her collection in the past two years. She is very low-key and is preparing to tailor make custom suits. Recently, she contacted us to inquire about the possibility of cooperation.”

Xie Yu listened carefully, waiting for him to go deeper into the topic.

“She is planning to officially enter the film festival next year, but she has already come here now.” Xu Lei said, explaining the excitement he had about her coming here, “I have seen the two sets of suits she brought, and they are so beautiful…Shen Hong is a wonderful person. She actually allowed Jiafan to take over her collection, and even dared to allow people to actually wear them.”

The more Xu Lei explained, the more Xie Yu looked forward to it, but in his anticipation he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

“Of course it’s a rare opportunity, but you have to consider the risk of such a product. There’s just two sets of suits. In case the size is not suitable…”

At this point, Xie Yu, who had many years of experience in the entertainment industry, and having customized enough suits to fit into a wall cabinet, was able to understand the meaning of Xu Lei’s words. He then immediately began to consider the problem.

A suit needs to fit just right—too loose and it looks sloppy, too tight and it looks cramped.

A tailor-made suit can express the body contours while maintaining one’s demeanor or temperament.

And the two sets of suits that were handed down from an unknown time period, may not be suitable for him.

“Of those two sets, Mrs. Shen has changed one set and decided to give it to her eldest son to wear this year. The size problem I mentioned is not limited to the two sets, but the remaining set. I understand your concerns. I know your body size, and that set is possible for you.” Xu Lei wanted to continue on, but accidentally saw his light brain had turned on.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and quickly picked it up.

“Good afternoon, ma’am, it’s like this. You asked Jiafan earlier if there was a suitable candidate, but I couldn’t answer you immediately. Now I would like to recommend a man to you personally. He is in very good shape and has no problems with appearance at all. I’m very picky. Besides, he is a human being just like you. I believe he can make the suit look the way you want…”

Xu Lei’s tone was very gentle and extremely polite.

Xu Lei said these words rapidly in front of everyone, which not only made Zhou Cheng and Xie Yu feel flattered, but it also made the person on the other end of the communication feel comfortable. The method was very clever.

Xie Yu didn’t know how Mrs. Shen responded to what Xu Lei said, so he just sat and listened carefully.

“Yes ma’am, his figure is really good. The shirt can be held up, and the waist effect will be very good.” While holding the light brain as he kept talking, Xu Lei called an assistant to come forward, and silently motioned to measure Xie Yu’s waist again.

The sensitive part of his waist was accidentally touched by the staff, and Xie Yu’s face became a little unnatural, but he still stiffened his body, resisted the itchy feeling, and did not move half a step.

Xu Lei said a few more words, quickly hung up the line, and patted Xie Yu’s shoulder heavily, “Mrs. Shen asked if you have time, and she said she wanted to see you.”

After greeting the staff and other artists, Xie Yu and Zhou Cheng left Jiafan’s studio hurriedly, boarded the aircraft and quickly disappeared.

The studio was still busy, but the artists all had different expressions, secretly guessing wether Xie Yu had returned empty-handed.

Some female artists who didn’t think it was a big deal to watch the excitement even took out their light brains, as if wanting to share the news with others.

Xie Yu was completely unaware of these discussions happening behind the scenes.

He and Zhou Cheng took an aircraft heading to the given address, and finally landed in front of one of the new villas that Anna had envied and pointed out when they came here.

Looking at the group of villas, Zhou Cheng continued to reminded Xie Yu, “He is forcibly saving you with a completely uncertain cooperation. Lao Xu dares to do this, which is beyond my expectations. Nonetheless, Jiafan is actively trying to win over Mrs. Shen, so no matter the outcome of this meeting, Madam Shen must not be unhappy, remember?” (TL: ‘Lao’ added to Xu Lei’s name here is a way to refer to a skilled person or expert)

Xie Yu glanced sideways at the manager whose face was obviously more bright, and nodded resolutely, contemplating about the character of Mrs. Shen in his heart.

In his opinion, this madam has a unique vision and boldness, and she may be a strong and serious woman.

The newly built villa area was covered with a layer of energy shield.

After waiting outside for a while, the two-person aircraft obtained authority to enter, went straight through the shield, and was guided by a beam towards a certain garden villa.

A rather large building was located in the center, with vermilion and beige tones, and it was simple yet atmospheric in design.

The gardens surrounding the building were also well-maintained.

As the aircraft approached, Xie Yu and Zhou Cheng looked out from the transparent partition and saw a lot of movement in the garden.

“Hey, parents are playing with their cub.” Zhou Cheng shouted in surprise.

A huge cat-like animal was lying on the lawn enjoying the sun, with a playful cub on it.

The smaller one was only just about as wide as the big one, and the big one had a particularly mighty figure, full of presence.

It let the cub play and roll around on its back, and it didn’t get annoyed at all, but continued lying on the ground without moving.

Both had gray and white striped fur, and it was easy to get confused when picking them apart from a distance.

As they came closer, it should have become aware of their presence.

The eyes of the larger beast that were half closed, opened wide for a moment, and its head turned slightly, catching sight of the private aircraft in the sky.

Xie Yu’s mind was full of the silhouette of the big cat, and now he saw a pair of gray-green eyes, and couldn’t help being stunned.

The giant beast stared at the flying aircraft, then slowly straightened up, threw off the unsuspecting cub, and lowered its head to bite the cub by the back of its neck.

With the movement of grabbing the cub, it turned around and walked towards the back of the house, and disappeared from Xie Yu and Zhou Cheng’s sight.

“Big handsome guy, I didn’t grow up like that…” Zhou Cheng said with a bit of envy, “The smaller one is also pretty, I don’t know if it will be blessed to grow up like that in its future.”

Xie Yu found the big cat very attractive. Maybe it’s because men were born with the disposition to pursue power.

But upon hearing Zhou Cheng’s words, he quickly reacted.

These were not pets from Earth, but intelligent beings who were fellow Interstellar citizens, and most likely the family members of the person they’re visiting.

The aircraft landed in front of the courtyard, and the gate opened automatically.

Xie Yu and Zhou Cheng walked in, and soon saw a young man running up along the path.

Xie Yu and Zhou Cheng were guided by the assistant through the garden and into a room, and there they saw an elegant and well-dressed middle-aged woman standing up.

Her eyebrows were straight and her face was calm, with a few traces of time.

But her shoulders were firm, and the subtle smile that could be seen, gave her a comfortable and quiet demeanor.

Seeing Xie Yu approaching, she didn’t look at him at first, but just nodded her head and greeted him in a low voice.

In a friendly tone, and with a calm voice she greeted, “You came.”

Xie Yu’s many conjectures and thoughts about Mrs. Shen disappeared with these two words, leaving only the admiration and respect for the accumulation of time he felt from her.

Xie Yu returned the greeting, which made Shen Hong smile.

She raised her hand and beckoned Xie Yu forward while looking at the side of the hall, “Xiao Ling is going to pour some tea for you gentlemen. Mr. Xie, please, this way.”

“You are too polite, it’s us who took the liberty to visit.” Xie Yu got a little flustered when Shen Hong addressed him as Mr. Xie.

So he quickly stepped forward to follow Mrs. Shen, subconsciously lowering his posture, “You are an elder, how dare we let you treat us like this.”

Shen Hong waved her hand to signal Xie Yu not to act like this.

Her tone was kind and satisfied, “I know why you are here. Xu Lei really has a good eye. Why don’t we try the imitation version first, and if it fits, I can tailor that suit for you.”

Xie Yu was affirmed by her, and a subconscious smile appeared on his face.

But he didn’t dare to show it more, so he just pursed the corners of his mouth and exchanged a look with Zhou Cheng.

Shen Hong took the two of them to a room with mirrors on one wall, and pressed her palms forward.

Then suddenly, the empty mirror surface displayed an image.

In the image, a very tall young man wearing a black and white suit stepped forward in a pair of pure black patent leather shoes.

Strong legs were framed by well-tailored trousers. The waistline was very elegantly outlined under the single button, and broad shoulders set off the whole suit. A slender neck was also wrapped by a straight collar and black tie, and all the details that came together demonstrated grace.

Upright and restrained, the whole suit seemed to be made for him.

The young man had a healthy physique, and although he was wearing a suit, which is known as an introverted gentleman’s style, it actually revealed an explosive power that couldn’t be restrained.

Xie Yu looked at the all-too-familiar clothes in front of him, feeling extremely happy.

He moved his eyes away from the clothes, and naturally fell on the young man’s face.

The young man’s face was formed by a combination of profound facial features, with the same tranquility as Mrs. Shen, and it also had the integrity and seriousness that a man should have.

His eyes were a grayish-green, which conveyed a sense of distance due to the low saturation.

“The two sets with the same shape are only different in size. This is the effect of my eldest son wearing it. If you can wear it, it should be similar.” Shen Hong introduced, with the pride of a mother contained in her words.

The image in front of him was really perfect. Xie Yu himself has never worn a suit to such an effect.

He looked on at it, but failed to give Mrs. Shen a reply for a while.

Shen Hong gave him time to observe.

And just as she wanted to take a closer look at Xie Yu’s figure, she turned her head and saw Shen Qi standing at the door.

She didn’t know how long he had stood there for, just looking at Xie Yu’s back, watching him look at his image with his head slightly raised.


TL: Caught spying hehe~ ヽ(*^ω^*)ノ