Chapter 428 Apologize!

"Ji Yunyun, don't cry yet." Qiu Wanshuang put Ji Yunyun from her arms and let her face the crowd.

"Ji Yunyun, you did something wrong in this matter, don't cry yet, first apologize to Brother Ranran and Sister Yiyi, and after apologizing, if you want to cry, Mom won't interfere with you!"

Ji Yunyun was shocked by Qiu Wanshuang's stern tone, her crying stopped abruptly, she lowered her head, and choked up in a low voice, "I'm sorry..."

The feeling of saying sorry, as if she was the one who was bullied just now, full of grievances.

After hearing her daughter's apology, Qiu Wanshuang immediately held her in her arms. Her daughter cried so hard and apologized in front of so many people. After all, she still couldn't bear it.

"Okay, okay, since the little girl admitted her mistake, let's break up." Director Yang spoke from the side.

Xu Wanjia was a little dissatisfied with Ji Yunyun's apology. She felt that Qiu Wanshuang seemed to be educating the children, but in fact she was a bit gentle, but since her husband had already talked, she couldn't say anything more.

Furthermore, she didn't speak, because she didn't want to help others educate their children, and she didn't get well in the end.

In fact, Director Yang also felt that Qiu Wanshuang was making love with her, but he didn't want to argue with her, at most he would not let his daughter play with her daughter in the future.

Gu Liangjun also stood up, showing a magnanimous look, "Yes, the little girl apologized, let's go."

【What's the matter with Qiu Wanshuang, is this an apology? What she said earlier was so sweet, I thought what was she going to do, but this is it? 】

【The child apologized, what do you want from her? 】

【The upstairs can really say, yes, I apologized, but did she realize her mistake? 】

【Whether I realize my mistake or not is none of my business, never mind her, I have no feelings for this Ji Yunyun from now on. 】

【I vaguely feel that these people are a little doting on their children. It looks like the three views are upright, but in fact it is like that. 】

After everyone went back, Qiu Wanshuang sat outside holding Ji Yunyun for a long time, waiting for the little guy to stop crying before she took the child back into the tent.

She was thinking about what to say to the child, and after thinking about it, she has been talking about her daughter at noon and night today. If she still talks about it now, it will inevitably cause a psychological burden on the little guy, so think about it and forget it.

The netizens who were squatting in the live broadcast room were not happy to see that Qiu Wanshuang didn't say anything to Ji Yunyun;

【Looking at her sitting there with her child for a long time, I thought she was going to say something, so she didn’t say anything about her feelings? 】

【Children take the lead in isolating others, can't Qiu Wanshuang see it? 】

At this time, Anxi's agent played a role. She took the lead in guiding the speech in the live broadcast room, and posted several comments in a row;

【What is it for Qiu Wanshuang's daughter to isolate others? Qiu Wanshuang himself likes to isolate the actors in the same group! 】

【Think carefully about the actresses who work with Qiu Wanshuang every time, do they end up good? Not all were isolated by her. 】

【Let me tell you, Qiu Wanshuang is not a good person. 】

【Everyone, don’t make a fuss about it, why don’t you become a black adult because of children’s playfulness? 】

【It’s originally a matter of adult education, what’s wrong with dragging it from children to adults? Isn’t this normal? 】

Perhaps, Qiu Wanshuang never imagined in her dreams that she originally wanted to bring her child to the baby show to gain popularity and increase her popularity, but because of her daughter, she got hacked for no reason.

Sorry, dears, I’m a bit busy with the work at hand today, so that’s all for now.

After these two days, I’ll make up for it when I’m done.

(end of this chapter)