When Ye Zhenzhen arrived at the gate of Media Asia Group, the young security guard saw her and immediately nodded with a smile and said hello and let her in.

Everyone knows now that Ye Zhenzhen is the wife of the president of their group.

Entering the lobby on the first floor, employees who were rushing to work saw her and also smiled and nodded at her respectfully.

Ye Zhenzhen walked to the front desk and said, "Morning, I want to go to Mr. Song's office, is that okay?"

The girl at the front desk, who was shocked by the CEO's wife's beauty early in the morning, nodded nervously. Can you still say that this is not allowed?

You are the CEO’s wife!

With the help of the girl at the front desk, Ye Zhenzhen swiped her card to open the employee entrance and entered the elevator that went directly to the top floor.

The girl at the front desk contacted the President's Office in advance. Fortunately, the President's Office had an assistant who arrived early, so when Ye Zhenzhen reached the top floor, an assistant greeted her when she got out of the elevator and led her into the President's office.

When he saw Ye Zhenzhen, the assistant was excited.

The president has been in a bad mood for the past two days, which has made everyone on their level very nervous. There will be an important meeting to be held at nine o'clock. If the arrival of the president's wife can make the president feel better, doesn't it mean that he is giving a favor to others? They are hard-working workers seeking welfare.

After thinking about this relationship, the assistant's attitude became more flattering on the basis of sincerity and respect, "Madam, have you had breakfast?"

"I have already eaten."

“Would you like coffee or milk?”

Ye Zhenzhen smiled slightly and said, "Please pour me a glass of warm water, thank you."

"You're welcome."

After placing the water cup on the coffee table, the assistant continued to smile and said, "Madam, did Minister Zhang call you? He said that the president has been in a bad mood these past two days..."

Ye Zhenzhen raised her eyes and looked at the girl in front of her with a slightly confused look. She had a water-pink professional suit and short hair that was close to her ears. She was neat and capable, and her voice was soft and nice.

It’s those clear eyes that look sincere but also have a bit of gossip.

She followed the assistant's words and said, "Yeah."

It can’t be said that she came to their president early in the morning to explain.

“Madam, you are so kind. I would like to thank you on behalf of everyone in our CEO’s office!”

Recently, word has spread among people in this building, and the only one who can appease the president's anger is the president's wife.

Ye Zhenzhen took advantage of the situation and asked, "Is your president very angry in the past two days?"

The assistant nodded heavily, "Madam, look at the sky outside the window. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and the clouds are white, but..."

No, no, you can’t say it so directly in front of your wife.

“And here we have rolling dark clouds, foggy haze, and a sense of oppression that a storm is about to come…”

It’s very suffocating!

Ye Zhenzhen picked up the cup and took a sip of water, "Is it a work problem?"

The assistant nodded and shook his head, "Maybe, I think it has something to do with the president's mood."

The words have been said so clearly, the CEO’s wife should understand.

With the president's strength, difficulties at work will not make them so uncomfortable. Even in the past two days, anyone who has seen the president knows that Mr. Song is in a bad mood.

“Madam, please sit down for a while. If you need anything, call me. My surname is Chen, Assistant Chen.”

Ye Zhenzhen curled her lips, "Okay."

Hazy and hazy?

According to this description, it seems that this man's temper has calmed down a lot after returning home.

Assistant Chen returned to his work station and called Secretary Zhang.

“Minister Zhang, the president’s wife has arrived at the president’s office.”

Secretary Zhang was changing his shoes at the door of his house and getting ready to go out. When he heard the assistant’s words, he was slightly surprised, “Is the president here?”

"not yet."

"Okay, I get it." Secretary Zhang went out and dialed the phone number for his president.

At this time, Song Jinze's car was parked outside the Dorsett Hotel. After learning that Ye Zhenzhen checked into the hotel last night, he sent her a WeChat message, but did not receive a reply. He thought that she should have rested, so he did not continue to contact her. .

Having not slept much all night, he got up early and when he rushed to the hotel, he was told that Ye Zhenzhen had already left for the set.

When the caller ID on his mobile phone was Secretary Zhang, the man's face showed a slight disappointment.

“President, my wife is in your office.”

Song Jinze’s knuckles holding the phone tightened and his dark eyes narrowed.

A maple leaf fell on the car window with the cold wind. He stretched out his hand to gently twist it, and moved his thin lips slightly, "Okay, I understand."

When Song Jinze rushed to his office, Ye Zhenzhen was sitting on the sofa, flipping through a financial magazine.

Seeing the man come in, she put down the magazine and stood up slowly, smiled at the man and said, "You are finally here!"

The words he spoke were filled with complaints, but his tone was brisk.

And her smile, just like the rising sun on this winter morning, warm and bright, quietly dissipating the aura of indifference surrounding the man.

Song Jinze stepped forward and took her hand, squeezing it gently as if to comfort her, and a slight curve appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Why did you get up so early?"

Ye Zhenzhen raised her head and stared at the man's handsome face, threw herself into his arms, hugged his waist and said, "I miss you!"


The look on the man's face was a bit astonished. It was rare for her to be so proactive.

The sweetness of last night was still fresh in his memory. At this time, he could no longer suppress his inner emotions. He raised his hand to pick up the woman in his arms and sat on the sofa.

"Me too."

Ye Zhenzhen was being held by the princess and sitting on his lap. She raised her hand to hold his handsome face and asked with a smile, "Then I want to ask, why is Mr. Song unhappy these past two days?"

The man's thin lips quivered, "I'm not unhappy."

“Then why have you ignored me these two days?”

“I didn’t ignore you.”

Ye Zhenzhen pouted, "Really? So Mr. Song plans to continue sleeping in separate beds with me in the future, or should we sleep separately even if we sleep together?"


Song Jinze frowned slightly.

He was handled perfectly.

Ye Zhenzhen moved in his arms and straddled his legs, putting her arms on his broad shoulders.

 She was wearing a haze blue lantern-sleeved knitted underwear today. The furry touch on both sleeves was teasing behind the man's ears, and the air in the room began to get hotter.

Song Jinze’s Adam’s apple rolled, “I have no such plan.”

Ye Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows playfully, "Okay, then tell me, why are you having trouble with me these past two days? Why are you sulking?"

The man sighed. He wasn't angry, he was worried.

It is always inappropriate to ask directly before this kind of thing is clarified and confirmed.

Seeing that the man was silent, Ye Zhenzhen suddenly asked in a serious tone, "Song Jinze, when did you start liking me?"

This question is so important that she will decide based on his answer whether to tell him what happened to her.

So, she added again, "Answer truthfully. Don't lie!" (End of Chapter)