Chapter 355 Screaming!

Dong Yan frowned, "Is it the child Han Jiangxue asked someone to tie up?"

When Dong Yan said this, others could clearly feel a kind of gnashing of hatred.

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded, "Well, I just looked for her, but she still refused to say where the child is."

"No way! Is it Han Jiangxue who **** Yibo and Xiaochen?" An Xi looked in disbelief.

Is Han Jiangxue out of his mind?

She knew that Han Jiangxue was not a very good person, but she didn't know that the other party was able to kidnap her stepson.

There is also the kidnapping of Xiaochen. Doesn't Han Jiangxue know that Xiaochen is Song Jinze's son?

Dong Yan's expression was terrifying, she wanted to rush in without saying a word, Ye Zhenzhen reached out to stop her, Dong Yan raised her eyebrows, "Mrs. Song, this is a private matter between me and that woman, you..."

Ye Zhenzhen narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and her cold voice was stern, "I will not interfere in your private affairs, don't slap your face, and in case she asks for a medical examination..."

After hearing that Xiaochen was **** by Han Jiangxue just now, she really wanted to beat Han Jiangxue up, but reason told her that she couldn't.

So, she smashed the opponent's head with her handbag, and still controlled her strength. Don't rush this moment. When Xiaochen comes back, she has the opportunity and means to mess with Han Jiangxue...

Dong Yan's eyes flashed with astonishment, the corners of her lips moved slightly, she nodded silently, then pushed the door in, and directly locked the door with her backhand.


At this moment, she saw a completely different feeling on Ye Zhen Zhen's face...

This feeling is like a cat that looks unusually docile suddenly broke into your work place. You get along very well, and at the same time, you feel that it is easy to get along with and easy to handle.

Then someone around you is encouraging you, why not tease this cat, or when you take the cat as your own, it suddenly shows sharp minions to you with a smile on its face, and shows up with its owner.

And its owner happens to be your immediate boss. At this time, your selfish desires have sprouted and are still growing wildly in your heart...

Next, you are faced with an extremely authoritative boss and a cat that suddenly shows its sharp claws. You hesitate in your heart, but your selfish desires have spread to every corner of your heart. You want to give up but feel unwilling...

Anxi's mood is like this now!

She pretended to casually glance over Ye Zhen Zhen's calm and calm face, and pursed her lips. She actually wanted to say something, but she didn't really want to say it.

forget it.

Let's wait and see how Ye Zhenzhen handles Han Jiangxue, it's not too late for her to make a choice, the information Wu Yuerou has, and Ye Zhenzhen, she can't make a decision so quickly.


At this time, Han Jiangxue's screams came from the hall.

Cheng Shaoqing frowned when he heard that, it is really hard for a woman to beat a woman. At the same time, he was more sure of his preference in his heart. He still likes women who are well-behaved, gentle and obedient.

Ye Zhenzhen's eyebrows stretched, she had beaten Han Jiangxue inside just now, although she didn't completely relieve her hatred, but now hearing that Han Jiangxue was beaten by Dong Yan again, she only felt very happy in her heart.

Han Jiangxue just yelled and scolded probably because she didn't know Dong Yan was outside. Looking at the trending search a few days ago, it seems that Han Jiangxue was also beaten by Dong Yan.

She didn't need to think about the specific reason. Xiao Yibo exposed Han Jiangxue's usual attitude towards him during the live broadcast. Dong Yan, as a biological mother, would always find Han Jiangxue to settle accounts when she saw such a situation.

And tonight, Han Jiangxue even dared to touch her stepson. How could Dong Yan, who is a real mother, bear it?

(end of this chapter)