Ye Zhenzhen put away her phone and glanced at Fu Shinuan with an expression as if she was insane. Before she could speak, the other person started talking again.

“My necklace is missing. Only your assistant entered my dressing room just now. I suspect you stole it.”

Yu Lili immediately retorted after hearing this, "I came into your lounge to get a curling iron. When did I get your earrings?"

Ye Zhenzhen's lips curved into a sneer, "Oh, what evidence is there to prove that your necklace was stolen? In other words, is your necklace a rare treasure worth stealing?"

Yu Lili nodded, "Yes!"

Fu Shinuan clicked on the picture on his phone, and it looked like an ordinary jade pendant necklace, nothing special about it.

Let alone whether it looks good or not.

“It’s just this one. It’s not expensive, more than 3 million, but I wear it every time I film. I can’t act without it. My father gave it to me before he died.”

Ye Zhenzhen: "Since it is such an important thing, why don't you keep it with you? It's fine if you pretend to lose it, but if you really lose it, wouldn't you be unable to act in the future?"

“You mean I deliberately said the necklace was lost?”

Ye Zhenzhen sneered, "Who knows..."

After Director Yang heard the commotion here, he stopped what he was doing and came over to ask, "What happened? It's so noisy, Fu Shinuan, have you finished filming your scene?"

The progress of Group B today was slow and far from ideal.

Director Yang's tone when he said this was not very good. If it weren't for the fact that Fu Shinuan is an actor highly praised by Yum Media, he might have yelled and directly insulted people.

"No." Fu Shinuan's face changed immediately after he saw Director Yang coming over, and he cried sadly, "Director Yang, the necklace my father left for me is gone. I can't walk well today..."

For a time, everyone’s eyes were focused here.

Fu Shinuan's team made very slow progress today. Either they stumbled over their lines or they just felt wrong. There were more NG scenes today than Ye Zhenzhen's.

The two crew members communicated with each other. After most of the day, everyone had secretly discussed the situation on both sides. What's more, Ye Zhenzhen's performance today was so different from her previous performance that everyone Everyone was shocked.

Qin Lang suddenly squeezed in from the crowd and patted Fu Shinuan's shoulder, "Okay, Xiaonuan, don't cry. If Zhenzhen took your necklace, just ask her to return it to you. It's nothing." event."

●Everyone present: "?"

Ye Zhenzhen raised her eyes slightly, what does this have to do with Qin Lang?

Her cold phoenix eyes glanced at Fu Shinuan and Qin Lang, and it could be concluded that these two people were acting and deliberately looking for trouble.

I just want to see what other outrageous things these two people can say together.

Liu Rui and Qin Lang came one after another. There was an interview with Jiang Lu today. She just called Jiang Lu. After listening to Qin Lang's words, she said directly, "No, Teacher Qin, you know that you What are you talking about?"

What does it mean that Zhen Zhen just took the necklace and returned it? Doesn't this directly conclude that the necklace was taken by Zhen Zhen?

“Where’s the evidence? What evidence do you have that proves that the loss of your necklace is related to Zhen Zhen?”

Fu Shinuan pointed at Yu Lili, "She is the only one who has ever entered my dressing room. I used to wear that necklace and rarely looked bad when filming. Today, without the necklace, I had a smooth day. On the contrary, Ye Zhenzhen wore one all day long. Don’t you know what she was like filming in the past?”

Ye Zhenzhen was amused by Fu Shinuan's words.

"Did you hide when humans evolved? If your necklace is so amazing, why haven't you been blessed with a Best Actress Award after you've been in the industry for so many years?" Fu Shiwaran said anxiously, "You... Anyway, I My necklace is missing. Everyone knows that the necklace is very important to me. Only your assistant entered my dressing room today, and it couldn't be anyone else."

Qin Lang: "Xiao Nuan, Zhen Zhen, please stop arguing. Just go to the dressing room and look for it. Maybe it was left in that place in the room?"

"Okay, let's go to the room and have a look." Fu Shinuan glanced at Yu Lili, "Everyone is wearing a lot of clothes today, maybe they are hiding something?"

“Call the police!” Ye Zhenzhen said coldly.

Go to her dressing room to search, then take off her coat and let everyone search her body. Even if the loss of Fu Shinuan's necklace has nothing to do with Ye Zhenzhen and her assistant, she believes that tonight's hot search will definitely involve Ye Zhenzhen. Zhen and her assistant stole and other key words.

She really can't stand the poor acting skills of Fu Shinuan and Qin Lang.

Yu Lili nodded, "Yes, call the police."

As she said that, she picked up the phone and dialed.

Fu Shinuan rolled his eyes at Ye Zhenzhen with disdain, "It's best to call the police. I want to save some face for you and just bring it up yourself. How dare you call the police? Hmph!"

Qin Lang advised from the side like a peacemaker, "Zhen Zhen, if you really didn't take it, just let Xiao Nuan take a look. It would be bad to alert the police. On the first day of filming, let's turn a big problem into a trivial one." It's melted.

And if you find the necklace, Xiao Nuan can also act well..."

Ye Zhenzhen sneered, "What's your business here? What's your relationship with Fu Shinuan?"

Qin Lang's eyes dodge slightly. "I...we are not in the same crew..."

Liu Rui rolled her eyes at Qin Lang dissatisfied. Her voice rose slightly and she said, "Until the police arrive, please don't leave everyone present to avoid suspicion. Let's wait for the police to arrive."

A necklace worth 3 million yuan can definitely be investigated.

A staff member took the lead and said, "You are right. Calling the police is the best solution and waiting for the police to make a decision."

No one is a fool. Once the suspected party gives in and lets the other party search their body or room, they will inevitably be gossiped about in the future, especially to a very hot-tempered person like Ye Zhenzhen.

Of course, there were also whispers;

"Fu Shinuan's acting was not what it is today. Her performance was quite stable. Ye Zhenzhen has always been the NG queen on the set. How come she can be so smooth today?"

“Could it really be related to that necklace?”

“This is all superstition, do you really believe it?”

"Why don't you believe it? Otherwise, how can you explain why Ye Zhenzhen's acting skills have changed so much? It's not like we haven't seen those dramas she filmed before. Compared with today, they are like heaven and earth."

“It’s true to say so. Ye Zhenzhen’s acting skills are so solid today, is it really true..."

“Ah! Maybe it’s such a coincidence...”

The sound was relatively controllable in the front, but it became louder and louder in the back. Both Qin Lang and Director Yang, who were relatively close to them, heard it.

Director Yang shouted at the crowd, "Are you done with your work?"