The place for the snowball fight is on a hillside behind Yangping Village. The program team has already arranged the venue on the spot. The reason why we chose this hillside is because there are big trees here, which is convenient for everyone to use as cover during the snowball fight. .

On the other hand, it is also convenient for the program group to hang cameras on the trees, which is convenient for multi-directional shooting. After all, the pictures captured by the big cameraman are limited.

Xiaowen asked everyone, "The hillside in front is where the game will be played in the morning. If you run out of the scope of the program during the game, it will be considered a waiver. In addition, are you still unclear about the rules I just mentioned? "

Everyone looked at the area surrounded by ropes on the hillside. It looked really big at first glance. The rules of the game that Xiao Wen just said were very clear;

Snowball fights, don’t you just hit people when you see them, and then try not to let yourself be hit by people. If you get rich, you will have money deducted.

The rules of the game are simple and brutal, and there is nothing that everyone is unclear about.

Xiao Wen saw that everyone was silent, then took the small speaker handed by the staff, and continued, "Since everyone has no doubts, the game is about to begin.

Hurry up and find a place to hide. Next, I will start counting down to 10. When the count reaches 1, it will officially start. I will notify everyone when it ends. "

After the words fell, the mothers took the little ones to scatter around, looking for a good hiding place.

At this time, the live broadcast room has also become a six-split screen mode. In addition to the five groups of guests and babies, there is also a live broadcast room for the entire game field. There is a scoreboard in the lower right corner.

Each guest's live broadcast room has a staff member who is dedicated to calculating the plus and minus points, and then a special person next to him writes the score on the scoreboard, so that netizens watching the live broadcast can see the guest's score at a glance.

【This will let me go to a snowball fight, hit a snowball for 30 yuan, I can beat the program group to bankruptcy, hahaha! 】

【The upstairs is a bit exaggerated, there is a time limit, how many can you call out? 】

【That is, the key is to hit it, not to say that you just throw a snowball out. 】

【I think the program team gave a lot of money this time, I'm looking forward to where they will travel this time, hahaha! 】

【I also feel that the program team this time is so generous! 】

"Ten, nine, eight, ... two, one, the game starts!" After Xiao Wen yelled the start with a trumpet, the first snowball fell out from behind a big tree.

It was Gu Xiaoran, his snowball was thrown towards Shen Yibo, but unfortunately it missed.

Immediately afterwards, a small snowball flew past Song Yuchen.

At the same time, a snowball flew over Ye Zhen Zhen's right side and brushed past her shoulder.

The big tree that Ye Zhenzhen took Song Yuchen to hide in is very strong, and they hid well, if you didn't see the snowball flying from the front, then this direction is coming from behind.

She was about to turn her head to see who was hitting, when she heard Shen Yibo's loud laughter.

"Hahahaha, I almost hit Xiaochen!"

Ye Zhen Zhen turned her head, Shen Yibo and Han Jiangxue were behind her and Xiao Chen on the left.

At this time, Han Jiangxue looked at Ye Zhenzhen with a look of complacency in her eyes.

Ye Zhenzhen's lips sank slightly, she immediately understood that the snowball just now was hit by Han Jiangxue!

When running just now, Han Jiangxue intentionally followed Ye Zhenzhen, just to hit her with a snowball.

Now after being seen by Ye Zhen Zhen, she quickly threw a snowball at Ye Zhen Zhen.

Ye Zhen Zhen quickly hugged Xiao Chen to avoid it, and then threw the snowball in her hand towards Han Jiangxue viciously.

The snowball just hit Han Jiangxue's forehead impartially, with a "bang", the snowball scattered on Han Jiangxue's face!

【Ha ha ha ha ha! I'm dying of laughter, Ye Zhenzhen's snowball is too accurate! 】

【Come on Xiaoxue! Well done Xiaoxue! 】

【Just now, Ye Zhenzhen was hit by Han Jiangxue because of her sneak attack. Now, our Zhenzhen hit the ball really well. Some people, come again if you have the ability! 】

【It’s just a snowball fight, don’t take it seriously, you will lose if you take it seriously. 】

【Zhenzhen, hit me back hard! 】

After Ye Zhen Zhen hit the snowball, she quickly dragged Song Yuchen away, and they had to change to a big tree to hide.

Find a good position first, and then it will not be too late to attack.

Otherwise, it would be too uneconomical to get the points earned by others and then be hit by others.

Shen Yibo looked at the snow on Han Jiangxue's face, and laughed naively, triggering a series of snowballs thrown at him and Han Jiangxue.

Shen Yibo was hit by two snowballs on the back, and Han Jiangxue was also hit by a snowball.

Han Jiangxue was very angry inside, she suppressed her voice and said, "Yibo, hide well, don't make a sound!"

The location was exposed, and Han Jiangxue also hurriedly pulled Shen Yibo to hide behind other big trees.

Actually, Shen Yibo just wanted to throw a small snowball at Song Yuchen for fun, he never thought about hitting Song Yuchen for real.

I didn't even expect that Aunt Zhen Zhen would find out, and then so many snowballs suddenly appeared.

Mother and daughter Xu Wanjia, who hid first, threw several snowballs at Han Jiangxue and Shen Yibo just now, and hit two of them, which is considered a harvest.

There was another snowball on Shen Yibo's body which was hit by Fang Xiaoyu.

She was in charge of throwing in front, while Lin Qianqian was catching snow and making snowballs.

Mother and daughter cooperated very well.

Only An Xi and Gu Xiaoran, mother and son, are now hiding behind the tree, making their own snowballs.

【Gu Xiaoran and An Xi are also really funny, each playing their own way, hahaha! 】

【Gu Xiaoran, you are fighting, I have seen it, there is Fang Xiaoyu in front of you, hurry up and fight! 】

【Xiao Yu is a girl, Gu Xiaoran probably doesn't bother beating girls, hahahaha! 】

There is no one behind Ye Zhen Zhen and Xiao Chen's current position, but the line of sight in front can clearly see the trajectory of everyone's activities.

You can tell where the others are by following the footprints in the snow.

The main reason why Ye Zhenzhen took Xiaochen so far was to find a suitable position and angle for revenge!

Han Jiangxue threw her a snowball, but was hit.

Ye Zhenzhen asked Song Yuchen in a low voice, "Xiaochen, do you want to throw a snowball or squeeze a snowball?"

Song Yuchen blinked and asked back, "What about you, what do you want to do? I can do it."

"Then I'll throw a snowball, and you'll pinch it?"

Song Yuchen nodded, "Okay!"

After Shen Yibo squeezed a snowball on the ground, he looked up and saw An Xi running to the side with Gu Xiaoran.

The little guy threw it at Gu Xiaoran without even thinking about it.

Being impartial, that snowball just hit Gu Xiaoran's hat.

"Hey! Who hit me!" Gu Xiaoran was hit on the head by Shen Yibo's snowball, and he groaned while touching his head in pain.

An Xi pulled Gu Xiaoran to run forward, "Son, stop barking, let's find a suitable place to hide first."

The words fell, and then several snowballs followed...

There is only one update today, good night!