Halfway up the mountain, Song Jinze stopped, turned to look at the woman behind him, "Can you keep up?"

As he spoke, he took out a black frosted thermos from his backpack, opened the cap and handed it to her, "Drink some water first."

After Ye Zhen Zhen took the thermos, the man took out a handkerchief as if by magic, and then raised his hand to wipe the thin layer of sweat on her forehead.

After the man's series of operations, Ye Zhen Zhen's mind became even more confused.

After she finished drinking the water, she couldn't help asking, "Mr. Song is so good at taking care of others, did he bring other girls...other people here before?"

"Ahem~" In the middle of speaking, Ye Zhen Zhen choked herself and coughed several times in succession.

She didn't want to speak so bluntly. Just now, her mouth seemed to be out of order, and she just blurted out the word'woman'.

The main reason is that the man's coherent movements, handing water and wiping sweat, are too proficient.

She couldn't help but wonder...

As for why she couldn't help it, she was in a daze, and didn't seem to figure out why.

Song Jinze came forward and patted her on the back lightly, his thin lips curled into a shallow arc, "The only people here are me and Secretary Zhang, there is no one else, let alone a woman."

"Really?" Ye Zhen Zhen took his words naturally.

There are not many doubts in these words, and there is a slight sense of joy in the tone.

Song Jinze's long and deep eyes fixed on the woman, with a clear soft light floating in the bottom of the eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth gradually spread, "Really, there is only you."

From now to the future, only her.

At this moment, the man's deep and pleasant voice was mixed with the cold wind in the mountains, gently drifting from Ye Zhen Zhen's ears into her heart, these words sounded very ordinary, but she felt warm inside.

Even the cold wind in the mountains has become warm and harmonious.

Song Jinze glanced at the sky and said quietly, "We have to hurry up, the sun will go down soon."


Ye Zhen Zhen followed the man step by step, with him leading the way, she felt very at ease...

After reaching the top of the mountain, Song Jinze pointed to the sunset that was gradually setting in the distance, "Here we are!"

Actually, Ye Zhen Zhen can see without a man pointing.

On the high mountains in the distance, the sun is slowly setting. There are many high mountains on the side of Lantai Mountain. The mountain they climbed is not too high, and the location they are in is the best place to watch the sunset in this area. place.

There is just a tributary in the middle of the two high mountains in front of it, which separates the two peaks just right, and the middle of the mountain is just the perfect place for the sun to set.

The setting sun is like a drunken sunset in the sky. The sky is full of rays from the top of the mountain to the valley, as if all things are covered with a layer of golden colored yarn.

Ye Zhen Zhen couldn't help but exclaimed, "What a beautiful sunset!"

"Do you like it?" Song Jinze asked her, bending his lips.

Ye Zhen Zhen nodded, "Yes, I like it."

"Do you like the sunset or do you like me?"

"like it all!"

Ye Zhen Zhen:! !

No, what was she talking about just now?

What is this man asking?

Song Jinze smiled lightly and lowered his head, looking at the woman in front of him, "Ye Zhenzhen, do you like me?"

At this moment, Ye Zhen Zhen was still annoyed by the fact that she answered too quickly just now, when she faced the question posed by the man again, she had already calmed down a lot, maybe it was the cool wind from the top of the mountain that instantly cleared her feverish mind.

She asked back, "Song Jinze, do you like me?"

The two quarreled on the first day when they came here, and she didn't know him well, but after getting to know him gradually, she felt that the kindness he treated her was probably more because of the relationship between them, after all, he was very reserved. Tall and very gentlemanly.

When it comes to love, she is not an ignorant little girl. Even if she has never been in love, she has also acted in a movie. A man like Song Jinze can't treat women well because he likes you.

Even if it’s a script, when the male protagonist in the play is pursuing the female protagonist, he will always express his heart to the other party.

At least so far, she hasn't heard him say that he likes herself.

Now, she is just asking back on the basis of what the other party asked her. Even if the other party refuses or does not answer, she can learn from him and make the same response.

Song Jinze raised his hand to caress the woman's face, then leaned forward again, his long black eyes stared at the woman in front of him without blinking, "Ye Zhenzhen, I used to think that I only needed work for my life. You only got the certificate because of your grandfather, I don't want him to be angry, but in my mind, it doesn't matter whoever marries me."

After saying this, Song Jinze paused for a few seconds. He had been carefully observing the emotion on the woman's face. After seeing that there was nothing unusual, he continued;

"It's a fact that I've been busy with work in the past six months, and it's also a fact that I deliberately neglected you. As far as I'm concerned, I just need to fulfill the responsibilities of a husband. You said that you don't need me to help you in your work and career. Choose to respect you. In life, I think I can give you all your material and financial needs, and these are enough.

Until the last month, I suddenly discovered that I misunderstood you. I didn’t know you before, and I didn’t think about you, so I didn’t like you, and I was even a little bored.

Until recently, after I got to know you, I found out that I was wrong, I had a wrong perception, and I missed half a year of precious time. "

The low and very magnetic voice lingered in Ye Zhen Zhen's ears, her heart seemed to be attracted by this very magical voice, and began to thump uncontrollably.

This dog man took her to climb the mountain to watch the sunset, didn't he just want to confess to her?

"So, Song Jinze, after talking so much, do you want to tell me that you like me now?" Ye Zhen Zhen still couldn't help asking.

Now that this is all said and done, she thinks there is nothing inappropriate to ask.

Song Jinze took a deep breath and nodded, "Well... I like you."

This is the most relaxing moment of his day.

First, I heard from Xiaochen that the person she likes the most is her 'boyfriend', and when I was eating at noon, I saw that brat Dami and said that he was her brother.

He invited her to dinner because the other party helped her. All of this, he actually wanted to ask her clearly, who is the boyfriend she likes, and why she didn't ask him for help. He and her are legal couples, logically, He should be closer than anyone else to her.

She shouldn't refuse his help and go to someone else.

On the way here just now, he actually wanted to speak up several times, but in the end he held back. Asking these words will not only fail to solve the problem, but will also complicate the relationship between the two of them.

So, he decided to take it step by step...