Chapter 235 Telephone Quest

According to the regulations of the program group, when you wake up and start talking, you have to remove the covering on the camera.

After getting dressed, Han Jiangxue got up to remove the towel covering the camera, then turned around and said to Shen Yibo aggrievedly, "Yibo, what stove, I mean I just returned the stove to Aunt Zhenzhen, I didn't say I was going to get the stove..."

【What happened just now? Xiaoxue wanted the stove, but Xiaoyibo said no, can't get Ye Zhenzhen's? 】

【Our Xiaoxue has already said, she took the initiative to return the stove to Ye Zhenzhen, how could she ask for the stove again. 】

【Can you stop maliciously misinterpreting our Xiaoxue's meaning, we Xiaoxue don't have these ideas at all, okay? 】

"Oh!" Shen Yibo scratched his head, got up from the bed, then rubbed his eyes and asked, "That's what I heard wrong."

"Yes, what I said is, if the stove is still there, we will not be so cold now, I feel so cold~"

When speaking, Han Jiangxue's tone was very soft, similar to Shen Yibo's tone and tone.

Anyway, she is playing the role of a baby today, so what does it matter if she imitates a child's speech.

Just now she wanted to tell Shen Yibo directly, asking him to go to Ye Zhenzhen to borrow the stove, but now it seems that this method will not work.

Now she can only hope that Shen Yibo can understand her speech if she speaks more tactfully, so there may be hope.

Shen Yibo smiled innocently, "Mom, did you feel cold during your lunch break just now? Then you can hug me when you go to sleep at night. My body is warm and I won't let you get cold."

【Look, let’s just say that we Xiaoxue didn’t mean that. To be honest, we look down on Ye Zhenzhen’s stove! 】

【Hahaha, Shen Yibo's filial son】

【It's really comfortable to sleep with such a meaty and milky dumpling at night! 】

【Cut~ I can see it, after all, Han Jiangxue still wants our Zhenzhen stove, it’s boring! 】

【It’s useless if you want it, the stove can’t be turned on at night, and you have to open the window to turn it on during the day, and open the window to turn on the stove at night, unless she has some serious illness】

Han Jiangxue gritted her teeth silently, nodded with a smile, "Okay!"

Give it up, that's all, there has never been any tacit understanding between Shen Yibo and Shen Yibo!

This son is not her own, so she really can't count on it.

She tolerated it, and when the variety show was over and her resources became popular, she would leave the circle with a high profile after achieving results in the circle, and then she would be Mrs. Shen at home with peace of mind.

After she and Shen Zhaonan's child is born, and with her fame in the industry, she doesn't believe that her mother-in-law will treat her like this...

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the voting channel of the official account of "How to accompany my mother" opened on Weibo, because compared with yesterday, the time was earlier and the voting time was shorter.

So after the fans heard the news, they all voted for their favorite guests on Weibo and forwarded it, so that more people can support their favorite mothers and babies.

From the beginning of the voting channel, Ye Zhenzhen and Song Yuchen got the most votes, but they were gradually overtaken by An Xi and Gu Xiaoran.

Followed by the mother and daughter Xu Wanjia and Yang Yike.

And the comment area is also weird, and Director Fei is very happy to see it;

【Isn't the director, can't afford it? It's over so early? The day hasn't passed yet, and we haven't seen enough yet. 】

【That’s right, it’s been a long time since we finished the role-swapping session, and it’s over so early. I still want to see An Xi and Gu Xiaoran. 】

【I also want to see An Xi and Gu Xiaoran! 】

【I want to see the interaction between Ye Zhen Zhen and Xiao Chen! 】

【I want to see the interaction between my Yiyi girl goose and Xu Wanjia, ahhh, it's so cute! 】

【Xiaoyu Xiaoyu, I still want to see Xiaoyu! 】

Flipping through the comments, Director Fei said to himself, "It's not impossible if you don't want to end it so soon, the worst thing is not to announce the ranking so early at night."

As long as the program is popular, it is still possible to extend the time.

On the other side, Xiao Wen came to the yard to inform the guests to have dinner in the house on the other side of the program group, so they don’t have to cook it by themselves at night.

Mothers and babies are very happy that there is no need to cook by themselves at night, and there are ready-made hot meals.

Moreover, the dinner prepared by the program team is also very rich, with ten dishes and one soup, five groups of guest mothers and babies, a total of ten people, just sit at one table.

After everyone had eaten and drank enough, they received a new task assigned by Xiao Wen;

"Mums and babies, hello, today is a day when babies and mothers switch roles. I believe that babies also have a lot of profound experience during this day.

So, in the evening, the program team will temporarily return the mothers’ mobile phones, so that mothers and babies can call their fathers at home.

Also, remember, babies, before falling asleep at night, you are still in the state of swapping roles with your mother~

We will announce the ranking of today's role exchange tomorrow morning. "

These are the plans that Director Fei has just temporarily changed. It is already 6 o'clock at this time, and the voting channel on Weibo has not yet ended, so the closing time has been changed to 10 o'clock in the evening.

This is also purely to maintain the popularity of the program group.

After all, today is Monday, and Director Fei felt that he should cherish the enthusiasm of the live broadcast for one day.

At most, add a call link in the middle.

【Hohoho~ I knew the show would not end so easily, so there is still a link to call Dad! 】

【I just want to see how Ye Jianjian will call her husband soon! 】

【Don't everyone say that Ye Jianjian's good looks are good for children? I want to see what Ye Jianjian's husband is like! 】

【Those upstairs, don’t worry, our Zhenzhen’s husband is a rich man, no matter what he is, he won’t look down on you! 】

Hearing about this new task tonight, everyone was very excited, except Ye Zhen Zhen.

Mums feel happy to be able to talk to their husbands on the phone, and babies feel happy to be able to talk to their dads on the phone.

Song Yuchen happily raised his head and asked Ye Zhenzhen, "Mom, we can talk to Dad on the phone in a while, aren't you happy?"

Ye Zhen Zhen: "Hmm...happy!"

How can she answer, that's all she can say.

In fact, what I think in my heart is, why should a good mother bring her children to record a show, why should she contact her husband?

"Hey, I knew it, you miss Dad as much as I do!" Song Yuchen's little milk voice was so excited that everyone around heard it.

While Xu Wanjia was happy, she also sweated for Ye Zhenzhen. She felt that the part arranged by the program group was very good, but at the same time she felt that it was very bad for Ye Zhenzhen.

After all, everyone knows that Ye Zhen Zhen's husband seems to be an old man.

In Xu Wanjia's heart, she really regards Ye Zhenzhen as a friend, and now she just prays that the program team will not add any more links that must be amplified or play videos.

Ask for a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket~

(end of this chapter)