Chapter 277 Are you familiar with her?

Originally, it was fine if An Xi didn't shout, but if Xu Wanjia slipped backwards, she might just brush past Han Jiangxue.

Frightened by her sudden yell, Xu Wanjia quickly stood up and wanted to use her ski poles to support herself to stop, but the speed of the downhill was not so easy to control. He took off his helmet, and sat down on Han Jiangxue's head with Xu Wanjia.

Rolling again, the skateboard on Xu Wanjia's feet shoveled Han Jiangxue again, and Han Jiangxue cried out in pain, "Ah—!"

An Xi, who was following behind, couldn't stop for a moment. She exclaimed and fell on Han Jiangxue and Xu Wanjia.


Another scream!

【Poof! Han Jiangxue is miserable! Hahahahaha! 】

【Hahahaha, sure enough, watching other people skiing is happier than watching yourself skiing! 】

【It’s not the point who bumps into who, who overwhelms who, the point is that the comment area is very happy, hahahaha! 】

【In fact, skiing is still a very good sport, but if you don’t know how to play, it’s a bit useless】

【Originally, when I saw Xu Wanjia sitting on Han Jiangxue’s helmet, I thought it was funny and at the same time felt a little sympathetic to Han Jiangxue. When I saw An Xi rushing over again, I really laughed unkindly, hahaha! 】

The skiing competition for the mothers is over, the result is naturally Ye Zhenzhen is the first.

Han Jiangxue originally wanted to pretend that her injury was serious, but now she doesn't have to pretend that she is really serious now. She doesn't even have to watch the children's skiing competition, and just sits and rests at the end of the mountain.

After all, after I fell first, I was hurt by Xu Wanjia and An Xi one after another. Everyone can see it, but she was still somewhat depressed. She thought of throwing the blame on Ye Zhenzhen, but she didn't. Cheng Xiang also had Xu Wanjia and An Xi behind him.

Xu Wanjia and Anxi apologized to her after they got up from the ground, and walked down the mountain with her skis in their arms. She can’t be angry in front of the camera anymore, she can only cry out the pain and follow her to the rest area at the finish line to sit down up.

Next, the little guys started to compete. Everyone went to the primary ski track, and only Han Jiangxue and the two program staff were left in the rest area, and there were no cameras.

Han Jiangxue looked around, there was almost no one there, only someone sitting in front of her, probably a tourist, was looking down at her mobile phone at this moment, she didn't care, she borrowed a mobile phone from the staff next to her, and dialed Shen Zhaonan's mobile number .

The person sitting in front of Han Jiangxue was Su Qian, who was sitting two tables away from Han Jiangxue, and she could hear Han Jiangxue's phone call clearly;

"Honey, have you been to Jincheng yet?"

On the other end of the phone, Shen Zhaonan was sitting in the car, heading to Wandai Mountain Resort, "Here we are, we will arrive at the resort soon, you haven't recorded the show yet?"

Hearing that Shen Zhaonan was coming here, Han Jiangxue immediately looked aggrieved, "I'm recording a program, we had a skiing competition just now, I was going to be the first, but I almost missed it, but Ye Zhenzhen jumped behind me When I came over, I bumped into me, and I fell down, and then the people who slid over behind me also fell on me, and I fell so painfully!"

"It's nothing serious, right? Ye Zhenzhen often bullies you like this?" Shen Zhaonan remembered that during the last phone call, Han Jiangxue said that Ye Zhenzhen had been bullying her.

"It just hurt a little bit from the fall, but it's not a big deal. Are you asking this because you think I'm going to lie to you? You don't know about people like Ye Zhenzhen, who used to fight against me behind the scenes, bullying me. I!"

When saying this, Han Jiangxue raised her voice deliberately, for fear that the two staff members next to her and the person sitting in front would not be able to hear her.

The two staff members next to each other looked at each other as if they didn't hear.

"Of course I don't think you're lying to me, I just care about you." Even though he said that, Shen Zhaonan believed that he couldn't do anything with Ye Zhenzhen.

He has the capital of arrogance, but he is only blamed for his incompetence, which made his woman wronged.

Han Jiangxue nodded, "Thank you husband for your concern."

After saying this, Han Jiangxue thought of the main purpose of Shen Zhaonan's coming here, so she whispered, "A'nan, you just arrived in Jincheng today, take a rest at the resort in the afternoon, and I will accompany you to see Mrs. Cheng at noon tomorrow, and wait for cooperation It's settled, let's take Yibo to play in Jincheng for two days before going back, okay?"

Susie, who was sitting in front, heard Han Jiangxue talk about cooperation again, stood up from her seat, turned around and walked towards Han Jiangxue.

Shen Zhaonan on the other end of the phone comforted Han Jiangxue with a few words, and then hung up the phone. He will be there soon, and we will talk about it when we meet.

Han Jiangxue returned the mobile phone to the staff contentedly. When she saw the tourist sitting in front of her approaching, she couldn't help but secretly rejoiced. That person must have heard what she said.

The hat and sunglasses on Susie's head were not taken off, and Han Jiangxue could only see half of her face. Han Jiangxue vaguely felt that this half of her face was familiar, as if it was someone she knew, but she couldn't think of it. up who.

"You just said that Ye Zhenzhen often fights against you behind the scenes and bullies you?" Susie's tone was very flat, without any ups and downs in her voice.

Han Jiangxue nodded, "Yeah, what you see is not real Ye Zhenzhen at all, I'm only saying that now that there are no cameras."

Susie's eyes turned cold under the sunglasses, and the corners of her lips sank, "I heard you just said that you want to discuss cooperation with Mrs. Cheng. Is it Mrs. Cheng, the owner of this resort? Your husband wants to discuss cooperation with her?"

Shen Zhaonan arrived in Jincheng last night. It seems that Han Jiangxue knows nothing about it. As for asking her to discuss cooperation, why hasn't she heard of it?

Tch! Neither of these couples is telling the truth.

Han Jiangxue looked at Su Qian with vigilance, who is this woman, she doesn't sound like her fan, nor Ye Zhen Zhen's fan.

He came here specifically to inquire about Mrs. Cheng. Could it be that he also wanted to cooperate with Mrs. Cheng? Moved with the same thoughts as her?

"Why are you asking this, you also know Mrs. Cheng?"

Susie shook her head, "I don't know, I want to know."

Han Jiangxue took off the goggles and smiled sarcastically, "Don't even think about it, Mrs. Cheng won't see you."

Since she is not a fan, but a business partner, she naturally doesn't need to be polite to others. Her goal now is to help Shen Zhaonan meet Mrs. Cheng smoothly and complete the cooperation.

Susie sneered, "Oh, really?"


After saying that, Han Jiangxue turned her head and glanced at the junior ski slope. Several little guys had already slid down. She got up from the chair, and said unceremoniously to Susie, "Excuse me!"

(end of this chapter)