Chapter 260 My friend is very shy!

At 7 o'clock in the morning of the next day, mothers and babies all got up and began to pack their luggage and prepare to go to Wandai Mountain.

After everyone boarded the car, the program group distributed breakfast to the guests.

It didn’t snow today, but the temperature reached minus 7 degrees, and the roads were icy. The staff of the program team tied snow chains on the bus. This road is basically all mountain roads, and the bus travels relatively slowly. .

The little ones were still excited when they got in the car, they played noisy with each other for a while, and finally fell asleep when they were tired.

The mothers naturally closed their eyes and rested on the bus. Except for Han Jiangxue, she has been in a state of excitement since she knew the destination yesterday.


Then from today, Ye Zhen Zhen will no longer be at the same level as her, heh! Dare to openly **** her on the show, just wait, Ye Zhen Zhen, you will suffer if you do!

Wandai Mountain Resort.

The bus took the guests directly to the gate of the hotel, which is surrounded by mountains and rivers. In this season, after getting off the bus, you can see the beautiful scenery of the snow-covered Wanda Mountain.

When everyone enters the hotel lobby, the time at the front desk shows 11:30 noon, because there is a membership system here, and today is Wednesday, not a weekend, so there are not many tourists.

Xiao Wen already announced the mission of the show to everyone yesterday, so she doesn’t need to say anything more, she just reminds everyone to check in at the front desk of the hotel.

Ye Zhenzhen took a look at the room rate, the most common double bed room cost 1800 per night, but the discount she and Xiao Chen got yesterday was 40% off, so it costs 1080 per night.

This is the cheapest.

Ye Zhen Zhen has no knowledge that this resort belongs to Susie's family.

Xu Wanjia asked Ye Zhenzhen from the side, "Zhenzhen, how much is your discount?"

Ye Zhen Zhen: "40% off, what about yours?"

"I'll give you a 50% discount!" For Xu Wanjia, this discount is only enough to stay for two nights, and there is no money for meals.

Anxi sighed, "Why is mine 30% off?"

Lin Qianqian: "Ours is also 40% off!"

The four of them chatted together, but no one talked to Han Jiangxue.

And Han Jiangxue didn't care, she directly asked the front desk to borrow a landline, saying that she needed to make a phone call, since she came to such a luxurious star-rated resort, she didn't want to live in an ordinary double bed room, she would live in the best one if she wanted to. .

【See, everyone ignores Han Jiangxue now, hahaha! 】

【I'm really happy, okay, this is what I want to see, I hope Han Jiangxue won't come in the next issue! 】

【I also hope that Han Jiangxue is really too teay! 】

【Fortunately, Ye Zhenzhen participated in this variety show, which allowed me to get to know her again, otherwise I would have always thought that those rumors from the previous night were true, and it was Ye Zhenzhen who kept making things difficult for Han Jiangxue】

【By the way, what is Han Jiangxue doing, who are you calling? 】

【Could it be crying on the phone with my husband, hahaha! 】

The other four mothers have started to go through housing formalities. Only Han Jiangxue is still on the phone. She dialed the last call, but the other party has not answered.

Then she is now making a second call, and after a long time, the other party finally answered;

"Which one?" The person who answered the phone was Susie's assistant.

Han Jiangxue smiled immediately, "Hi, hello, I'm Han Jiangxue, and I want to find your Mrs. Cheng!"

Ye Zhenzhen paused when she heard the word 'Mrs. Cheng'. The Mrs. Cheng that Han Jiangxue was talking about was Su Qian, right?

Could it be that Han Jiangxue also knows Su Qian?

Afterwards, she heard Han Jiangxue continue to say, "That's right, I happened to be at your resort today, so I wanted to see if I could ask Mrs. Cheng to meet."

Han Jiangxue really wants the assistant to tell Su Xi that they can arrange a good suite for her, but it's better to be polite, to meet first, and after the meeting, the other party will naturally arrange for her.

【Fuck, what the **** does this mean? Han Jiangxue What does this mean? 】

【According to what she means, is she going to ask his wife to meet in the program group? What is this for? 】

【The program group doesn't care about this? It's not that the mobile phone was confiscated, why did someone call again? 】

【I just heard Han Jiangxue say that she is in this wife's resort, no way, Han Jiangxue probably knows the owner of this resort, right? 】

【It might be possible, after all, Han Jiangxue married the Shen family. 】

When the netizens in the live broadcast room were guessing what was going on, they saw Han Jiangxue smiling happily, "Okay, I'm in the hotel lobby now, then I'll wait for your people to come here!"

Hanging up the phone, Han Jiangxue went over to Anxi and smiled, "Anxi, don't go through the process for now, my friend will come over and arrange the best room for us to stay in later, it doesn't cost money."

Anxi blinked and asked, "Xiaoxue, does this resort belong to your friend?"

Han Jiangxue nodded, her face full of smug pride, "Yes, this resort belongs to my friend, what a coincidence!"

Seeing this, Xiaowen, who was standing at the side, also came over and exclaimed, "My God, Miss Xiaoxue, this resort actually belongs to your friend, your friend is so cool, our travel itinerary this time is sponsored by your friend .”

Han Jiangxue glanced at the camera lens, the vanity in her heart was inflated to the extreme like an inflated balloon, "Hey, it's okay!"

After Xiao Wen finished speaking, he stepped aside, feeling even more contemptuous of Han Jiangxue in his heart.

The owner of this resort is the big sponsor who contacted their program group yesterday. What he said directly at the time was that it was all because of Ye Zhenzhen's face that they provided this venue for their program group. When will it be her turn? Han Jiangxue Big money here.

Xiao Wen only felt that Han Jiangxue had a lot of dramas in his heart, and this was another self-written and self-directed scene. Maybe it was his family who contacted just now, and they will come over later and give her money to stay in the hotel.

If she, Han Jiangxue, really knew the boss here, why didn't they mention her name, Han Jiangxue, when they called them yesterday?

Seeing Han Jiangxue like this, Xu Wanjia and Lin Qianqian ignored her and continued to go through the formalities.

Not to mention Ye Zhenzhen, she was the first to finish it, and now I'm waiting for Xu Wanjia and Lin Qianqian to go upstairs together.

At this time, Ye Zhenzhen was still a little confused, and at the same time, she also wanted to see if the Mrs. Cheng whom Han Jiangxue called was the Mrs. Cheng Su Qian she knew.

If Han Jiangxue and Su Xi really know each other, she also wants to know if the relationship between the two is very good...

Babes are asking for votes~

(end of this chapter)