Seeing Shao Qiqi's pretending to be pitiful, Jiang Lu burst out all the anger she was about to vent in Liu Rui's office. She raised her voice and said mockingly, "You didn't say anything? It seems that I have wronged you." ?"

Shao Qiqi's heart sank, her face was still bewildered and innocent, "No, Sister Lulu, I didn't say you wronged me...I..."

She was about to shed anxious tears.

Jiang Lu's eyes were full of disdain, and she sneered coldly, "As for your incompetent acting skills, you should stop showing them off to me. I will warn you one last time and keep your mouth shut. Do you want to do this job? , you can get out at any time."

After throwing down these words, Jiang Lu walked away.

Only Shao Qiqi was left blankly, she was Jiang Lu's assistant these days, she felt that Jiang Lu was quite easy to talk to, didn't she just help her talk about Ye Zhenzhen, she couldn't figure it out, Jiang Lu Why did it start a fire for no reason...

After Ye Zhenzhen and Song Jinze finished eating at the restaurant, they asked the driver to drive him back to the company.

On the way, Song Jinze suddenly said, "Zhenzhen!"

"Huh?" Ye Zhen Zhen turned her head, her gaze shifted from the window to the man's handsome face, her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, at this moment the man's deep black eyes became more tender and charming, attracting her After meeting his gaze, he couldn't bear to look away.

At this time, in the cramped carriage, a man and a woman looked at each other, and they could hear each other's heartbeat quietly. I don't know if the heater in the car was turned on too much or was affected by the warm sun at noon. The woman's fair and delicate face Gradually dyed blush on the upper part, spreading to the tip of the ear...

The driver in front slammed on the brakes and turned quickly, Ye Zhenzhen couldn't sit still, she leaned forward and forgot to lean over...

The man next to him bent his long arms and held him firmly in his arms.

In an instant, Ye Zhen Zhen only felt a clear and faint cold fragrance mixed with the warm air blowing towards her face, it smelled very good.

The driver explained, "Sir, madam, I'm sorry, there was a car overtaking from the side on the right turn just now."

Fortunately, he turned the steering wheel fast, otherwise he would have hit someone else's car.

Song Jinze's black eyes flickered, and he said calmly, "Well, drive steadily."

"Yes, sir."

Ye Zhen Zhen, who was hugged by the man, pressed her small face against the man's chest, she could hear the man's even and powerful heartbeat, thumping, she immediately sat up straight and asked, "You... want to tell me What?"

She thought that he should be talking to her about what she hadn't finished talking about in the restaurant just now.

Song Jinze completely saw the woman's reaction at this moment, he bent his lips, moved closer to the woman, and whispered in her ear, "I... have no ex-wife or ex-girlfriend, you are my only one The wife is the only mother after Xiaochen..."

Ye Zhen Zhen was startled, "You..."

No, why did he tell her this?

Boss Ba suddenly said to her, no ex-wife, no ex-girlfriend, is it to tell her not to think too much?

Driver: "Sir, we are here."

"Okay!" Song Jinze couldn't help but reached out and caressed the woman's tender face, "Zhenzhen, don't be dazed, I'm going to work."

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded dully, "Okay!"

She still had the remaining warmth from the man's palm on her cheek, and her already restless heart felt like a fire...

No, why is this man absolutely thinking about her?

Could it be that he likes her?

Thinking of this, Ye Zhen Zhen didn't feel the repulsion or burden that she had just before, she still had a faint feeling that she was hallucinating.

Yes, it must be an illusion.

In addition to his good looks, this man is also very outstanding in character. This is what she has learned recently. At least he is very gentlemanly and considerate to her married wife, which is really nothing to say.

As for what she likes, she thinks, it shouldn't be so fast...

After Song Jinze got out of the car and left, the driver asked Ye Zhenzhen, "Madam, are you going home now?"

Ye Zhen Zhen came back to her senses and replied, "If you don't go home, go to YG."

"Yes, ma'am."

Ye Zhen Zhen looked at these invitation letters, and realized that she hadn't replied to Liu Rui's message, so she took out her mobile phone and sent Liu Rui a WeChat message;

【Huahua, I got the invitation letter, I will come to the company now. 】

Liu Rui also responded in seconds;

【Great, my sister Zhenzhen, I love you! 】

By the way, there is also a dynamic expression of a cartoon red panda blowing a kiss.

Ye Zhen Zhen's lips curled up into a slight smile, and she also returned a wink dynamic expression.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Rui sent another WeChat message;

【Zhenzhen, your Weibo has not been open for a long time, so you can post a daily post when you have time to interact with your fans, and when you come to the company later, I will pick up a roll call for you by the way. 】

Ye Zhen Zhen: [OK. 】

After quitting WeChat, she clicked on Weibo, looked at her homepage, and found that she hadn’t posted anything daily in the recent period. Except for the live broadcast, the forwarded lottery information and statement, there was almost no comment.

In the past, the original owner liked to post daily on Weibo, probably because she was not too busy. When she posted daily, Han Jiangxue would follow her. All kinds of trivial matters between the two of them would be talked about by netizens after dinner. It's nothing more than the original owner's sensationalism, likes to compete with Han Jiangxue and so on...

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the original owner's character is a bit extreme, and Han Jiangxue also understands the original owner's character, so he can stimulate the original owner everywhere.

This kind of thing is like a snowball, rolling and rolling, until finally, the original owner played himself to death...

Thinking of this, Ye Zhenzhen flipped through Weibo, and the trending searches about Han Jiangxue she saw two days ago were basically removed, and now there are only a few netizens left on Han Jiangxue Weibo or "How to accompany my mother" and " Ren Pingsheng" discusses Han Jiangxue's recent situation under the official Weibo;

【I heard that Han Jiangxue was replaced by the crew of "Ren Pingsheng", is there such a thing? 】

【What nonsense, our Xiaoxue’s name and photo are still on the crew’s official Weibo account, how could it be possible to change people? 】

【A few days ago, it was said on the hot search that Han Jiangxue was beaten by Shen Yibo's mother. Someone saw Han Jiangxue's appearance at Jiangcheng Airport. She was surrounded tightly. It should be true. 】

【I also heard that because Han Jiangxue didn't take good care of Shen Yibo, she always lied to her children. Her husband is going to divorce her. I feel that this is really retribution! 】

【Don't talk nonsense, okay? What is Xiaoxue doing? She didn't do anything outrageous, how did she get retribution, you people just don't like others, you are all black fans hired by Ye Zhen Zhen with money, right? 】

【I'm bah~ I don't care about Han Jiangxue's rotten fish and rotten shrimps. I hope this green tea will get out of the entertainment circle as soon as possible. It's annoying to see it! 】