Zheng Di screamed on the ground again in pain, "Brother Sheng...you...why did you hit me?"

He called for someone to deal with those stinky women, why did he come here suddenly.

After kicking, Brother Sheng turned around and was about to run away with the other gangsters. They were all here, and naturally they couldn't escape if they wanted to.

When the police arrived, the bodyguards had already subdued these gangsters.

The next step is to follow the procedures. The three girls belong to self-defense and follow the procedures. The police found that Zheng Di was abnormal, suspected him XD, and directly arrested him for inspection.

In addition, these gangsters have criminal records, and they all wore silver bracelets...

Ye Zhen Zhen watched all this with cold eyes the whole time, she silently looked at Xiao Wen, this girl looks very good, and her job is also very good, why did she fall into the hands of such scum?


She sighed deeply, picked up her phone and sent a WeChat message to Rice;

【Wen Yan was shot by a scumbag who helped delete the video. The scumbag's name is Zheng Di. In his phone, there may be backups elsewhere. See if you can find it. 】

When the police came to inquire just now, Xiao Wen didn't say this, so she didn't tell the police that this kind of thing is Xiao Wen's privacy after all.

Once the police find out and the video is viewed by other people, if one is not careful, it will be leaked and it will be Xiao Wen who suffers in the end.

Since this is the case, she thinks it is more reliable to find rice. She believes in rice's ability.

As for that scumbag, there must be a way to deal with him!

Rice: [Received, deal with it immediately. 】

This incident in the parking lot directly caused Ye Zhen Zhen to be late.

When she went into the private room, Xiao Wen followed her in, and Yu Lili followed the police to the police station.

When Liu Rui and Fei Dao saw Ye Zhenzhen coming, they quickly called her to come and sit down. In the private room, apart from director Qi Qin, two assistant directors and producers of their company, there were about ten people around the big round table. Come alone.

Today Ye Zhenzhen came here originally to impress the director, but unexpectedly she became the last one, and the atmosphere in the private room became extremely awkward at this moment.

Director Fei stood up and said to Ye Zhenzhen, "Zhenzhen, although you are late because you have something to do, you are late if you are late. Since you are a girl, you can replace wine with tea, so let's offer a toast to Director Qi first."

Ye Zhen Zhen looked in the direction Fei Dao pointed at, Qi Qin had a beard and serious eyes, when he wasn't smiling, his face looked serious.

Ye Zhenzhen hadn't taken the teacup from Director Fei when the producer Qi Feng said, "It's not sincere to be late, and you want to use tea instead of wine?

Why do artists with a little traffic in the circle now behave like this? "

Qi Feng is Qi Qin's younger brother. He has a good relationship with Ji Ziqian and has always taken good care of Qiu Wanshuang.

Because of Ye Zhenzhen and Qiu Wanshuang's incident on Weibo yesterday, he now looks at Ye Zhenzhen with needle-like eyes.

Liu Rui picked up her wine glass and said with a smile, "Producer Qi, what you said is serious. Whether it's tea or wine, they all represent sincerity. If you think Zhenzhen drinking tea is boring, then I'll do it for her." no?

As a manager, I made my artist late, it's my fault, how about I punish myself with three cups? "

Qi Feng raised his eyebrows, and cast a disdainful look at Liu Rui, "You drink? I don't think you should be the agent anymore, you can directly take over the scripts and act on behalf of your artist. I think your agent is also omnipotent Very good!"

Obviously, he didn't take Liu Rui seriously at all.

It’s just a manager of a small agency, and a female artist with so much traffic, it’s really nothing to Qi Feng.

To be honest, they would never have come to this dinner today if Director Fei hadn't invited them to treat them.

Dao Fei has a good character and a good personality. Both brothers Qi Qin and Qi Feng quite like him.

It didn't come to fruition, it was only after I came that I realized that Director Fei not only invited them to dinner, but also wanted to recommend female artists to them.

Qi Qin has been sitting there without moving, he has been staring at Ye Zhen Zhen's perfect and delicate face, just wanting to see what this little girl will do next.

Ye Zhen Zhen had a gentle and generous smile on her face, she picked up the wine glass on the table, poured herself a glass of wine, and said to everyone with a smile, "Everyone here is my senior, as a junior , It's my fault for being late today, and Director Fei is also out of concern for me, so I'm to blame for making you bother."

After saying that, Ye Zhen Zhen went down with a glass of wine.

When she was about to have the second cup, Director Qi suddenly said, "What delayed you just now?"

Xiao Wen was right behind Ye Zhen Zhen, she was about to go up to explain to Director Qi that there was a reason why sister Zhen Zhen was late, but Ye Zhen Zhen held her hand and held her down.

There are a lot of people here, what happened in the parking lot just now was just Xiao Wen's private matter, she didn't want to put the already injured Xiao Wen in an embarrassing situation because of herself.

This script can’t be accepted, and there is a next one. If the little girl’s dignity is damaged, it will take a long time to repair it.

I have always heard from Director Fei that Xiao Wen's love history has been bumpy. After so many years, almost no one in the circle knows about it except Director Fei. Therefore, she doesn't want Xiao Wen's affairs to be made public in front of everyone.

Ye Zhen Zhen laughed and said, "Just now there was a traffic accident on the road, the car was hit by someone, my assistant is now dealing with it, so, I took a taxi to come here, my mistake is my mistake."

After speaking, Ye Zhen Zhen drank the second glass of wine.

Liu Rui watched from the side feeling distressed, this is 53% liquor, Ye Zhenzhen doesn't know how to drink!

Before everyone came, she told Director Fei that she would try not to let Ye Zhen Zhen drink alcohol, but it turned out that she didn't say anything.

After the second cup goes down, the third cup will be much smoother.

When Liu Rui and Director Fei thought that Ye Zhenzhen would react, they found that the other party was like a normal person, facing other people's questions, she responded freely, and answered in a set way, which was absolutely impeccable.

During the whole meal, she didn't mention half a word of the script, but intentionally or unintentionally, she would talk about her own views on acting, and she also talked about all the films that Director Qi had made.

The compliments were all to the point. The assistant directors next to me couldn't help laughing at Ye Zhenzhen's humorous words. Even Qi Feng, who had been keeping a straight face, couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips. He asked Ye Zhenzhen, "You don't have any works before, if you really cooperate with us, will you feel pressured?

Our requirements are quite strict! "