Chapter 289 Strong sour taste~

Song Yuchen moved closer to Ye Zhenzhen, the little milk voice was very concerned, "Mom, are you okay?"

Just now when he saw his father bumping towards Ye Zhen Zhen, he broke away from Cheng Zheng's words, he was very worried about Ye Zhen Zhen.

Ye Zhenzhen took off the goggles, smiled gently, "Mom is fine, did Xiaochen have fun this afternoon?"

Song Yuchen nodded, and then looked at his father standing behind him. He seemed to have reacted suddenly, and shook his head, "Not too happy!"

Cheng Jiaming, who was still in Susie's arms, was full of innocence and innocence, "Why are you unhappy? Is it because you can't compare with me? It's okay, Xiaochen, you come here to play more in the future, and it will be fine when you get good at skiing." !"

Song Yuchen pouted, "It's not because of you."

"Why is that?" Cheng Jiaming was puzzled.

Song Yuchen curled his lips, rolled his bright black eyes under the drooping long eyelashes, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Because Dad has been pestering Ye Zhenzhen, he has no chance to play with Ye Zhenzhen, and just now when he wanted to ask Ye Zhenzhen to play with Dad, Dad told him not to disturb.

Said they were practicing skiing.

snort! I went to play with Cheng Jiaming just now, and I didn't have time to remember it, but now I remembered it all, and the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became.

It's all because of Dad, who would take over Ye Zhenzhen as soon as Dad came back, and if he didn't play with him, he would never want to go skiing with Dad again!

Ye Zhen Zhen smiled lightly, "What's the reason for that? Tell mom, okay?"

"Eh..." The little guy raised his eyes, a pair of clear eyes like a little white rabbit, innocent and aggrieved but also agile.

Watching Cheng Jiaming acting like a baby with his mother just now, he also wanted to...

I want Ye Zhen Zhen to hug him.

Ye Zhen Zhen seemed to hear Xiao Chen's inner appeal, and hugged the little guy up, "Then mother, how about hugging you, will it make you happier?"

meeting! It would be even happier if I could kiss my mother!

After the little guy had this idea, he raised his two short hands, put his arms around Ye Zhenzhen's swan neck and moved up to her face, "Hee hee, I'm happy now!"

Hey, I just want to post with Ye Zhenzhen.

Ye Zhenzhen was so cute by Song Yuchen's cute little milk voice, and in turn kissed his tender little face, "Just be happy, mom is very happy when she sees you."

I really like this little guy, so soft and cute!

Cheng Jiaming saw Song Yuchen kissing his mother, and he quickly kissed his own mother, "Mom, I like to kiss you too!"

Susie pinched her son's little face and smiled dotingly, "You~"

Besides, two tall men, Cheng Zheng and Song Jinze, looked at their sons with gloomy eyes, their handsome faces were so dark that they almost dripped water...

For a while, there seemed to be a strong sour smell in the surrounding cold air~

Song Jinze stepped forward and took Song Yuchen from Ye Zhenzhen's hand forcefully into his arms, Song Yuchen looked confused, "Dad?"

"Song Yuchen, Mom is very tired from teaching Dad to ski just now, so stop pestering her."

The little guy was taken aback by what his father said, and nodded his head, "Dad is right, mom is working hard."

It's all because Dad is so good!

Ye Zhen Zhen: …

What's the matter with this sudden thoughtfulness, and I'm not used to it.

Cheng Zheng also followed Song Jinze's example when he approached his wife and was about to hug Cheng Jiaming away. Cheng Jiaming seemed to have expected it, and hugged his mother tightly, "Dad, I don't want you to hug me. You didn't hug me before, but now you want to hug me, there's no way." ,snort!"

"Your mother was tired from skiing with Dad just now, let Dad hug you, don't make Mom tired, okay?"

The same tone, the same meaning, indeed completely different results;

"Aren't you a good skier? My mother didn't teach you. You want to trick me into getting out of my mother's arms, so I don't want to be fooled by you!"

These words are summed up by the child Cheng Jiaming based on his past experience, and they are not full of nonsense.

Cheng Zheng frowned, "Boy, when did Dad ever lie to you?"

"I don't want you to hug me! I want my mother to hug me."

Susie generally does not interfere with this special interaction between her husband and son.

Ye Zhen Zhen looked at the interaction between the father and son, couldn't help laughing, but finally pursed her lips and restrained herself.

Song Jinze hugged Xiaochen and said to everyone, "Let's go back."

"Good!" Ye Zhen Zhen and Su Qian said at the same time.

Before leaving, Song Jinze glanced at Cheng Zheng meaningfully, "President Cheng, I really envy you, you don't have to hug your son."

Cheng Zheng: …

I'm so mad, I'm so mad!

Dinner is still arranged by Susie in the park. What I eat at night is not hot pot, but the regional specialties of Jincheng.

It was quite late for dinner, because I had to wait for Ye Zhenzhen and Song Yuchen.

After Ye Zhen Zhen returned to the hotel from the ski resort, she took Xiao Chen to the hotel restaurant to meet everyone, took a video of having dinner, and then came to Su Xi and the others.

It was almost 9 o'clock after dinner. Song Yuchen and Cheng Jiaming lost interest after playing in the private room. The two who were still smiling suddenly became listless.

Because I had so much fun during the day, and I didn’t take a nap in the afternoon, I’m already sleepy.

Ye Zhen Zhen gently squeezed Xiao Chen's face, "Are you sleepy?"

The little guy drooped his head and nodded, "I want to sleep~"

"Then mother will carry you back to rest, okay?"

When she brought Xiaochen to the restaurant for dinner just now, she packed her luggage from the hotel, and then asked Secretary Zhang to help move to the hot spring villa rewarded by the program group.

Song Jinze immediately got up and hugged Xiaochen, "Come on, daddy."


Song Yuchen was really sleepy, and fell asleep within a short while in his father's arms.

Cheng Jiaming could still hold on, but he didn't let his parents hug him, so he held Susie's hand with two small hands and acted like a baby, "Mama, can I sleep with Xiaochen tonight?"

Cheng Zheng, who was standing by the side, couldn't listen any longer. He had endured it at the ski resort just now, but now he couldn't bear it anymore. "Cheng Jiaming, you're a boy, can you speak normally?"

It's getting worse and worse.

Cheng Jiaming shook his head, "Ma Ma said, I am a boy and a baby, I can act like a baby to Ma Ma, right Ma Ma~"

This is his trump card. Every time he acts like a baby with his mother, his mother will soften her heart and agree to his request.

Hehe~ Because my mother thinks he is well-behaved and cute!

But this time, Susie refused, "Cheng Jiaming, Xiaochen is asleep, you go back to sleep with mom tonight, and go to play with Xiaochen tomorrow morning, okay?"

Cheng Jiaming pouted, very unhappy, "No, last time I went to Jiangcheng, I slept with Xiaochen, and I want to sleep with him this time."

When I wake up tomorrow morning, I will be able to play with Xiaochen. It’s wonderful to think about it.

(end of this chapter)